Necessary shot of realism to game development or edgy tryhard?
What do you think of Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Daniel Vavra?
he does what developer do with sjw but with Sup Forums
shitty game desu
there are already threads about this game, please check the catalog
Disgusting racist scum that is ruining the industry and we will see games change for the better with less of the likes of him.
Its no coincidence that he's a white male.
polish death camps
A moron using a "I'm so le based" sthick to get attention for his vidya because some no name twitter whiners, moaned about his game.
interesting setting, nice graphics, fucking terrible gameplay
Looks like video games and comics aren't made for ya, just go back to the celebrity gossip blogs and sitcoms.
We don't need people like you trying to dictate the rules just because in some way you don't agree with that.
I'm indifferent to it. I'm indifferent to everything. Anyone who expresses any opinion strongly on anything I tend to view as an idiot. Everyone should be apathetic and indifferent to all things.
the soygoy fears the slav
ultra-pessimistic Sup Forumsirgin
regular Sup Forumsirgin trying to bait
Im waiting for that new big patch, then gonna start playing.
>tfw normies can never come up with a response when I ask them why they miss Obama so much besides "He wasn't Trump"
Wow what a great president
>Sup Forums hates slavs
>Sup Forums shill this game
absolutely based
wheres the upvote button again?
You'd think a game about revenge and getting your sword back would feature revenge and getting your sword back, and not just fucking around in the woods and riding a horse with your dad into the sunset
Good game, and a breath of fresh air compared to the fantasy ones in the same genre.
Now stop spamming new threads about it every single second of the day.
Oh look another thread where a bunch of politically mind fucked tards come to bitch and complain again.
Completely original and well worth a thread spot on the fucking board.
I’m happy there is finally a dev that represents me and my tastes. If you claim to have any European heritage then you should be suppostying this game every way you can
Yes, and gamergate was organized to attack women and be sexist and racist. Well said, fellow ne- I mean, fellow 4channer
He's a Jew. Digital distribution should never be paid for so I pirated it.
Don't care either way.
The game just isn't very good, all sjw bullshit aside.
The combat IS shit. It's janky, clunky and unresponsive.
Found the shitter. Git gud
>no body hair
I thought this game was realistic?
Hello there plebbit
I love the game, but waiting for patch.
Feels like I'm halfway thru the game (like an hour after getting my sword back), and heard that it gets real buggy in the latter half of the game, so not gonna risk it.
Haven't actually encountered anything big so far, but might as well wait since I think it's supposed to be coming this week or the next (?)
Don't be disgusting. Anyway they are bought aged around 14-16.
I think you faggots should be purged from this board. I'm so sick of hearing about this faggot and his shit game. I'm sick of niggers whining about this faggot because he didn't include them in ONE piece of media.
>like an hour after getting my sword back
they must love deportation and drone strikes
I'd like to play it but toaster level PC and don't feel like buying it on console.
Interesting looking game. Asshole dev. A sane person wouldn't wear that shirt. You simply ignore the SJWs. For some reason (probably racism) he felt the need to wear it.
Git gud faggot.
or you could stop thought policing everyone who doesn’t fit your world view
have you played the game?
Or you could not fall for such obvious bait. Jesus Christ.
SJWs don't thought police anyone. You either listen to them or not. This guy took the extra effort to have a shirt made to insult them. I'm pretty sure he is racist.
There's nothing wrong with mocking your insane detractors now and then for fun
>SJWs don't thought police anyone
The bait is too obvious with this line
you never get your sword back
I think it's good and it innovates in some ways but some things feel altogether unfinished and unsatisfying when you've played the game enough that there's no facade of real depth to it.
I thought that the entire story arc was different because of saving Theresa from rape, but it turns out it actually doesn't matter and doesn't make any difference, and there are loads of examples of similar choices that do nothing throughout the game.
They also give you the option to choose dialogue in any order but if you do it is disjointed because you were supposed to play them from the top down in order.
That's it, it could have been a fantastic game if it felt complete. I feel the way it is it's a fantastic game despite being indie. I have to compare it to something a bit rough around the edges like The Forest and not a real gem like Witcher 3.
Does anyone have any proof he is racist?
I just see a attention whore getting away with some easy pandering
the only thing gayer than "cinematic" gameplay
The problem is that he is mocking many things that people should really have in mind, but they don't. I wouldn't like people telling me what I should add or remove from a game I make, but I wouldn't go as far as to ridicule all of their beliefs. Like the idea of "privilege", for instance: people really got upset at a joke a South Park game made, for christ's sake.
Everything is bait to a Sup Forumstard like you.
>SJW's don't thought police
Hilarious if you think that's true. If SJW's aren't preaching their "if you're not with us on the right side of history you're a against us" mantra or coming up with catchy slogans for their next outrage orgy (ME TOO! NOT ONE MORE! NOBODY IS ILLEGAL! LOVE NOT HATE!), they're bullying employers into firing people whose opinions they didn't approve of. It's disgusting.
git gud fg8
there is no proof
the people accusing him of being a nazi were the types of people who support anita sarkeesian and post blogs about how horrific it is when a game has you select between two genders or sexes
No. All he did was make a game without black people--which makes sense for the location and time period it's set in--and laughed at some retarded tumblrinas on Twitter.
Someone post that collage, please.
Overpromising edgy tryhard banking on impressionable retards with a scam game.
So how is any of this thought policing? It's not like the SJWs are holding a gun up to your head and demanding you to think a certain way. At best it's someone having an opinion and at worst it's someone criticizing you, neither of which is "thought policing".
He said 14th century bohemia didn't have black people in it. What more proof do you need?
>14th century bohemia didn't have black people in it
Das rite.
People are literally getting ostracized and blacklisted for having a wrong opinion you obtuse shitter.
What patch version are we at? Did they already roll out the big bugfix patch they were talking about? I have been holding out on buying it because I want it fixed first.
>He virtue signaled about how his game set in 14th century bohemia won't have black people in it
fixed it
it doesn't take much for these types to consider you a literal nazi
he got a ton of interest/sales in his otherwise totally unremarkable open world eurojank rpg by catering to Sup Forums and Sup Forums so good for him? idc. Game was all right, but the beginning and end were pretty awful (quest and storywise).
>replying "no" to a question
>virtue signaling
>reading comprehension
Except the burgers literally tried to get him fired.
My saves seem to be working now for ps4 and quests haven't been fucked up lately, so they've done some patching
>virtue signalled
He explained, when asked, why there wouldn't be black people in the game. There are other non white people in the game, but they make sense to the time period. Stop being mad
Aside from being a mess, is it fun? Thinking of giving it a pirate and then maybe buying it if I decide it's worth my money
So what? SJWs get ostracized here. That isn't "thought policing" that's having different opinions.
Blacklisted from what? If we're talking about being a professional working for video games you can get "blacklisted" for just about any controversial opinion that goes viral, especially if it's shitting on a major publisher like EA. That isn't exclusive to SJWs that's just an issue with being a professional in any field, period.
He got into a situation where he told someone to fuck off
They didn't think that was good enough so they pushed him
He then publicly embarrassed the person he was arguing with on twitter.
>blaming the Jews for your small penis
Yes. The combat feels great, the quests and characters are fun and interesting, lots of customization through equipment and methods of tackling scenarios. Well worth the money
>say the game sucks
>must be Reddit
Love how people are trying to act like this mediocre at best game is good. I bought into the hype and was going to buy it. Then I say a stream of someone playing, and it looks like a shitter version of Oblivion.
I no longer play video games anymore. But I deal with SJWs on a daily basis. I bought a couple copies and gave them away just to spite the sjws.
It's comfy but the combat is shit and it's janky as fuck. If you can handle the jank and the shitty combat you'll like it.
It's fun if you use the save mod, which lets you save anytime you want, otherwise it can be frustrating. That's because the mod lets you exit the game when you're busy IRL or something, without losing progress.
It's a good game and vavra is /ourguy/
the whole controversy was so fucking stupid. the entire game takes place, not just in bohemia, but in bohemia's fucking backwater that no one wants to even be in. it's incredibly siggy even wasted his time pillaging it.
>What do you think of Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
Second coming of Jesus Christ.
>Daniel Vavra?
12 inch girthy cock
it's fun w/ mods to alleviate some of the more tedious shit. (looser aiming to help with combat against multiple oppos, save anytime/anywhere, and the restored perks for archery are good ones)
>if you can handle the shit gameplay in a video game
Means the game is pretty shit.
Great game, great guy.
Amazing first try for a brand new developer with no big name studio or publisher backing. Their 1.3 million sold are well deserved and I think it sends a strong message that people want more games like this.
Ignore the diversity nazis and the screeching fags and retards who demand games should cater to them specifically. It's been such a long time since a developer dared to try something else and stand by their vision, it's refreshing and uplifting. I hope the next part of the game takes us either to Germany or perhaps further towards the east of Europe.
>Hilarious if you think that's true.
Hilarious if you think it isn't.
>they're bullying employers into firing people whose opinions they didn't approve of
Literally the employer's fault and not SJWs if people actually got fired. SJWs aren't putting a gun to anyone's head. It's impossible to agree with SJWs on a topic while disagreeing. If a developer fired a certain employee for his remarks (e.g. "kill niggers!"), then it is probably because the developer itself is against those remarks, and not because the SJWs told them to fire him.
>People are literally getting ostracized and blacklisted
Literally GamerGate. Except GamerGate was against SJWs, and their brilliant idea of justice was sending death and rape threats to women.
Some freedom you have there, pal. Get on with the times, gramps. Calling people niggers and depicting women as sluts isn't nice. You can keep doing it if you want. Don't expect everyone else to shut up, though, just like you don't shut up about "dem EssJayDoubleYous!" "ruining" your vydia.
He's fine. He's entitled to make whatever game he fucking feels like.
I think its a fun albeit buggy game and I'm looking forward to any future games they do because they're going to be a whole lot more polished. Its a solid proof of concept and nothing more really.
I don't care for Vavra, I saw someone post about him once on Sup Forums ages ago because he triggered someone and now everyone here is shitting themselves about the Sup Forums boogeyman.
I don't think anyone misses Obama, they just miss the potential he had. The problem is he needed Trump's stubbornness to get anything done.
>white male.
He isn't a white male, he is a slav. Being white means being obnoxious cocksucking hypocrite that castrates little boys to pretend that they are girls for Facebook likes.
You have brain damage if you can't differentiate between the two examples
If you suck ass at everything, you can at least master blocks that turn into devastating counters.
>this is what soy does to you
Unless you are baiting, then good work.
social justice has the problem all twitter movements have where there's no set goal or direction, so everything becomes about whether you're on our team or not, so SJWs will defend all the disgusting shit each other say while vavra can state a fact and get ripped to shreds
Are we already forgetting that he has "jewish ancestry"?
This. If you're not using an axe or mace especially, learn to riposte. Against skilled combatants it can make all the difference. Most people shitting on the combat don't understand the combat and think you can just button mash stab and slash to win against skilled warriors
He singlehandedly brought back actual slavery to Libya, he got plenty done in my book, kek.
>I hope the next part of the game takes us either to Germany or perhaps further towards the east of Europe.
Let's hope not. There's an obvious choice where to set the next game.
>despite being indie
It's not.
Virtually every white person has a "jewish ancestry"
It's not exactly indie, but AA