Sure, it's aimed at kids. But I'm pretty sure today's kids won't find this entertaining

Sure, it's aimed at kids. But I'm pretty sure today's kids won't find this entertaining.

Little kids would probably like it.
It's mostly for manchildren though.

if you let your kids use a laptop or tablet/phone before they even start school you've failed as a parent

depends. In america? fuck no kids won't care about this. In other countries, hell yeah they will

kids today play with ipads they dont care about cardboard

Kids in Europe play cod and fifa nothing else

I don't think you quite appreciate how small kids can get. They can be as young as maybe 3 or 4.

>Gee I wonder if they'll be here
Most predictable posters the board has ever had.

we got a live one!

>implying I meant fucking garbage euros

It comes out on 4/20

Nintendo has the stoner demographic on LOCK
I know I won't be the only one getting high and playing with cardboard on that day.


Labo is going to outsell every ps4 exclusive COMBINED. Screencap this post.

Feels really satisfying coming across a soy image and reposting it here because I just know that you'll show up and start wasting your time by either spamming or scribbling over it. I can pretty much rob hours out of your day by making a few quick posts, it's hilarious.

I fuckinghate you
for revealing what I am going to be doing that day


the fishing rod one looks like a disaster waiting to happen

Can someone explain this to me? I don’t browse reddit so I don’t know their memes.

>Said him by wasting his own time too

>Oh shit I got a bite!
>*yanks it like a real fishing line*
>Switch tablet goes flying across the room

Ah yes I can see it now

It looks like a really neat hobby kit for parents to encourage creative play with their kids. The integration of the Switch tech with creative papercraft is pretty impressive.

It's hilarious to me that you cant even fathom that I just enjoy goofing in you idiots

What a newfag, this meme is older than coal.

Nintendo exclusives too

Seriously the labo is for manchildren
Real wealthy middle class kids are too busy with their iphones and androids

That's what Sup Forums said about toys to life and it's litterally all my little cousins talk about

Lurk moar fag

Actually a lot of soyboys will be playing this with their wife's son, in addition to the manchildren.
But yeah kids are too used to the instant gratification of their glowy screens to get excited for this.

I just want to be the robot guys

Do it yourself kits sell well with kids. You are wrong. The only questions is whether kids liked the switch to begin with. The neckbeards that bought it will probably buy this cardboard shit anyways though.

The robot one looks like a kid could use it for roughly two minutes before breaking it.