What are some good video games to play during a modern day ice age?
What are some good video games to play during a modern day ice age?
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Drumpf is responsible for this
proof global warming isnt real
thanks brexit
I bet this was little England's fault.
b-but it goes both ways idiot!
proof global warming is real
Hope everyone and everything freezes to death
>euro temperatures as low as 20 F
>they think that's cold
the midwest gets as cold as russia/finland every winter, you sensitive cuckboys
>go on twitter
>"How can we handle brexit if the entire country stops for a few inches of snow?"
I fucking hate londoners, they're pansies and freak out about everything. True english folk just zip up their coat and carry on, ignoring the little amount of snow, then they go to the polls and vote to take back control.
Anyway, this isn't video games.
Fable games are comfy.
>pepeposter is actually right
>on the late shift at work last night
>get off the bus home at 1:30am
>lightly snowing, 3 inches on the ground
>completely silent
>no foot prints, no slippery ice, no tire tracks besides the bus'
>absolute winter wonderland
god bless the queen
It's the end of February is the point.
Oh, I forgot, season and calendars are not part of the Common Core curriculum. My bad!
it was 22 f in mid april last year
>is a tropical paradise
Nothing better
No actual scientist has called it "global warming" for over a decade. "Global climate change" is more accurate.
remember the countrysicle
Lakes are still frozen over in the upper midwest until fucking late March/early April, you big baby.
thanks amerifat scooter jockeys
There are some places that are -20°F
Winter starts at -30c, everything above that could as well be summer t. Finland
Then why is it coming in February? Cold waves like this should have come December or January not February and certainly not in the beginning of March
>-30 Celsius
Sure. I love it when your body stops functioning.
The Arctic has less ice this year than ever before.
In fact, it's warmer in the arctic right now than in Europe.
Go back to naurunappula.
Far Cry Primal to prepare you for your future.
-30c isn't even that bad really.
Unironically true. Global warming is a precursor to an ice age.
user, the picture is in C, not F
how bout we change the name to "Global weather" to be even more accurate
I remember back when we got -50c here in Sweden, good times
Go post it on krautchan fag. You're like 8% of the whole website and no one gives a shit.
Not sure if bait or just retarded
The point is that the climate IS changing. And there's evidence it's being caused by excessive CO2 pollution produced by human activity.
t-shirt weather desu
you're not wrong
but neither was he
>Little England
How can the best comedy of the 21st century cause a global freeze?
user what you're saying isn't political correctness, delete your post right now please before you trigger someone
lappland is not sweden, you fucking snownigger
some of those countries are barely below freezing
What's going on over there?
I can tell you're an uneducated untermensch poltard by this post alone
Are you under the impression the PC crowd are the ones who believe Climate Change is a myth?
Sure you can, look how smart you are!
The further something is from the ocean, the colder it's gonna get. The ocean holds a lot of heat, and slowly releases it warming the land around it. That's why russia gets so cold, it's huge and far from large lakes or oceans.
Nygga it's in celsius, it's written in upper left corner
>several weeks of warnings
>country still shuts down
No I'm saying that right wingers have a PC crowd of their own, and seeing how the right wingers are in charge that means they are the PC police
Not video games.
>americucks STILL don't know what the flying fuck is Celcius
>not using Kelvin
>global warming isnt rea-
you realize that the earth goes through warm and cool periods right
>(((climate change institute)))
ah yes such "research" is sure to be free of bias
Kelvin and celsius scales are the same, their starting point is just different. They're both fine compared to the fahrenheit clusterfuck
NASA has even released charts like that. But you probably wont trust them either since they say that the earth is round you flat-earth piece of shit
I'm playing DS3. Bonfires are pretty comfy.
You mean like medicine research? Or weapons research? Or historical research?
>global warming isn't real, because globe warms up periodically
>Between -15 and -25
>Not the best temperature to do things outside
Just put on proper layers and take some of when you're doing shit.
>there are actual climate change skeptic amerimutts itt
did you mean little britain?
the time has come
The best Battlefield ever made: 2142
>Tfw Californian
>Tfw you will never get comfy while playing 3DS by the fire on a snowy evening
>proper snow for the first time for years where I live
>status red weather warning for tomorrow, blizzard-like conditions forecast, anyone who goes out during it will have their insurance void
>mfw my parents don't get to nag me about not having a job until it all clears up
I am setsuna can be top comf at times
Never for a moment think about on this board is being genuin.
You would see walls of text accompanied by dozens of youtube videos.
That's literally pussy shit. It was -15 F in the north US this winter.
Now you euros drop to single digits and panic? Pathetic.
>mfw South East England and it's -6C outside
Almost fell for it
> wake up
> go to take a piss
> can hear a strange sound outside
> check window
> neighbors pipe burst spraying water everywhere
> bins covered in 4" of ice
> half of garden turned into ice ring
hehe, I love winter comfy
How do you survive there?
why does it get warmer towards north pole?
t. österland
There's nothing to fall for shit-for-brains. It's quite literally this cold in the north US/Canada all winter long.
Piss off and get a coat, pussy.
Siberia goes -70C
vodka numbs your skin sensation of cold
You enter cryostasis and wake up when Spring comes around.
Talking about Cryostasis anyone remember the game?
I feel like this one could hold its own.
water physics tech demo: the game
>No mention of the Gulf Stream yet
Bunch of retards
>Live in USA
>Live the fuck out of snow and cold weather
>Moved from the NorthWest to the NorthEastish
>People I moved in with told me the winters here get pretty bad
>They called this winter bad as well
>Not even a solid 4 inches of snow on the ground all year
Fucking pussies.
I miss my snow..
Kinda want to move to Alaska sometime, but from what I hear, the people there are mostly assholes and trying to get food or supplies if you live anywhere but anchorage is a bitch during winter storms.
Thanks for reading my blogpost.
my dad was born there he told me they dont do anything but throw rocks at bottles from a distance and go shooting deer
Alaska looks amazing but I think it'd be a pain in the arse living through the Winters there
It's not so bad, shoveled some snow in -18c tonight.
Just dress properly and it's fine to go out in. Fast winds suck in -18c though, I need a scarf.
This game was a pleasant suprise.
>all these babies don't know what real cold is
>b b b but february!!
Lmaoing at you from my maple syrup mountain