How do you guys feel about these chucklefucks?
How do you guys feel about these chucklefucks?
Look at that fucking goblin on the left
>dude fart gas lmao
>watching TBFP in 2018
I don't?
i have no idea who they are because im not a fucking faggot, next question
OP here i can't fucking stand that giant manbaby on the right holy fuck he's the reason super best friends are dying.
>knowing who human beings are make you a cigarette
H3h3 is an unfunny piece of shit
fuck off op
I like her. She isn't the most gorgeous girl in the world, but she has an amazing personality. Love how chill she is, how she jokes around like a dude. She really shines in those videos of her with matt judging vidya girls dresses. Joking around, not getting uncomfortable with lewd stuff.
I can see why matt put a ring on that finger. She seems to be a great girl, love to be with and to talk to. Not a triggered, overly emotional, entitled person like most women who play games are.
They look like not vidya gaems.
I don't watch their streams.
Wouldn't watch them at all if not for pic related.
Pat is my favorite lets player, but he really needs someone to bounce off to be his funniest.
Plagues up there, but he only plays dark souls.
I like his solo stuff more then anything with Pat and Woolie these days. Since late 2013 he faked being interested in an LP, especially when you see the awkward silence when there are no cuts. The RE2 and Streetwise are the only ones where the closest thing him being genuine and actually talks with Pat as if he's a friend.
I respect your opinion and love you anyway faggot
desu most people who hate her never even know what she thinks, they immediately get triggered. Like that biofreaks video where one soundclip made everyone get some dumb conspiracy theory on how she's a bitch.
I don’t
> redditors immediately start gossiping
Fucking state of this place
I sense a lot of tension now between matt and pat. Something happen, They got mad at each other, maybe because of Liam, maybe that was what led Liam to leave (Liam seem to be still be in good terms with woolie and matt, just not with pat)
They're okay, I prefer Paige and Pat
I liked their video where his wife does a fashion review of Tekken 7
They did one for Estival Versus
>a tension between matt and pat
Not when they're playing dumb video games together like binary domain, DP or Ride To Hell
I never really liked matt to begin with he used to be funny from re2 to silent hill then went through his no pussy depression arc which got annoying fast. Now he's just a little shit taking 674 different vacations during the podcast like holy shit is his job that hard? All of his content has way better production than the main channel and he has this holier than thou attitude that just irks the shit out of me.
That eyebrow ring looks really faggy.
>Its a Pat and Woolie podcast
Thank god
Why won't they ever bring up Gravity Rush 2?
They didn't even talk about the closing servers on their podcast as a news piece even though they did a video on the demo
I don't watch them anymore but I'm sure glad it's confirmed Matt was raped in high school. Explains a lot. Like why he married a man.
Literally who?
Pat and Paige are great simply because they constantly give each other shit and try to make each other laugh.
Don't care about watching anything else these guys put out nowadays though.
When is Liam coming back? Is his vacation over?
objectively &
I'm not so sure about that. It feels like they don't want to be there doing lps anymore.
KOTOR lp definitely feels like they are just playing it because they are forced to finish now that they started it.
I like matt, I love matt and woolie more now than matt and pat.
I think those "vacations" shows how distant he is with the channel. Again, it feels like he no longer enjoys doing that type of content and his only enduring it now for the sake of business.
His new channel is gold by comparison. It feels like he is doing better content there because he is doing what he likes. Doing bug report series, doing random short playthroughs just to talk about old games he enjoys, the series he is doing with his wife.
He definitely wants to make different content that go beyond lps.
it was for and
He said he'd come back if Pat ever left.
Now, looking back, you can notice some tension between pat and liam. In the fisticuffs videos where emotions can be overblown you sense a lot of aggressiveness from Pat being thrown at Liam
Source? That would mean the end of their channel anyway, nobody's there for Matt or Woolie.
woolie is great with matt. Love the crymetyme series where matt and woolie go full urban.
Woolie lacks vidya knowledge but he feels legit.
Hate pat and woolie. They have NOTHING in common
I bet he fucked that tranny on the podcast. Woolie, Pat, and Liam know about Chris but does he?
>podcast not even a week after liam left
>pat legit forgot his name
Is there legitimate proof of this or is this more Sup Forums making up shit?
Genuine question, this sounds interesting if true
Chris was never on the podcast you dingus
he's talking about that "i have a vagina" abomination
Probably bullshit.
How the fuck do you watch these faggots?
I can't even look at them without wanting to punch them. Beanie faggot has a shitty piercing and always wears that stupid beanie. Ginger one is a fucking fat ginger faggot. The black dude is some weeb faggot with piercings and has disgusting looking dreads. They're all fat as fuck and ugly and they dress like man children and look like they smell awful.
>How the fuck do you watch these faggots?
I don't look at them I look at the game.