So how's the pulls going guys. You do have a legendary meme team right guys? They gave you one for free today.



Nice how many pulls. Kinda scared to keep trying

Garbage. Nothing noteworthy unless there's something worth running Swap on.

Not enough time to farm for enough orbs to do any serious pulls on any present or soon-to-come banners. At this point, I'll just go back to hoarding orbs for the distant future.

Wtf are you talking about user our girl S Corrin is on this banner.

2nd summon session, so 40 orbs.
Might as well unload your orbs on this 8% banner.

What should I do with trash units? Just get their skills?

Shit, my bad. I meant the results of my pulls. Went in to get some seasonals (in particular, your pic), but got nothing but 3-4* dupes (Lilina, Stahl, Mae, Selena)

Yeah it's a good idea to fodder of the skills to a unit who is useful of your running out of space. Unless it's est, don't listen to the tier list she's complete shit. Send that bitch home.