We dinomancers now.
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
looks nice but I already have a druid and there's no way in hell I'm going through leveling again
Race change, but that costs shekels and you miss out on the heritage armor.
Oh cool I can press 1 1 2 3 1 4 repeatedly as a dinosaur instead of a bear now
Definitely worth my money
I'm still mad there's no set resto form anymore, so no resto dino. At least give a fitting animal, like a deer or elk would be so fitting, especially for NEs.
>first raid is a Titan containment facility for experiments on an Old God
>locked away because of an Old God blood virus dubbed Omega Vector that could wipe out all life on Azeroth
>A.I. called M.O.T.H.E.R. trying to contain the corruption. Itw as called the Red Queen in a previous build
Jee, one of the devs really likes Resident Evil.
So what happens to this form?
Will probably be made into a toy item like the firelands cat for people who unlocked it.
During a pre-patch of BFA I think, your Artifact weapons are going to be turned into mementos and nothing more, BUUUUT, all skins and the artifact weapon vanilla look will be available as Transmogs.
So good chance that while you won't be able to use those fists, you can still have the form via Transmog.
every time I check the forums I see people bitching about the mage tower. Is it really that hard? I stopped playing at 878 ilvl just as Kara 2.0 launched, thinking of resubbing to get these limited time unlocks.
I just hope they change their mind on artifact transmog skins being spec specific. i want to use Tyr's Hand as Ret.
They're pretty challenging but definitely manageable, especially with all th catchup gear.
Some classes/specs without self-healing need specific legendaries or they become really fucking hard though.
The hardest part of the tank one, at least for me, was the fuckin knock back hitting you off the cliff, maybe I'm retarded and didn't understand that mechanic but everything else is just knowing your rotation and having consumables. From what I hear druids tanks have one of the easiest times doing it with the luffa legendary making it an actual joke.
I really miss when this was a fantasy setting.
TBC ruined it with space goats and windchimes.
Then we got timetraveling rocs that could've stayed forgotten but no, they're bringing them back and they're led by Genocide Grom Hellscream.
I too, miss Warcraft Orcs and Humans
at least timetraveling make sense because time magic but fucking draneie and their lightforged are a cancer to the lore.
Race change your main then level a Zandalari on the side. The armor is account wide.
Nothing of what was described was not fantasy.
They said all skins for artifacts will still be transmogrifiable, including Druid ones. The catch is that the Mage Tower ones will no longer be obtainable after Legion ends.
How much is blizzard paying you?
Also the +15 Mythic recolor.
Sorry son this is not a kingdom come thread friend.
Yes, this is a Blizzard thread, so how much?
Some classes are faceroll and for some it's harder
No, it was hard when it was current content now is nothing.
It seems there's a demographic interested in resubbing for a quick leveling option (a la the invasions before the xpac launched) which is especially helpful for getting characters to 110 for artifacts, figuring out classes for BfA mains, enjoying some PvP and PvE at those levels, etc.
Warcraft lore hasn't been anywhere even remotely enjoyable since vanilla. The setting is schizophrenic as fuck and there's no consistency in the writing. Anything and everything can be justified if it's necessary to serve the game mechanics. Faction imbalance? Just put elves on the Horde and make up some bullshit about why they could join. Too hard to balance faction-unique classes? Elf paladins and alien shamans. Need more race/class combos? Make up some bullshit and bam, Tauren paladins/Troll druids/Worgen druids/whatever you want.
The story itself is even worse because there's no focused narrative, it's just a collection of vaguely linked plot threads involving the same group of characters, but they're all written by different people who seemingly aren't interested in collaborating to make sure their characterizations are consistent, or that the shit they're writing is actually going anywhere. Oh and they have to do shit like pretend there's a faction conflict even though neither faction is allowed to one-up the other.
who /niggorc/ here?
I just don't get why they didn't explain them as Outland orcs instead of bringing back the fucking time travel plot element.
Because the brown orcs in outland are literally nothing, not even a full clan.
Outland doesn't have Blackrock or Shattered Hand Orcs
its pretty much faceroll with self healing legendaries, but it depended back then
for example while the destro challenge was faceroll and the affliction challenge was pretty much doable, the demo challenge
teared my fucking asshole apart, it was so brutal even with self healing leggos/Prydaz
fuck the whole God Queen challenge, i can still hear the voices
I did this challenge on my demo lock only recently.
I don't think that healing leggos are required, as whenever I was really in trouble I could just spam life drain and soul leech meant that their trivial damage could barely scratch me.
The reason why this challenge was so cancer tho is because demo locks need to hold still to cast all of their worthwhile + hard hitting spells, whereas this challenge required a great deal of mobility at times.
Never wanna do it again.
Maybe he did it back then when it was new content? I did it a few weeks ago and I just survived until they stop casting their skills.
Fire Mage is tricky if you're below ilevel 910 and/or you don't have at least one legendary for aoe (Dragon's Breath helm, Kil'jaden trinket), but hardly undoable. With Argus catch-up gear you can get it in a dozen or so attempts.
yeah i did it when it released, should have waited for 7.3.5
>oh boy are you trying to defuse the runes while sigryn/jarl is powered up? tough luck son :^)
im really trying to love demo and skullbro, but i hate the lack of movement which made the whole challenge so fucking brutal
also affliction is way too superior in every way
>m really trying to love demo and skullbro
dont bother they are going to revamp it with the next expansion.