User! Why don't you ever clear up your cups-- Oopsie!

>user! Why don't you ever clear up your cups-- Oopsie!

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Coffee is disgusting

You DON'T want to spill coffee on your laptop. Last time I did this I completely and irreparably fucked my HD, keyboard and the touchpad.

>Drinking coffee
>Using cups for your liquids

>spilled milk while watching se7en
>had to replace the laptop keyboard
>no gaming for a whole week
God damn was I angry with myself that week

>implying i drink coffee
Water and celery, baby.

I did this once with my piss bottles, had to deep clean my keyboard and everything.


good thing she didn't notice the piss jugs

you fat fuck

>using cups for your liquid

What the fuck else would you use? Do you drink out of boxes?

the mods have no consistency because they're new


cum on my face faggot

>That titty vein

>All that liquid
I was clearly still using that cup.

>using a cup
>not using a bottle for maximum efficiency

>My laptop is a T440p so i could care less about a spill over it
Fuck off mom, i will clean when i have time.

>drinking liquid from plastic
How's cancer?

Piss bottles.

>every bottle is made of plastic

Yeah bro I'm sure you pour your coffee in glass bottles.
There's a reason most bottles aren't made of glass, they fall way more easily than cups or glasses.

The fuck are you talking about?
The vast majority of coffee carafes are made out of glass. You will barely find metal or plastic ones, using a plastic especially would be completely fucking retarded both in terms of heat retention and actual health reasons.

>coffee in plastic bottles

Oh so you meant a thermo not a bottle.
Better not be retarded next time


Even assuming I am the guy you responded to and not just an unassuming third party that saw your sorry excuse of an argument and decided to butt in, no, I was only talking about carafes in my post. A carafe, if you weren't aware, is basically just a bottle with a wider mouth so you can easily fill it yourself and let the liquid in it breathe. It could not be further from a thermos.

That said, you aren't going to fill coffee into a bottle period, much less a plastic bottle, so I really have no fucking idea what you are even trying to argue for. You'd use a carafe or if you want to take it with you somewhere a proper thermos bottle, both of which are very regularly made out of glass.

fucking kekd, never gets old

Do you realize I'm actually talking about NOT putting coffee in bottles?
You either put it on a cup or a thermo, you don't drink from the carafe.
It all started here. Please keep track of the whole posting history before responding.

>spilled water on my laptop keyboard
>keyboard stops working
>buy a new desktop keyboard
>put it on top of laptop keyboard and tape it to the computer

works like a charm

>use laptop to play games while in the bathtub
>moisture in the air fucks the keyboard

where da videogames?

You wouldn't pour it into a plastic cup either. You either use cups, plastic ones exist but if you paid any attention to your health, or even just the coffee's taste, ideally you'd be using cardboard ones, a glass, made out of... get this... "glass", or a proper coffee cup/mug, which can be made out of a hell of a lot of materials from glass all the way to porcelain or even clay, but even the cheapest of the cheap are never made out of plastic.
People, countries, the industry, everyone but the chinks really, avoid plastic for the storage of hot beverages as much as possible. Softeners are already a problem for mineral water and soda if you store them long enough in even the most healthiest plastic bottles, but hot or warm beverages only serve to vastly exuberate the issue since they speed the process up by so much.

Up you're mom's arsehole jaja

>tfw out of coffee and drinking triple bag cups of tea instead
It's not the same.

Are you retarded I told you I agree.
Im AGAINST putting coffee in bottles, or anything plastic whatsoever.

fucking braindead retard

Stop spilling coffee on your laptop.

>having laptop
>drinking coffee

you only need one dumbass

Reminds me of this

toffee nut latte
