>"Skipper, you just can't trust aliens. They're like Jews;they pretend to be civil, but when you have your guard is down, they stab you in the back."
Damn, Bioware. I know hating aliens is suppose to be an allegory to rl racism, but this was too much.
Mass Effect
Other urls found in this thread:
She's right though, Ashley's based.
All jokes aside it makes perfect sense that the species running the council would be protecting their own interests. Why should humanity be any different?
It was a different time
Were there ever any happy merchant volus edits?
>ashley's based
returned to her base components after getting vaporized, maybe
Are the mods/admins ever going to actually do something about all the far right shilling on this site?
No fun allowed. Saying something racist or outrageous while posting a vidya character saying it is a very old meme, faggot.
ashley was redpilled thats why people hate her
This, of the two you have to sacrifice she is easily the best choice for nuking.
>Humans are vermin! Like their Germans, they plague the galaxy with destruction and barbarism.
Ash is correct that's why I romance her every playthrough
Same. Never trust the alien; its false smile hides an unknowable mind.
I always romanced Ashley and was legit disappointed when I had to choose between the 2 humans. (It helped I actually liked her and Kaiden anyways. Xenophobia aside. )
I never like Kaiden, I always sacrifice him
Humans were the least trustworthy species in Mass Effect. Mind you Cerberus was responsible for most of the drama caused in the universe.
"Had to be me. A nigger would have gotten it wrong."
Seriously, Hepler?
I liked him mainly because he played off well with me and Ashley. I tried playing a more honorable soldier who did what he did for Humanity. Ashley and Kaiden both got along but Ashley supported humanity first always while Kaiden was always more paragon in his decisions. Talking with them felt like the good and evil angel on your shoulder giving you advice. It worked well for me.
I don't get the point of these threads.
when she warns you not to let tali walk free inside the ship because she is a space gypsie and she will steal our tech and then you found out in mass effect 2 that she actually did.
As soon as the leftist bullshit stops in actual games the far right will stop their crusade here.
I'm more upset about this autist constantly making threads in the same vein, and seemingly never being reported.
Just finished 3 with the happy ending mod
Is it just me or was the final battle too short?
It felt like it was missing a few sections and having to move at goddamn snail speed with a shitty pistol wasn't exactly exciting unlike the 2nd game
i played through it a few days ago and i literally remember nothing about it
>happy ending mod
literally why? its just as bad as the base ending
It's cliche but it provides some closure at least instead of vague bullshit
>its just as bad as the base ending
factually incorrect
She's says not to trust Garrus as well. Ignoring that turians helped build the fucking Normandy.
>Humans least trustworthy species
sure thing batarian/vorcha
Why was there a magical light that took Shepard exactly to where the Citadel was?
How did he/she and Anderson end up in a part of the ship that controls the catalyst
Why did the Reaper AI suddenly feel like after milennia of repeating the same cycle that Shepard was worthy enough of deciding their fate when as a machine he is programmed to follow commands
I wish I had it, famalams, sadly I don't. I spent tens of minutes looking for it as well, sorry to blue your balls.
Because a person's trust is earned separately by the persons's actions not by the group's actions.
Batrians just hated humans.
Also Cerberus did far more damage in the trilogy than the Batrians.
"We leave!"
>but this was too much.
Stop reading the news and then playing Mass Effect then.
>Mass Effect 1
Space racists
>Mass Effect 2.
Space martyr
>Mass Effect 3.
........... Space Jester.
>casual racist gets more hate than a pseudo-nazi officer
So Garrus a former cop was going to steal Normandy secrets, and leak them back to turians....who already know those secrets, since they helped build the ship? Seems legit.
Also ignoring that Ashley herself isn't an official member of the Normandy crew. Who says she wasn't a Cerberus spy or worked for some other group that could have stolen those secrets? There was no reason to trust her more than anyone else on the ship.
>not leaving Ashley to die on Virmire
She's some dumb hick who got handed a gun
Kaiden is bland but he's not obnoxious
And everyone ignores that Grunt exists too
>Why was there a magical light that took Shepard exactly to where the Citadel was?
Teleportation became? Like a grav lift or something? Not necessarily magical. Now why that lift was on Earth at all is a good question
>How did he/she and Anderson end up in a part of the ship that controls the catalyst
Because that is where the beam of light takes them? Like walking through a door. Now why the beam put them in two separate locations is a good question and how the Illusive Man got there is a good question.
>Why did the Reaper AI suddenly feel like after milennia of repeating the same cycle that Shepard was worthy enough of deciding their fate when as a machine he is programmed to follow commands
Why does he feel Shepard is worthy? Probably because Shepard is the first person to make it to the catalyst. I think (if I remember right, been awhile) that he was programmed to come up with a better solution to his original plan and he was hoping Shepard would be good enough to figure one out.
Nazis are cooler
He's like Wrex without the things that made Wrex so great
>Now why that lift was on Earth at all is a good question
The endgame doesn't make any sense other than "we gotta have the game end on Earth"
>Ex-Walmart employee: The old bags we used were better. These new grey ones are shit. When they were white, they actually worked.
Which ending is considered the best?
I was stuck between Synthesis and Destroy
In the original concept,synthesis seems to make much more sense because the reapers only existed so organic life wouldn't destroy itself thus speeding up the heat death of the universe which made sense
Also if the mass relays are destroys,why aren't multiple galaxies imploding from the damage like the batarian system?
Sup Forums brings eyeballs and eyeballs bring ad revenue, so no.
Why do you think moot opened Sup Forums up again after he nuked it when it was still called /new/
it's shitposting we ain't gotta explain shit
Sup Forums wasn't bringing in hordes of newfags like it is now
He did it because he was optimistic that it wouldn't turn to absolute cancer like /new/ did
But it became much worse
He's great
communists out
Ass is a viable excuse.
I see
cant axe it now because all the sewage would spill over to the other boards.
It turned into /stormfront/ on day 1 and moot did nothing
>haven't been to Sup Forums in years
>come back just now to see what it's like and shitpost
wtf are you all fucking lefty cucks now?
what happened to old Sup Forums?
>So Garrus a former cop was going to steal Normandy secrets, and leak them back to turians....who already know those secrets, since they helped build the ship?
Never implied that.
Look I like Garrus, but if you have to look at it at a indifferent perspective, you need to recognize the unknown party. You don't have to downright distrust them but be cautious and give them a chance to prove themselves. Compared with Ashley who has a rank and file on record it's easy to see who's the unknown party.
Reported for what? Wrongful humor?
when did Sam Raimi work for Bioware?
Allow people freedom of speech and anything will become pol. It is almost like they are right or represent the will of the people or something.
Daily reminder that Kaiden died a hero and Ashley died a traitor hanging on Udina's nuts.
>being this deluded
Open a window and get some air
>replying to obvious bait
found it javfor.me
Then why is the only way too keep a leftist site leftist to have stasi-mods that ban any wrongthink? Why is the only way to keep political videos and news-articles non-right to disable comments?
Define leftist
Because to you children anything that's 'leftist' is anything that isn't 'gas the kikes, race war now'-tier retardedness
You're an idiot
Thanks a lot friend but... how the fuck did you find it?
Get that stick out of your ass.
Reverse google search found a slavic analogue of digg where someone posted it in the thread, and some user delivered the source.
oh shit
Well shit, here have another (You) for your efforts
Even through the cancer captchas you deserve it
Some symbolism is pretty obvious
Mom mom those meanie weanies said something I don't like
>In the original concept,synthesis seems to make much more sense because the reapers only existed so organic life wouldn't destroy itself thus speeding up the heat death of the universe which made sense
stop posting this, it isn't true
>user, I think I'm falling in love with you. Something about you makes feel funny.
What do?
Go guard that bomb, will ya?
>rent free in your head soyboy
Polygamy romance ending with Jack, Miranda, and Ashley when?
Paragon or Renegade or something in between?
I mostly go the Paragon route.
I thought ME3 being Earth focused really hurt it. Like the push to retake earth makes no sense when you consider that the Turian homeworld is undersiege and Thesia actually falls.
Destroy not even a contest. The entire point of the last 3 games was to destroy the reapers and suddenly you want to either "control them" (which we have already seen twice now, simply results in indoctrination) or become them? And you would pick these options because a few robots may die, something that happens in war?
>Also if the mass relays are destroys,
It got retconned so they were simply badly damaged, but could be repaired in a timely fashion with the tools on hand
even when shes trying to do good Ashley is the worst glad i killed her on Virmire
How much would it cost to make real life asari sex doll?
buy a blue fleshlight
More than you can afford
Not enough, I need visual and sensual simulation. Already extracting her dialog lines from all three games.
I think I ended up mostly paragon, with a bit of renegade. I remember making that 4 eyed fag drink the poison on omega.
Wish they more class special dialogue and actions.
It was a different time. Modern Bioware doesn't have the guts to write characters like Ash anymore. Hell, I remember the shitstorm when semi-sex scenes were reveled showing Femshep and Liara going full carpet muncher on each other. Now if you can't turn every character gay you just ain't progressive enough.
Because being anonymous on the internet turns people into trolls, the best way to troll is to say intentionally stupid shit, and the alt-right is the stupidest shit around.
I had no idea Bioware invited Sam Raimi to help write Mass Effect
Damn, it really was a different time
Bioware finally cracked and decided YOU will be the one to lead the production of the next ME game. What do you do?
Hard mode:it must have two gay males, a lesbian, and a non-sexual intersex alien that live.
Take him to dinner