Was this the nail in the coffin?

Was this the nail in the coffin?

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No, the game itself is fantastic. The nail in the coffin was being released blatantly unfinished, filled out with "free dlc" over the course of months (years if we're counting oddball, but they fucked that gametype up anyway), and not including to date several custom game options which have been standard for years.


No 4 was.

>the game itself is fantastic
is sure is fantastic still not being able to shoot while moving and having the MC being replaced by a random nigger

Boy. I would wanna make 200 million dollars in 24 hours of releasing something if that’s a bury.

Coffins don't have nails in them fucking retarded niggers parroting "cool" internet slang


Ayo, ay hol up.
So what you be saying is we
Were Spartans?

The series ended with Reach.

halo 5 has the best multiplayer out of any halo game

It's easily the bet multiplayer game of the gen.

Remember having to pay or grind for lootboxes to get armor back in Halo 3? Oh wait

4 was the game that cemented Halo as the new Sonic.

I remember having to grind for it in Reach.

No, Reach was.

>worst visual aesthetic
>worst maps
>gameplay irreversibly ruined by enhanced mobility
>lore destroying campaign
>terrible sandbox additions

I hate Reach as much as the last guy, but the one good thing it added were new weapons.

Plasma launcher, focus rifle and DMR are all ass.

The Focus Rifle was great, it was a Sentinel Beam that could deal headshot damage.
And this beauty.

>What is an idiom

You're absolutely retarded user.

That gun is pretty OK, i'll contend against the focus rifle or even sentinal beam, they are a bad idea.

4 wasn't a "bad" game, it just wasn't traditional halo. The series needed something fresh, and 4 just fucked it up. It would have been redeemable with 5, but by that point they'd just taken it too far in the other direction, rather than pull it back.

They're automatic weapons that actually have a reason to be picked up, and aren't nearly as handholdy as the AR.

>The series needed something fresh

You can shoot while moving. Try the left stick.

No, it lowers your weapon.

only acceptable answer.

>Was this the nail in the coffin?
For other playable characters in Halo FPS campaigns? Yes

Halo: Reach is non-canon and doesn't exist, fuck off.


This was the only weapon this piece of shit added that was good.

>What is history?

Brute Shot shitted on this.

With Halo 4 it had a decent campaign but they really should have looked at Reach's poor reception and went back to Halo CE-3's multiplayer instead of push forward with Reach's shit. Halo 5 finally fixed the mess that was multiplayer but got a shithead who couldn't write and favourite Halo games were ODST and Reach along with making Spartan Ops in Halo 4 to make the campaign. It was going to be shit before it was even released.

I'm interested to see what Halo 6 is going to be now that Master Chief is the main character of the FPS series again.

But the Concussion RIfle was a buffed Brute Shot.

It was a broken Brute Shot, Bungie didn't understand don't fix what's not broken but I forgot, most of the faggots that made Reach didn't make Halo CE-3 anyway.


It killed in one shot less. It was fine.

No couch co-op killed this game for me & my wife. We had played through the MMC in preparation of 5's release, I never even stopped to think that they'd remove co-op. Still makes no sense to me whatsoever. And yes, I'm still mad.

One shot makes a huge difference

Not a lorefag
1. shit breaks canon with Halo CE-3
2. Joe Staten worked with Eric Nylund and other book writers to make sure Halo books fit with the canon of the games
3. This was about the time Bungie shitty ass management began shitting on Joe Staten and Marty O'Donnell.

It still worked fine within the context of the game. It was a slow projectile you needed to land direct hits with in order to do max damage. Probably the only skillful weapon Bungie designed past Halo 1.

The weapon also fucked up your movements.

(Multiplayer rankings)

5 > 3 > 2 > 1 >>>>> Reach > 4

t. One of the top halo players in the world

It wasn't skillful at all, the Grenade Launcher was skillful which is why it was the only weapon anyone liked and why it was called the PRO PIPE. There is a reason it was the only weapon that returns from Reach in Halo 5 and will surely be in Halo 6 where the Master Chief can use it for the first time in the campaign.

>It wasn't skillful at all
It was, though.
>the Grenade Launcher was skillful
How is the Concussion any less skillful than the Grenade Launcher?

When you can easily use it to slow players to a halt making them a target yeah it takes less skills while with the GL you had to aim accurately to make your shots or set your traps.

No. Bungie selling halo was.

343 is one of the worst devs in the history of games

The GL would at the very least make someone no-shield, making a followup headshot easy.

Bungie started killing Halo before they left, go shill those faggots somewhere else, you're not Halo fan, you're a fucking Bungie shill. I can see why Halo fans don't get along with you guys. You're still in the mindset that Bungie is or was the same Bungie from the 90s but forget that Bungie left after 2008.

Its wuz not were you absolute fucking mongoloid.

I unironically agree with these rankings.

Master Chief!

Why can't Bungiefags come to the realization that Halo was the only good franchise Bungie made?

This, it showed 343 would mess things up.

Because I grew up with Halo and I thought it was pretty cool, and felt bad as an adult as I watched the series lose its original charm and therefore latched harder onto the idea that Bungie was the only reason a halo was ever good?

So basically,
>they're good because i played them as a child

sprint was

No it was 4.
And female staff.

So you were an underage this explains a lot, to me Microsoft were the only reason Bungie were good when it came to Halo since they helped out a lot, Bungie were already old and busted past Halo 3.

Bungie messed things up, 343 just didn't fix anything and decided to start listening when Microsoft got on them after Halo 5.

>And female staff.

You guys noticed how all AAA companies are getting a ton of females on their staff? Many times even put into the higher positions of power, as in to have big influence over how these games are developed?

This isn't good at all. This is awful actually. If it gets worst we are in deep shit.

It was Reach and bad management.

Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3

>Art of Halo 5

>Art of Halo

>Art Compilation from CE to 4


>Halo Books

It doesn't matter who's in charge if the studios is run by Jews (post-Halo 3 Bungie) then they're going to make a shit game.