Now that the dust settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?

Now that the dust settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?

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here's the link for the preview campaign



mega link?

not clicking on you're virus, thank you

I beat the preview. It's amazing. Visceral. A genuine throwback (as opposed to indie shit that never delivers.)

It's shaping up to be really promising. Give honest feedback to the devs so the final game will be even better.


Genuinely fantastic. The level design is phenomenal.

Who's Voidpoint? They haven't done anything else.

Torrent when

>another strong wyman protagonist
no thanks

post torrent or mega

nigga it's from gog, check the digital signature you dummy

A team of high-profile Duke 3D modders and the two creators of the eduke32 source port. One of the level designers made the levels for the Duke Nukem Forever 2013 mod. These people know the Build Engine more than anyone.

nice try, but I'm not mining coins for you fag

nice botnet

For all the retards asking for a torrent. You can play through the game in 1 hour. Just buy the game and then refund it when you're done.

nice doom wad

switch version?

Are the (you)s worth it?

>SJW shit
I'll pass thanks


Is the original Tomb Raider SJW shit as well?

Hey man, the gameplay looks great, I just don't wanna play as some stronk womyn. I'll pirate when someone makes a mod that replaces her with duke or some shit
No, because it was intended to please horny teenagers, not for muh diversity.

Welp, game with 1996 visuals runs like dogshit and is borderline unplayable with all the stuttering on my 2010 PC. Good work, devs.

>I just don't wanna play as some stronk womyn

>switch version?
"Oh, and no promises, but they are in possession of a Switch dev kit and prototyping the game on it."


Like most of the 90's female characters Lara was bitchy and had a serious dom streak. The nerds back then accepted it because they knew they were trash and didn't deserve respect unlike the faggots today who still don't deserve respect but whine and bitch about it endlessly while fapping to rapefic and lolis.

Real talk:
Game looks alright, but these neo retro games always end up sucking ass and this character was already annoying in bombshell, no where near caleb or duke levels.

Im not holding my breath but i hope its good

Where's the demo? Do you have to be a kickstarter backer or something?

its in the "patches" section for the game "bombshell"

peace and blessings be upon you brother

the original lara had big tits and revealing clothes
two things that modern female character are no longer allowed to have thanks to sjws and liberals

Framerate sucks ass, needs to be fixed asap.

Other than that, I had fun.

This, framerate went from 470 to 27 just by turning around.

Also, are you supposed to be able to double jump or climb? many secrets seem to be just a little too high to reach.
I just realized you probably should push some trashcan or office chair and stand on it.. fuck i'm getting stupid.


you can i got to a lot of the secret by pushing stuff around



Just because the game is old school doesn't mean you have to run it at such a low res

But that's the resolution of my monitor.

Looking forward to the full release

Game seems okay but the MC is kind of boring compared to previous MCs.

this game goes to 5fps on my machine, i literally cant fuckin play it

Looks fun but I was watching a preview and the guns need to be reloaded which turned me off a little bit, especially since you can't see how many shots you have left before needing to reload? Although I'm sure they'll fix that up since it's only early access, I would prefer no reloading.

>Climb up that one tall building
>Find this
