I replayed Twilight Princess and loved it a lot more than BotW
I replayed Twilight Princess and loved it a lot more than BotW
>pcbros and sonybros are STILL mad about botw
fucking kek
i had a similar experience with resident evil,replayed 1 after 12 years and loved it way more than 4,and until that point i was thinking 4 was the best
I only have a switch and I liked botw a lot but its a disappointment compared to other zelda games
TP would've been great if they took away all the wolf shit.
Because it actually had content and not 90% empty space.
>TP hyrule field
>not 90% empty space
Did we play the same game?
overall the wolf part is about 15% of the entire game
It's way more, every new area has a wolf part. closer to 30%.
Hey that's fine man, TP had some great dungeons after all. BotW just scratches a different itch, and it really is a joy to explore.
>t. pcbro without switch
Get rid of the padding between dungeons and you got a decent zelda game with some odd quirks.
The padding makes me never want to replay it anymore though. At least WWHD swift sail made the padding feel less noticeable but god damn TP has some serious what were they thinking moments.
besides the getting Illya getting her memory back, nothing else felt like padding.
>One area of an entire game is fairly empty
>Compared to the ENTIRE game.
Whoo lad, you need help.
Every fucking wolf segment is padding, running around killing all the fucking bugs.
>hyrule field
>one area
Everything outside of the cities and dungeons is hyrule field basically. There is virtually no side content in TP. Every other 3d zelda has more side stuff in the world.
meh, I don't mind the light bugs at all. It gave you time to see how the twilight affected the world and made you spend time with Midna and get to know the character more.
It's okay to have garbage taste.
THats just the worst offender.
You are forgetting the zora earring part, the fact you HAVE to go to telmas to advance the plot after every dungeon once you get past the beginning 3 dungeons and much much more.
That memory part is the lowest part of the game for me though.
What killed it for me one of the last times I played it was that I was having a fun time and getting ready a high point in the game, arbiters grounds. So I go to hylia because I remember that you need to talk to a guy to get the quest started to even get there only to realize I forgot to go to telmas. Even though they fucking tell you where to go without even needing to go to the bar at all. Its just a f-u to the player making them feel like they need every damn detail pointed out in a cutscene so you dont get lost or forget what your doing. Except you cant bypass them. Fuck that shit.
what? I'm pretty sure you can just go to him without going to Telma's bar.
God no. Twilight Princess is an awful game and even Skyward Sword was better.
>muh dungeons
They're formulaic as fuck specially compared to the dungeons in SS
Finding out what the twilight did to the area doesn't really matter much when it's all removed from the area afterwards anyway. It's often like a 5 second cutscene at most. Midna also does not go away after you're done being a wolf, the only difference in her presence is that she helps you fight with her zone attack.
The only wolf part that is actually alright is the one when you're trying to save midna.
>what if we remade OoT but with more shitty filler content
Now replay Skyward and realize that is also better than BotW.
SS dungeons were just as formulaic and were far less interesting, (Gee Bill, how come your mom lets you have TWO fire temples?) and the shitty railroading was a million times worse than TP.
>Let's show the same cutscene 4 times and not let you skip it
Yeah thats what I though, hes not there until you get the bar dialogue saying go here next because he himself plays a role in the scene at the planning table for that segment.
Maybe TPHD fixed that but my GC copy sure as hell didnt let me and that was the last straw for me. Its why I dislike it the most out of all the games now. Use to be WW but fuck it now its TP to me.
I dont like vehicle based zeldas to begin with whaich is why WW was so low but come the fuck on TP
>the shitty railroading was a million times worse than TP
Actually there were the same, expect getting between areas was a little faster with teleport in TP.
I've only played the wii version and I'm pretty sure you don't need to go to telma's bar first. I'll check it out next time I play
I hope I'm wrong but lets just say I wouldnt have such an emotional response toward the game if it didnt happen.
what's the best dungeon in TP
Great game, need to replay the wiiU version some day
hope they remake Skyward for switch and fixes some of the game's flaws, there's more good things in it than BoTW.
I think I liked the last one the most. The twilight world one was pretty cool too but it really wasn't much of a dungeon.
Every time I start Twilight Princess I get bored and shut it off
I don't think I've ever made it past the fucking shitty starting town
Yeah the intro is really long for no good reason. And then they tack on a long wolf part on to that as well.
The intro is fucking awful, worst in the series, only gets interesting when you reach the Forest dungeon