It's cold and snowing where I am, Post games with snow

It's cold and snowing where I am, Post games with snow.


earthbound snowdin

Is that Ace Combat?

are you in uk too

did you died yet


Ace Combat Zero, yeah




The Long Dark



Dota map is uber comfy

Are you in Ireland?

aparently his second favorite past time is intense saiyan training

walking dog for an hour without gloves is fucking murder

Snow sucks. People who like it have never lived somewhere truly cold or never leave their houses.

Well at least with cold you can wear as much layers as neccessary until you're satisfied
I live near the equator line and after you're naked there's nothing else you can do to deal with the heat

Heat doesn't hurt the same way cold does. I've had mild frostbite and I've been near heatstroke and frost bite is way worse. WAAAAY worse.

Same here, mon ami.
I like this thread. It's pretty cool.

Should have dressed warmer
Should have drunk more and foudn shade

It was -50C I was dressed warm as fuck it didn't matter.
I was doing landscaping as a summer job and I was chugging water.

My point still stands.

The one and only official winter game.

It's minus 50 fucking DKP over here in Uppsala. My face is red after biking home from work.

When does it stop snowing in Animal Crossing? I just found my old copy last night and was considering starting a town.

My favourite part about 3rd Birthday is putter her in this jacket and running around snowy New York

I'd say the setting is the only thing they got right in 3rd Birthday


I love snow and it's currently -20c outside. I leave the house every day.


It's winter so it should be snowing. Will probably stop soon though.

Cool thanks, plus Spring is comfy so I don't mind the transition