Fatal Bullet thread. Complain about lasers and facsimiles in here

Fatal Bullet thread. Complain about lasers and facsimiles in here.

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Electrodynamic stunner and the electrodynamic stun mines are great for shutting down facsimiles. Premiere has carried dungeon runs since she always seems to use those stun mines really well.

I'd rather complain about the lack of LLENN bed scenes

So you guys know where strange poison sac can be obtained? It's the last thing I need for Itsuki's outfit

What are the best memory chips?
I'm guessing its the various damage vs X% but I thought I should ask anyway.

If I take arfa-sys out of the party will they still level up with me like everyone else?
They're the only one other than me that has an experience bar

Yes, so feel free to kick them out once they've got their affinity full so you can affinity grind the next guy on the list

Concealed Genbu, in the remnant wasteland top left dungeon.

damage increase, weak spot damage, crit rate/damage, possibly bullet circle accuracy/stabilization if you run and gun

Bottom left dungeon* if you're looking at the map screen

Is it possible to respec your AI?

Thanks, though it seems I'll need to get a bit further in the story before I'll be able to get that last piece

I love LLENN

if you don't want to waste all your medals buying a respec item you can just load one of your customization slots from the computer in your room that has all you stats at 1
You keep all your cp and sp so you can build your characters over again
If you've saved over all your slots then you fucked up

>DBFZ cracked already
I should've just saved my 50 bucks, I bet this one is cracked soon.

It looked as though she was asleep, but she was dead.
Shit. Wasn't expecting this to hit me that hard honestly.

Is this game actually good because I wanna shoot some shit in a FPSRPG and it feels like the last one was Borderlands.

This is a TPSRPG though

So who bit the bullet?

So how long is the main plot?

How do you reroll your stats? I read you can do it but I have no idea how/where


The sucker's way is to exchange your medals for the stat reseter

The smart way is to load a blank customization slot

What the fuck is wrong with the "pvp" quest targets? Fuckers are nearly impossible to headhsot no matter what you do. Have no problems on anyone else but those guys.

So how fun is this game for someone that isn't too much into weeb shit but that enjoys RPGs ? Is it in the same vein as Neptunia, with the same lewd outfits and gameplay ?

I mostly looking for some good pvp guns, the online is way too laggy to tried and land crits.
I'll probably just spec the gun enterally in its damage% and try to dabble in other alittle.
Think its worth going to a good sniper rifle? I'm using an SMG and Gatling gun but at long range I'm useless since the SMG needs to be close and the gatling gun has a huge drop off.

Any SAO game beside this one where you don't have to play Kirito?

I'm 34 hours in and still not finished with it, then again I'm also going fucking around and grinding so that would probably shave more than a few hours


Well is it a good TPSRPG

Ohh, So I reroll for a blank slate and save that as a custom slot and just keep using that over and over?

Doesn't exist.

>rewind time and save your friend?
>implying zeliska was my friend
I think that ending would have had more impact if they made the choices Kureha + party member with highest affinity
I didn't even know Zeliska was supposed to be another close friend.

Yes, some kind of mmo, also some mobage ones where you make your own character as well. But they are not very good.

What's the best way to grind affinity during first playthrough? I'm right before taking the main fugel quest. Just spam my last unlocked dungeon?

Is it just me or is the smg weapon art garbage?

It's not fair

It's a little clunky when it comes to the menus, and going back and forth for upgrading your shit, or buying ammo but the actual running and gunning is good fun

>buying ammo
found the shitter

It's fucking terrible. Compared to assault rifle and handgun it's literally not even worth using unless you want some invincibility time.

> buying ammo
learn to use the weapon modding features

Like this?

Can't be helped that dual wielding Long Stroke eats outrageous amounts of ammo, made worse by the fact that you can carry way less Large Handgun Bullets compared to the other kinds of handgun bullets

Has there been any testing to see how much the stats effect which? I have a feeling luck gives like .1% crit chance but it honestly doesn't feel like it.


Honestly it's weird. Having Zeliska take the shot for you doesn't make a whole lot of sense considering she doesn't really show up a whole lot before joining you and even then she joins quite a bit into the game so there's no time to really build her relationship with you to that level, unless you imagine it as her feeling like it's her responsibility as a Zaskar employee to protect her players. Choosing to protect her doesn't really make a whole lot of sense either unless you like to imagine the two REALLY hit it off in that amount of time. I still like her over Kureha but it doesn't really flow well.
On the flip side, it makes sense to both protect Kureha or have her take the hit for you. Protecting her is a given because muh childhood friend but having her take the shot for you closes her jealousy drama BS pretty well in a morbid sense. Like despite all the shit that happened near the end between you she was still willing to jump in and save the only person who probably genuinely validated her existence.
Well, I guess that's why there's a true end for a reason.

I gave it to my AI and it's surprisingly one of the few things she can manage to pull of consistently and successfully.

hmm if one sword is longer than the other I wonder if they bothered to give it longer reach or if the hitboxes are identical

God, this game feels so half-done and rushed. I sure hope they implement all the missing features in patches soon.
You know, like fucking accessory transforming.

I rebound everything and now I have no idea how to do my weapon art.

>Try out FXAA, TSAA and MSAA settings in the various inis
>Try to force AA through the nvidia control panel and nvidia inspector
>game still looks aliased no matter what I do

Get a better graphics card and just render at 4k.

weapon art is when you press both the grappling hook button and the skill menu button

Can't thanks to miners, doing 2880 x 1620 atm.

Yeah without that I'll never be able to change accessories

I just want to hug Kureha and tell her everything is alright.

>tfw they didn't even show us what she looks like IRL

I usually hate her tsundere childhood friend archetype but I couldn't help but sympathize with her inferiority complex. They also kept her tsun shit to a minimum and only really brought it out when other characters imply we're dating, which works for me since I'm playing a girl.

AA should work ingame, I read that only the ingame cutscenes get forced to 1080p regardless of what resolution you run and those scenes may not have AA on.

Is there a demo for this game? or is it possible to pirate it? im really on the fence for this game and what to try it before I buy it

Is Llenn a school shooter?

No Zeliska is. Goes on shooting sprees to relieve stress.

I want her to suffer even more if only because she does it so well

Hags can't he school shooters

The RPG element is Warframe tier:
Stats are useless, they just unlock weapons and skills.

Weapons mods are useless until NG+ where you use your weapon of choise and start maxing it.

MP is just a laggy Boss Match.

Theres is nothing else. You are here for a better shooter than destiny 2.

Long road to 150

>Stats are useless
Luck and Dex say hi

Try this:

There was only a demo for Japan on PS4 for people who preordered and as of today there is no crack.

That what I was using.

I want to tell Llenn that it's ok to be tall.


Why Japs keep thinking tall girls should be ashamed of their bodies?

I want to cum inside Asuna.

Go away Kirito.

I want to ignore Kureha and party with better players.

You can easily do the story mode when your level is more than 10 below the suggested so I don't know how long it would take to get to max level

Who is this guy, and why do I think he's gonna rape Sinon when I stop looking?
At least he knows about Kirito being a evil harem NTR mastermind

The game dropped pretty much all the subtlety about him being part of Death Gun. Hell, the previous game had him appear early and attack Sinon there while going ballistic and ranting that his brother is gonna kick Kirito's ass.

Oh, and yes he does canonically try to rape-murder-suicide Sinon.

Anyone know where I can obtain the gun that is equivalent to the SIG SG 550 in this game? I’ve seen people use it, but I don’t know where to get it.

These are your lolis for today.


That's the face of someone getting bullied
I want to hold her

Holy shit those pvp quest piss me off

You should watch SAO 2 unironically

Also I finally managed to go through whole flugel stern with those fucking facsimiles at level 75.

Do you need to get affinity up with the part of Kirito harem which Asuna kicked on the street too? Argo, Yuuki and such?

The man who was cucked to death

To be honest he wasn't wrong

One of hem isn't spawning for me, says forgotten temple where i already killed few guys but this one won't show up.

When you are forced to stack cr and cdmg for +dmg and there is not another viable option to build your chara.

i could think of maxing int/vit to build status effects but would be only reliable on an actual pvp.

At that point the entire rest of the PVP missions appear next to the underground weapons plant in Solitary Sands, the large base utterly brimming with enemies all over.

And believe me, you better be prepared for bullshit, status effects and slides out the ass.

That one's labeled wrong. He's in solitary sands near the ship graveyard again. From what I hear all the pvp quests after that are also in that area.

>Stats are useless,
>Weapons mods are useless until ng+
Why lie on the internet, user?

Today, all those bullies will pay

finally, the tall uprising

How are lightsabers in this game? Are they any good?

Why is there no bedtime CG for Joe?

No, they're bad on purpose unless you're a non-manlet facsimile.

The photon swords and Death Gun's estoc are here, but without a spec'd build for it and the right skills, it can be dangerously reckless to use if you're not careful since every enemy will fill your face with lead in the meantime.

Lightsabers alone are super bad until you get to the part where Kirito teaches you how to deflect bullets and you learn sword+pistol mastery

Why is this game getting loads of threads? Is it good?