Vermintide 2

The pre-order beta for Vermintide 2 is up in 40 minutes.
You DID pre-order the game, right user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Preload never

Yeah, yesterday.

My girlfriend wans to do ATM, should I ?

No but I would enjoy getting into some Warhammer games. Not to derail the thread but can any anons recommend me the essentials?

>3 maps

so hopefully not a fucking 40gb client

Fantasy or 40k?


Dev Q&A is up

Total War: Warhammer and the Dawn of War series are the cream of the crop of WHFB/WH40K respectively

Either one, i dont know much about the series so whatevers newbie friendly i guess

El ogros de las norsca...

>Let's be quick. The stench of this place turns my stomach.
>Watch for stranglers. I'll suffer a cage.
>If only men built their defenses as strong as their cages.
>Talk later, action now.
>You call this a cock? Ha, It will have to do!
>Mayfly, you're wasting what little life you have. Come on.
>A good push! but can you repeat it?
>Down here. Lumberfoot!
>Your... clumsiness... has a certain charm.
>Almost a hint of finesse, in that push.
>Crude, but effective, sergeant.
>You're improving, lumberfoot.
>*sharp, shallow breathing*
>Keep this up and i might not find you contemptible.
>Some aid, Sergeant, or will you just fall again?
>Oh delicate little flower, did a breathe sway you.
>A lucky push, mayfly.
>I'm not giving up. Not yet.
>Pulling out now? I expected better of you.
>Take your time finishing it, why wont you.
>Toughen up, mercenary.
>One more, lumberfoot. Quickly now!
>Look at that. You actually hit something.
>Is that... *my* blood?
>Yes, I'm bleeding. Does it please you?
>Perhaps you'd like to stay longer?
>Those chains! Break them, and quickly!
>I have it in hand.
>Calm yourself, lumberfoot
>Lileath, this better be it.
>Isha's tears!
>Not this again. My nose will never be the same.
>Sickening. Nauseating. This is all just a new low.
>You were lucky to hit me at all lumberfoot.
>I was *ow* better off before, mercenary.
>Dead end, definitely

>3 acts
>4 levels for each act

It's fucking over we've already played half of them in the beta

Does it still use the previous closed test launcher?

+2 final and tutorial(?) level
So we have 14 levels in total

from the stream so far:
>recruit difficulty made even easier because shitters complained
>todays beta will have 3 maps: grain, empire in flames and festering soil(?)
>new gameplay trailer
>devs said they might have to wipe the progress before the 8th if there are any game breaking items or anything similar

> Only one level
> "We will TRY to carry over progress into release"
Fucking dropped
Good thing I didn't preorder to get in the beta ASAP

No it will use the Warhammer: Vermintide 2 launcher afaik

40k has more games, the best of which were Dawn of War 1 and 2 (RTS).

40k and fantasy are not related in any way, fantasy is grim medieval, while 40k is grim sci-fi.

Does progress carry over to the release for this beta?

"We don't know"

you on hers or the other way around?

judging from their stuttering, no.


This is what irked me the most
They stuttered like fuck, which leads me to believe they aren't saying no outright just to keep selling more during the shitty preorder beta

Why are they talking like someone is pointing a gun at them

40k has Dawn of War 1-2
Fantasy has Total War Warhammer and Vermintide

Mordheim and Space Hulk are vidya versions of spin off Tabletop game of Fantasy and 40k, respectively. Space Hulk is shit but Mordheim is decent if you like X-com and the like


They been working like 20 hours/day.

Sienna buffs when?

Hell yeah. Gotta get that candle-hat.

Silly user I'm sure they will do their absolute best to move over your character progress if by some unlikely chance however the progress is lost during the transfer then Fat Shark is in no way responsible for this loss.

I would really prefer if they just told us outright so I know I shouldn't go too ham on leveling the saltz

>Level up chests use the highest power level item you have across all characters for the loot's power level.
good for catching up your non-main characters I guess

so will the beta continue on "closed test" or on the actual Vermintide 2 game?

Will i have to install Vermintide 2 ons team when the beta goes live, or do I still play with the 'closed test' I downloaded on steam?

The news update for the pre order beta was on the regular V2 option in my library.

They have to use clauses like that. If they say that the progress will be saved and then there something that forces them to reset idiots will waste no time to sue their asses, so they will say "not sure".

If you like RTS games there's the Total Warhammer games for fantasy, and the Dawn of War games for 40k. Both series are excellent.

If you're not a fan of RTS games, then you might enjoy Warhammer 40k Space Marine which is a decent third person shooter, although I think the multiplayer is probably dead at this point. There's also Space Hulk and Space Hulk: Deathwing, which are both completely different types of games from eachother, but might be worth looking into.

Fantasy doesn't have a whole lot of other games, there was an MMO that was pretty decent but was shut down by EA awhile back. If you're still interested there's a private server for it that's free. I haven't tried Bloodbowl or Mordheim, but I believe those are set in fantasy as well. And of course, Vermintide 1 and now 2.

40k is definitely more popular, but I've always preferred fantasy myself.

>we would love new characters.
Where is the austists vermintide banter fans?

If you open the closed test client it says they are preparing to move the beta to the official client

I missed beginning, was there cinematic trailer?

The loot in boxes is opened for your currently selected character too. So you could grind boxes on someone fully geared, just to open them on someone else

Nah the trailer was some shitty CoD montage style trailer

it was just a simple gameplay trailer

>12 minutes left

Blood Bowl is a footbal game set in a silly AU of Fantasy where everyone is crazy about American football. Pretty good if you want a overview on the factions aesthetic

Mordheim is set in the “canon” universe. It’s a fairly brutal turn based tactics game

If by brutal you mean absolute RNG horseshit where you either cheese the AI or lose.

It is without question the worst "Tactics" game I have ever played.

my fucking ears

>Only way to test if they fixed any of the issues is to preorder what is basically an early beta version




i assume you never played any warhammer boardgame



download when


Because conflagration staff was broken and now that's the payback.

I miss it.

That’s what happen you straight up adapt a boardgame

TT Space Hulk is almost a horror game even though you play as a fucking Terminator marine

So now it should be main game download?

is she really that bad? surely other weapons can be useful. what about the other career paths?

what a fucking terrible stream
>let me show you the map you have been playing for the last week

>12 minutes left
>posted 16 minutes ago



All of them are shit. Especially Unchained.

is it just me or is VT2 significantly harder than 1? Not complaining but I would consistently breeze through vermintide 1 nightmare difficulty and i'm getting my shit slapped in VT2 recruit difficulty.

I played her for 12 hours and she really is worse than in V1.

Only 2 of her staffs are really good. The "Flamethrower" one and the beam staff. The beam is totally broken. LMB is a shotgun and RMB a long-range zommed in beam that does tons of damage and stuns.

Her other staffs are lacking in damage, generate too much heat too fast, or are just generally not very good. The Fireball one has an annoying arc and heats you up pretty badly.

Haven't really fiddled much around with her main weapons because the default sword and ceremonial daggers are just so good.

I also found no sort of self-healing, so you either want to avoid getting burnt too much, or you roll into that 3rd subclass.

She's still fun to play tho. I guess they can always adapt things on the go.

we have been tricked by the swedes

Kill yourself.

progress reset basically confirmed

Thats because of MUH POWER STAT. As soon as you get to 20 power which you get after your first successful run you'll breeze through everything.

>progress reset basically confirmed

there are more enemy variants which are way more threatening than just normal rat/stormvermin now
chaos berserkers and plague monks will kill you fucking dead if you dont spot them quick

It's pretty rough. Sometimes the game will shit health packs all over you and you have the easiest ride of your life, other times it'll dump a boss, a horde and a patrol right on top of you and you won't stand a chance. The devs have specifically said in the stream they've made Recruit easier because people were getting ruined.

This is a reddit/twitch/bait post right? I never played VT1 and recruit was pretty easy even while playing with just bots and default gear

Second class passive at 10 lets you have a constant +100% overcharge rate for holding a tome.

everything prior to today is lost. everything after today is going to carry over into the full release.

fatshark posted about it on reddit earlier today

>Will the progress from the beta be saved?
>"dunno really, the goal is to save the progress but if there are some fatal bugs that arise we're going to have to reset it for everyone-- prepare for the worst"

>dealing with a swarm of shitterrats
>suddenly lose 3/4 of my health
Fucking berserkers.

I wouldn't say that's a reset basically confirmed, just them covering their asses if they have to reset it

they dont intend to reset progress compared to the previous betas, but they are accounting for unforeseen circumstances that force them to reset progress with their statements about it.

It sounds way better than it actually is.

Regardless of that, I found that pyromancer is the only really good specc to play. The first one felt underwhelming.

So is the beta up or what?

>fatshark says weeks ago that the progress will get wiped for the 28th beta
>people act shocked and surprised that they are going to wipe the data

Fucking mongoloids

It's a standard non-binding clause so people can't try to sue them or something if they have to reset.

They are talking about reset between 28th beta and the launch you turbo mongoloid.

It actually is good, it works with griomires too. The problem is you never have high enough overcharge to make use of her passive crit boost on her sword if you use it though and her long wind up on her ult sucks ass but it does hit the same enemy multiple times if theres only one.

they're talking about progress reset for THIS upcoming beta not the one about to end you fucking retard

what would people sue them for in that case
false advertising?

>Uninformed about the situation
>Calling others mongoloids

The original statement was that the earlier betas would be wiped, while today's beta progress would be reserved for the full game. Now they're saying "w-well actually maybe we will wipe it after all" after everyone's preordered to avoid falling behind.

I must be the only one who's actually okay with them wiping the data.
I fucked up and spread my levels and gear around too much and leveling had slowed to a crawl for me. This time I'll jam on dorf and salt and get them to lvl cap before working on anyone else.

>thank you for your patience


the fuck is the guy saying?



>oh look, an opportunity to be a smug fuck even though I dont know what the fuck im talking about

That or bait and switch for example.

They said there is an issue with the launcher. Fixing it before they're starting the downloads.


>came home from work on a break just to start the download and go back to work