Of the ones I have, I honestly prefer the detached joycons for most major games.
For retro/pixel/indie stuff, I like the 8bitdo the best. Especially since they've improved the rumble (not quite HD but very nice) and analog sticks with the latest firmware. D-pad is very good.
Am I missing out by not getting a pro controller? The PS4 and Xbone controller work, but there's no HD rumble and no Amiibo. So they are options, but not sure if I want to buy that little dongle for them.
Joy Cons separate are best except for Splatoon 2 where I have to use the grip.
Wyatt Rivera
Can't imagine how anyone would prefer a Dualshock over literally anything else
Alexander Garcia
>not playing handheld mode What are you? A miserable faggot?
Justin Adams
That one in the top right is the best one, by far.
Charles Bell
OP here, handheld mode accounts for about 50% of my play time, but I figured not many people are using detached controllers of any kind for portable play (table-top mode i guess you'd call it?).
I could be wrong about that, but for what it's worth I never use the little kickstand on my switch, i just play it handheld or with controllers in docked mode.
Julian Walker
It is really shocking how much better the xbone controller is than the ps4. At least for my hands/preferences.
I got two cheap rechargable battery packs on amazon for my two xbone pads (like $16 i think) and the battery life is joy-con levels of good.
Plus, for games that use it, the haptic triggers are so much better than the dead triggers on the Ps4. Especially on racing games. It's a shame Forza 7 is such a mess online compared to GT: Sport, because the cars feel a lot better to me on Forza's physics model with those xbone impulse triggers. So much feedback.
Robert Martin
I have them split Very comfy, though my left stick started drifting
Charles Walker
I just bought a 6' USB cable to use with it.
Jayden Wood
Handheld mode is by far better than any else. With the exception of local multiplayer - that is the only excuse to use docked or tabletop modes.
Blake Walker
try the pro, you will never gonna want anything else, is just that good, battery life is bretty good too
Kevin Collins
last week, on that really warm day we had on the US east coast, i was playing BOTW in handheld mode on my back porch while drinking beer and eating doritos in the sun . shit was pure cash.
Charles Morris
Thinking about doing that today, before the rain comes.
Sebastian Morgan
I could definitely see myself using the pro controller on FPS games.
Thomas Ramirez
Julian Myers
Give the Switch joycons decent analog sticks and an actual directional pad, and they'll be in the running for the best controller.
Michael Martin
how do you get an actual d-pad on switch controller
Kevin Taylor
Detached joy cons are my favorite control scheme of all time. I'm hoping they become a new standard in the industry
Camden Jackson
8bitdo SN30 Pro is best of those controllers imo. Dualshock 4 feels alright in hand, but the d-pad SUUUUCKS!
Alexander Evans
It's really easy to buy case replacements for the joy cons, since their blueprints got leaked by chinks. Just swap it out, they use the same tech as a d-pad already
Nolan Harris
OP here:
I bought the basstop white joy-con shells from amazon. There are a bunch of different colors and some of them come with a d-pad.
But, as points out, the D-pad is always going to be 4 buttons, and not an actual d-pad, so while the cover I have is an improvement over the stock four button setup, it is no where near something like the 8bitdo's dpad.
It's passable for street fighter, but only barely.
Also, if you do buy new shells for your joycons, make sure you have a Y #00 screw driver and a good bit of patience. As installing them can be tricky and there are some fragile bits inside. Definitely watch some teardown vids on youtube first.
Carter Bennett
the only use I've seen for a switch that I 100% fully support was a picture of that kid playing it in his backpack with the controllers in his pocket. That shit was clever as fuck
Hudson Miller
shameless bump
Leo Long
Is there any worth wild games that makes use of 2 sets of joycon for multiplayer? I ordered my switch tablet and joycon separately, but the joycon got stuck somewhere. Kind of looking for an excuse to get another set.
Owen Gutierrez
This post is incomprehensible
Josiah Smith
Sn30pro has been my go to since it was released, but I really like pro controller.
The nes30pro is also fucking cash for tabletop mode because they are small enough to fit 2 in a case and feel way better then the complete shit single joycons.
Camden Robinson
It's not that bad.
Cameron Garcia
I used docked mode when i play online since its the only way to use ethernet
Jacob Robinson
I want to try detached joycons but cant get used to it, feels too weird. Need my muscle memory from using a real controller
Joseph Moore
Any fighting game, like Pokken, Street Fighter, or any of the NEO GEO games are going to be much more fun in vs. mode if both players have their own sets of joycons.
The 8bitdo is a good buy if you already have one set of 2 joycons, since it is cheaper than joycons, but can be used as the primary controller for the system if you want. It works with every game (motion control included). Plus it has the best D-pad i've touched since my original SNES.
Levi Taylor
Pro Controller is great if you don't need the DPad. I use it to play games on my PC with a mayflash magic-NS transforming it to Xinput.
Jonathan Stewart
There's a driver for you to play it wired too.
William Johnson
Apparently they fixed the dpad issues on the new models of pro controller?
And I remember reading some fix you could do using masking tape to repair the old models with the bad d-pads. Not sure how it works though, since i've not tried one yet.
Liam Nguyen
Yeah but I use my ps4 controller on the switch for mario kart with friends so I just plug and play my Pro Controller with the magic-NS
Jason Ortiz
How the fuck do you use an Xbox/PS4 controller for a Switch?