Chrono Trigger

This game is perfect.

I challenge you to name a SINGLE legitimate flaw it has.

I fucking dare you.

It's port


Typical ass boring JRPG MC
Involved in the worst sequel ever (guilty by association nigga)
Typical ass JRPG is terms of gameplay

>being typical is a flaws


Emoji not supported

How about you point out an actual flaw? Like the menus being not great, or the game as a whole being far too easy? It's not hard, try to use your brain a little bit, okay kid?

Its a masterpiece but you're high if you think its perfect. Nothing is ever perfect

I've waited for this game imported on to Steam for 6 years

>game as a whole being far too easy

The difficulty is just hard enough to keep you on your toes and not recquire any grinding.

The box sees Marle use the wrong kind of magic

Too easy.
Frog and Marle are too weak.

>one of the greatest games ever made
>older than most Sup Forums users
>still cant even port it right

This industry is fucked

I agree it's good it doesn't require grinding, but CT definitely has difficulty problems. A lot of fights that should have been tense were pretty easy, specifically the queen dinosaur fight. That had great atmosphere and buildup, but I beat it on my first try not even really prepared. I'm bragging either, I'm a pretty mediocre JRPG player. Only hard fight was Masamune.

Frog is indeed weak but Haste can make Marle OP as fuck.

Marle is a pretty great though. Aura circle is broken for the first half of the game.

Gameplay is one of the most dumbed-down of any JRPG ever.

Toriyama "art"

Chrono Cross is better.

I think Lufia 1 is probably the most generic RPG I've ever played. You haven't seen generic until you've played that.

lol I'm genuinely curious why you think this.

>Chrono Trigger
>Typical JRPG gameplay

I was too young to play Chrono Trigger so I played Chrono Cross instead. I then retroactively tricked myself using nostalgia into thinking Cross is better because of this. Also it "wooks pwetty"

it's piss easy and maps get ridiculously small and empty for the second part of the game.

>No enemy variety
>Mechanically dry
>Piss easy
>Make a system with attacks having their own specific area ranges and shapes
>Can't reposition your characters so none of it matters in addition to the game being piss easy
>Toriyama's boring ass designs
>Generic plot consistent of a series of bait and switch and villains of the week episodes
>Basically no content outside of the main quest

It has good production values and is mediocre and undemanding enough on the gameplay side to attract casuals, that's it.
And what's worse, it has the worst fucking fanbase of any JRPGs, not even earthbound/Mother faggots are as annoying as you Triggerniggers.

the story is missing a third act and peters out with a bunch of irrelevant sidequests and then the boss fight

Well your not wrong, it does look pretty. The combat is impossible to get into though.

>game is perfect
>I challenge you to name a SINGLE legitimate flaw

flawless != perfect

the flaw is that it has no flaws.

This so much. People actually promote the art. I don't get their shitty taste

>missing a third act
lol no

>menu scrolling simulator in battles
>no reason not to do your most powerful attack all the time
>only cute girl in the game is actually a dude

>Mediocre characters aside from the frog
>boring and forgetable locations
>Way too short, like 10 hours long, which is like 1-2 game sessions.
>even if it has replay value, is mostly 1 new hour of actual content and the rest is repeating the same shit you've done already
>side quests are shit
>Graphically looks old and outdated
>Game is baby mode from beginning to end, no challenge at all.
>story is generic and boring trophe shit.

Solid 6/10, but I don't get the 10/10 hype it gets.

Yes, ATB combat and positioning quirks have been around in JRPGs for a while. It wasn't the first to do either.

I don't think CT is a perfect game, but some of these complaints are retarded.

>Basically no content outside of the main quest

Lol what? The game basically known for it's fleshed out sidequests? Seriously?

>Generic plot consistent of a series of bait and switch and villains of the week episodes

Explain why this is bad without using buzzwords.

>Toriyama's boring ass designs

Your opinion is wrong.

>Mechanically dry

It's simple, not dry. There's a lot to unlock and get into. It's not perfect, but your use of the word dry is idiotic.

This is entire post is just dismissive bait. You haven't said a single thing of substance.

Art style stolen from DBZ

nu/v/ is hating now toriyama art

Because I do, there's no ''why'', I just think it's better, I had more fun with it, I liked the setting more, etc.

I'd say lack of customization, but the simplicity is what makes it so good so I don't know.

the zealans are pretty much the main villains of chorno trigger and their subplot is completely dropped at the end apart from one final fight with queen zeal that doesnt mean anything

I found it boring, I played for about 10min on emulator then deleted it. Chrono Cross is bad too, the nice FF backgrounds aren't worth the rest.

I can respect that. I liked the setting too, but I couldn't handle the combat system.

combat is comically easy
most characters does not have a character
relationship between characters does not go anywhere
i played this like a year ago for the first time and it's overrated

They aren't at all though. Lavos is the main villain. He's the impending threat on the world.

he's the impending thread on the world but he's not a villain, a villain needs to be a character, lavos is a plot device

Very easy.
Fighting the strongest boss requires absurd grinding.
Not great party balance.
2300 AD sewers are not a very good dungeon, especially if you don't do it first time through.

>A villain needs to be a character

cross feels like a spinoff where everything that happened in trigger had consequences

>The game basically known for it's fleshed out sidequests?
What fleshed out sidequests?
The only one that can qualify is Cyrus' sidequest, anything else is pathetically bad even for its time, and again, there's barely anything significant that you're not forced to do in the main quest.
>Explain why this is bad
Because if you make a story focused game where the focus on the story is all over the place it's a bad decision, especially when you have multiple writers handing a single plotline and all of those hate each others, leading to absolutely laughable sections like Zeal being made of one room after being hyped up as this incredible civilization and big plot point, one room that occupies barely 10 minutes of playtime.
And let's not forget how the game always make you chase after the Lavos and then forces you to do all kinds of detours because "whoops, time travel plot device happens when things get good".
>Your opinion is wrong.
Everything I say is right.
>It's simple, not dry.
No, it's dry, it's absolutely fucking dry and none of it works as intended too.
You get area attacks you CANNOT use properly because some genius designer though it would be cool to not be able to reposition your characters when your biggest draw is position based attacks.
Magic is completely pointless because you have combination techs that far outdamage anything to the point where the only offensive magic worth using is Luminaire, which comes too late to be useful anyway and combination attacks are still better.
Most combination attacks are exactly the same thing with a different element, and again, those that have an AoE are situational at best because you can't reposition yourself to make them matter.
Magus for some reason has no combination attacks, in a game where the only thing worth using is combination attacks, but he gets some super cheap magic that targets all enemies on screen as if it wasn't already evident whoever designed the battle system didn't care one bit.


>Fighting the strongest boss requires absurd grinding.

A villain does not need to be an actual character. It just needs to be something that needs to be stopped. Normally it's a character, because it's easier to provide incentive to defeat a character because he can more easily make you feel emotion, but Lavos works because we see first hand what he does to the world in Robo's timeline.

It felt like a big "fuck you" to me.

Spekkio i imagine.

I guess technically he's the strongest but at that point he's not really hard at all.

Dream Devourer?

something that needs to be stopped doesn't have to be a character, but a villain needs to be a character. A story doesn't even need a villain, but Chrono Trigger has them and then doesn't do anything with them. Lavos is just the background threat, he's good as the final boss but they didn't wrap up what was basically the main storyline starting from magus and going to zeal, they just throw away daltos and schala and don't resolve magus or queen zeal's storyline at all. Feels like they ran out of time to truly finish the story

look at this nigger

Doesn't require "absurd grinding"


the main boss theme is pretty boring compared to a lot of square's old stuff

Who cares when Crono/Ayla/Robo is the best?

I care motherfucker. Never reply to my comments again.

>using optimal strategies in a JRPG
just use whatever characters you fucking want nobody plays this shit for the gameplay

Frog is literally a bullied kid who goes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, the embodiment of /r9k/

>People hate Chrono Trigger now
What happen?

Not him but that's optimal? I didn't know that, just liked them using them.

I can say definitively that Chrono Trigger makes any Final Fantasy game look like total fucking garbage and makes Dragon Quest games look overly saccharine.

It's just the perfect blend, along with the music.

Nu/v/ took over. You have to understand that these children grew up on garbage like Kingdom Hearts. One of those savages even had the audacity to claim Kh2 was the greatest action game of all time.

>What fleshed out sidequests?
Every character sidequest is great. The rainbow shell, the sun stone, the desert, the fortress reprise with Magus, Frog's sidequest, they're all fun and flesh out the characters. What else do you want out of a sidequest?
>Because if you make a story focused game where the focus on the story is all over the place it's a bad decision
This is the best part about Chrono Trigger. The main plot, like all video games, isn't enough to engage you through a turn based RPG. So instead of coming up with a bunch of ridiculous plot twists like in final fantasy, it has a collection of smaller, focused stories that don't take up too much time. Zeal is small, I agree completely. That sucked.
>No, it's dry, it's absolutely fucking dry and none of it works as intended too
I agree with pretty much all of this, this is pretty flawed and it makes Chrono Trigger worse. But as it is, the combat is a lot of fun. The aesthetic alone is a lot of fun, and the combo moves are flashy. They don't support a great combat system, but they do support an engaging aesthetic. Broken and clunky, sure. Not dry.

I appreciate you actually expanding on your arguments.

>People hate Kingdom Hearts now
What happen?

Not sure if it's optimal, but a lot of bosses have multiple target that all get hit by Falcon Hit. Robo can deal decent damage or heal as needed.

The point of the story is that they don't matter. All of that is nothing in the face of Lavos. None of the scheming and conquering is any good when he destroys the entire planet and ruins it forever.

Chrono Trigger is the best JRPG of all time.

Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best Action RPG of all time.

Fight me.

>not OP

>put on haste helm
Nothing personel kid

And miss out on status protection?

Nova Armor has status protection

nu-neo-Sup Forums man. It's just a bunch of bandwagoning redditors now.

>Chrono Trigger is the best JRPG of all time.
That's where your wrong kiddo. It's FF IX.

>Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best Action RPG of all time.
Your absolutely right

Fucking nu-neo-nuevo- Sup Forums, thinking everyone in the world is a redditor.

That's bait, right? He was just baiting you? Or are you baiting me, you sly dog? No one can have taste that bad, right? Right?

And then you miss out on magic defense.

I'm not a pussy

Then you should have said the same thing about status protection already.

You can't deal damage if you're confused/blind/etc

But someone who isn't a pussy does not shy away from real danger. Where's the fun if enemies can't play dirty?

All of the ports suck(especially DS/Mobile/PC)
Just play the original soyfree Super Nintendo version

Kill yourselves. Akira Toriyama is based, especially when he was in his prime.

>Not using Crono/Frog/Magus
Get a load of this soyboy


i was enjoying it for awhile but i got bored and stopped around when you get to the lava level so i guess the flaw is be more entertaining

Fuck you dumbass
KH2 is the best action RPG(in terms of gameplay, story is wack). And I love Chrono Trigger(only the original SNES version not the shitty DS version)

based user

Not even close. That game is slow as hell and hasn't aged all that well.

Its ok child, I'm sure your delusional fanbase will still praise the game with you.

>lava level
You mean pre-history?
Pick it up. That part is kinda slow after the exciting Magus battle but it picks up again.

Shut the fuck up you pretentious little shit. You would get your shit pushed in Level 1 Critical in KH2FM because you're a filthy casual.

Not enough Ayla lewds

it was a while ago, but I believe I finished prehistory, went to the shitty future, went to the nice flying future, went to the interdimensional place outside of time and then the lava place