New Mario costumes have been leaked from a datamine.
I can't really pastebin this because of the way the page is laid out. Mozart costume from Mario Paint incoming, along with Link and all the broodals and more.
New Mario costumes have been leaked from a datamine.
I can't really pastebin this because of the way the page is laid out. Mozart costume from Mario Paint incoming, along with Link and all the broodals and more.
Other urls found in this thread:
Could it be?
Who cares when there's nothing left to do in the game?
balloon world is fun. FUUUUUUUUUUUN!
There's been more hint art found in the datamine too, so they're going to add more moons.
>Still no Egotaptor costume
you cant ban memes you dolt. I deleted it to save your blood pressure and for the record his mouth is open
Game the fuck on
>talk about a topic
>b-but muh seething!
have you ever considered that people don't get angry on anonymous boards? don't tell me you do, user, huhuhuh
it was a social experiment you fell right into my trap also sanic>mario laterrrrrr
I hope they create more worlds for SMO.
I read everywhere that people are convinced we're getting Isle Defino. I couldn't imagine it being more the Delfino Plaza.
>If you mention this meme on Sup Forums people freak the fuck out. It's kind of like pointing out someone is jewish, they panic because they've been found out.
>haha thanks this is good info to troll those nerds and get them over to /fit/
So..... this...... is...... the power........ of........... Sup Forums............ woah...
Yawn. I already know where they all are.
oh shit, here we go with the DEEPST LORE again.
>Link was removed
>free DLC
>No biker Wario or Ashley costume
Who's the midget next door working through all the plumbing
>Free is bad
I fell for the bait
>Hint art
>Not more platforming challenges
This is lame enough to be true.
I have to say I'm relieved that there is more shit coming down the road. The real dream is a free DLC kingdom though.
(That rumour about supposed new Hint Art thumbnails seems plausible, it would let them put in more moons without actually making a full new world.)
>The real dream is a free DLC kingdom though.
I think they would probably charge for something big like that.
>Satellaview hat & outfit
I hope that one looks nice.
I can't find a picture of what it would actually look like. You would think there was some art from way back then.
>Link Hat A hat from a far-off land. Link Suit This outfit from another land comes complete with back accessories (sadly nonremovable).
I know they're Nintendo properties but I really detest this cross contamination.
You'd better learn his name, it is braaaaaaaaaapsley
It was removed in the new patch, don't worry about it.
>8-bit Mario hat
>No suit
Man if it's just a hat and doesn't turn Mario into basically the 30th anniversary amiibo I'll be damned
Piss off. If there's anything Nintendo games sorely need as of lately is more self-awareness
All I can think of is this costume from the commercial but we already have an astronaut Mario. Are there any Satellaview games that feature Mario in different clothes possibly?
>more self-awareness
wub a lub a dub amirite?
More content, YAAAAY
That's more red than what we have and I don't think astronaut's helmet has the M. That's probably it.
This costume when?
No clue how I couldn't find these. I googled "Satellaview Mario" and just got screenshots.
I mean, Satellaview had him looking much livelier in promotional materials. Maybe a different look like 64 does, but it's probably the astronaut.
Is this the beginning of an epic new meme?
I'm going to dub this Niggerface.
Poe's law is eating my brain
>worst moons in the game
>add more of then
sounds about right to me, thanks nintendo
>more hint art
It wasn’t fun the first time around Nintendo.
I don't fucking want "real dlc" though
that's stuff they should include in the sequel
Why? There's literally no good reason. I could perhaps understand if there was a Hyrule Kingdom and it was a major story beat, but an extra costume? Reel in that autism, boy.
What about "real DLC" that expands upon those small kingdoms like Cloud & Ruin new locations in them?
Why are people taking this as a sign that they've cancelled the outfit altogether?
You don't have to use the costume, dude.
This. They were obviously meant to be more than they turned out to be.
>none of the new hint art shows a new kingdom
>implying that shit would be free
It'll be just Delfino Plaza, and that'll be $9.99 plus tip.
This. If they wouldn't give Peach's castle a single room outside of the front, we're not getting another area inside the plaza.
Is this a shitpost?
I can't tell
Where the fuck is this from? I've been looking for it for an hour.
No, we need more of this. Marthio when
>along with Link
The Link costume references were actually removed in the 1.2.0 update.
>Harriet Suit
>An outwardly lovely gown, the interior structure has rotted away and is holding on by a thread.
Oh...oh my...
it's Sup Forums
Where do you think they're gonna put the hint art, user?
I don't understand this line of thought.
Why does adding one or two new levels through DLC automatically mean that the next game is going to be creatively bankrupt? One could say the same thing about Smash.
>well uh they shouldn't do dlc fighters because they need to save shit for smash 5 ahuh
And yet they did DLC anyway, because they knew people would buy it. When you think about, Ryu and Cloud would of made great headling characters for the next Smash, as Pac-Man and Mega Man were for Smash 4 and Sonic and Snake were for Brawl, and yet they were made DLC. I just don't get this idea that doing some additional content for Odyssey means that there won't be enough new shit for its hypothetical sequel, especially since we're talking about such a creative team as the 3D Mario team.
Delfino was dead in the water when they revealed the Sunshine outfit.
You only find hint art for other kingdoms, not the kingdom you're in.
So if something has all this hint art, it would have to be a new kingdom.
generic asanagi doujin #2149158
it's almost as bad as when they forced link into fucking mario kart
nu-nintendo is fucking cancer
i can't even imagine what it's like being autistic enough to care about this
Darkest side of the moon incoming
I know it's asanagi, I've checked several doujins but couldn't find it. It's probably just a page. I don't care anymore.
>Link costume removed
I don't get it.
I would be shocked if there isn't real DLC eventually.
>imagine being this autistic
whether you like it or not, Mario is in Zelda games and Link is in Mario games , not out right stated, but many nods to each other in their games
Absolutely sickening.
This is such an obvious pick that it has to be DLC. You can actually see Delfino on the globe half assed erased.
To be honest I feel like it would be a waste at this point because we already have Seaside Kingdom as the tropical resort/beach level.
If we get new kingdoms as DLC I'd rather see themes not yet fully explored, like a haunted mansion/halloween themed level.
What would the outfit you get from the purple coins be? Oh, right, the shine shirt that's already in the game. It's not happening.
>bowser jr outfit
>shadow mario outfit
>peach can even wear whatever she wore on sunshine if she were to appear there
hahahahaha idiot
hahahaha delusional
not. it can either happen or not. it's up to the chingchongs. just stating what could actually happen instead of >nope nothing NOPE
>What would the outfit you get from the purple coins be? Oh, right, the shine shirt that's already in the game. It's not happening.
But I agree it's not happening.
>koizumi so based unlike that dinosaur miyamo-
They forgot a Mario.
>santa outfit
The white and red Fire Flower costume isn't in either
What's the problem with that?
>no characters outside the complete basics
>no story outside of a completely retarded made up motivation that never existed before this game
it's literally what miyamoto constantly gets shit for but because it's based koizumi it's fine.
Newfag spotted
Its basically a Sup Forums's running gag
The difference is that Jungle Beat is neither a main title, nor a story-driven game.
Santa needs to go on diet!
Do you guys think that there will be DLC with new worlds?
My friend who's on top of this shit and obsessed with Nintendo is CONVINCED there will be new worlds (1 - 3), where I am well, pretty convinced there will NEVER be new worlds, to which my friend scoffs at.
Why the fuck is he so confident there will be new worlds DLC? And why am I so sure there won't be? And why am I the one who has to be correct?
I like to wear the Sunshine shades with the skeleton costume.