Is Doom 3 a good video game?
Is Doom 3 a good video game?
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It's kind of a 6/10, without replayability
RoE is kinda better and the lost mission is shitter but at least the hell parts look nice and original
It's okay.
Could've been. It just needed less high tech hallways and more high-tech-hell hybrids and ultimately more hell presence.
Although, those hallways look extremely detailed even to this day. Kudos to the hallway design team.
6.5/10. try modding it to make it look/play better
yes (but not the bfg edition)
I remember seeing the screenshots in a gaming mag and shitting myself over the graphics.
That said, the game is just ok. I think even the most common enemies could take up to 3 shotgun blasts wich felt a bit spongy, and the gun sounds are pitiful.
But it got some good atmosphere and gritty environments, I still think the game looks pretty good.
Its fun
nah its shit but I wouldnt be surprised if people started saying it was good just like people seem to be doing with every old bad PC game
It's ok horror. Shit Doom.
It's a solid 6/10 experience. Literally any other Doom is better.
Doom 3: It's no soysterpiece
everything posted ITT is true, I personally like it for the nostalgia
I remember being so fucking scared as a kid me and my bro would stay in the little safe zone in the beginning playing the turkey punch game for hours and not actually play the game
I miss the short horror FPS crazy that FEAR created.
The doom 3 redux mod nudges the game up half a point rating wise because 1) better graphics (sure its a 2004 game and should be judged by the standards of the time but the mod is essentially vanilla turbo) and 2) The weapons sound much better - the shotgun in particular now has a real boom to it the vanilla game lacks.
There are zero gameplay changes so if you don't like the base game this mod isn't going to change anything for you.
It IS a good game. The only people saying it's bad are the ""diehard"" doom 1&2 fans who hate it because it isn't exactly the same.
I found it mediocre and a little disappointing which pains me to say because I generally love Doom games.
>Is Doom 3 a good video game?
Simply put, yes it is.
so what you're saying is...
it's a good game just not a good [INSERT SERIES NAME] game
Why didn't other FPS games use the sprint mechanic found in Doom 3? At least you can sprint and shoot in Doom 3. Other FPS you have to always get slowed down to shoot.
or maybe the generic brown+bloom era has ended and now you are getting nostalgia for it in a sea of blue and orange
It is a good game. Just not GOAT good. I would say it is at least above average but not quite at the level of a 9 or 10 out of 10 game.
ok good haha,
yeah man, i feel the same way
Its aight
I liked it, still play it once in a while. Definite 7.5/10 game today. That's not bad by any means.
i thot it got sort of boring at some point where u have to ride a tram lift thingy that’s on rails so i stopped playin it hehe
I thought the animations when moving around with the gun felt good, it's a really smooth game to play, you kinda 'feel' the quality but sadly it doesnt deliver.
>ok good haha,
NO EMOTIONS ALLOWED, do you realize where we are? normans get out
BFG edition is shit, what were they thinking, made shadows worse and removed video options
for once Sup Forums was right
omg me too1!
You're probably too young to get it
why did he have to do it bros? he was the alpha supreme
Huh? That wasn't doom 3.
I had a lot of fun and sometimes i replay it
I'd say it's OK for an initial run but lacks replayability. It also becomes formulaic after the midpoint since every encounter is the same.
>Wait for whispers to indicate a portal
>Watch for big glowy portal to appear
>Switch to shotgun and run up to portals
>Shoot imp/maggot in the face
The small enemies are too weak and don't offer a significant threat, big enemies are too slow and attack even slower (Bruiser in expansion is a decent challenge but still fairly easy thanks to the bullshit OP time slowdown available to you).
Basically the only things that managed any real damage were hitscan enemies or the commandos with the tentacle arms.
Really like the map layouts and atmosphere though. It actually feels like a quickly slapped together facility of scientists on a shoestring budget trying to do the impossible.
Take me down to monster closet city where the guns are lame and the music is shitty.
I actually loved it. The details and hidden stuff was great and the cramped atmosphere added to the horror. It was a shit Doom game, but a pretty great horror game.
I also liked how you had to manually aimed and press each individual number on the number pad when unlocking something.
>music is shitty.
doom 3 had music? also the menu theme is pure kino
Its a good game, but a shitty doom game
>the monsters has ridiclous ragdoll physics and bodies often end up doing flaming somersaults
>guns are underpowerd
anyone have source on this gif? it's cute as hell