Warcraft 3 Invitational

Yurop Vs Chinks
Get in here

Other urls found in this thread:

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I checked for it 1 hour ago. Fucking timezones, how do they work?

s-surely I won't be nerfed, Blizzard-sama?


what is a "cheer".

>Yurop Vs Chinks
is there any chance chinks will lose?

they got raped 4v4

me amerimutt
me no likey-likey wc3 melee
me only capable of playing custom maps

Fuck off Sup Forums, people everywhere played custom maps and scenarios over climbing the ladder. Same for BW. Forced competitive modes and no fun is what killed this genre.

>Neo completely cucked out of his own stream

>ctrl+f Warcraft

Despite WC3 being an American-made game, there was never a competitive NA player worth a shit throughout 15 years the game exists. That's all you need to know about americans

Neo looks like a cave troll
Remo is C U T E

Americans being horrible and video games isn't what he said tho.

>Sup Forums shitflinging on a nostalgia WC3 stream

>mad at memes

They didn't invite any chinks, only gooks

Sup Forums-Sup Forums-Sup Forums combined cancer killed all esports discussions. Blame the bad moderation.

>Mentioning that Amerisharts suck at games is haram, behead all who insult Americans

the absolute state of shartie marties

Its hilarious how much more interesting to watch WC3 is in comparison to SC2 even after all those years.
WC3 vs SC2 is the prime example of accessability vs skill in a genre.

>cucked out of his own stream
>they give him a huge venue + event to host


WC3 is a micro game, SC2 is a macro game.
Literally the difference between a game decided by manouvering and what-not vs a game decided by building enough and proper units.

It's a foregone conclusion as to which one is going to be more fun to watch.

Damn, those are some long games

adhd kiddies need not apply

Please God if you exist don't ever let me apply

>the virgin chink
>the chad eurofag

>the chad dutchman both expertly commentates and rapes everyone

>Lawliet builds the most retarded army in existence and is clearly trolling
>Effect wins just barely
Why are Chads so bad at vidya?

It's really fun seeing just how out of touch Blizzard is with Warcraft 3, bringing Koreans over instead of Chinese.

Really though, South Koreans are by and large garbage at the game. People like Moon were a rare exception.
Chinese play the game to this day and destroy others at it, handily.

What are some games?

why do they get commentators who barely speak english?

>how out of touch Blizzard is with Warcraft 3
These balance changes are gonna make shit worse aren't they?

Grubby is great desu

No one in Anglosphere plays Warcraft 3.

Pretty much all of the very top players are either super shy or bad at English.

Could blizzard care a little more and actually advertise this?

How is that artstyle so good bros? Still holds up to this day.

Yeah, remember all the shilling Starcraft Remastered got?

The only two people who know their shit at the cup have raised several concerns regarding them already, but so far so good.
You'd really need a month or so of the Chinese setting up the meta to see the real results.

Blizzard doesnt care if its not overwatch or hearthstone. They probabably consider W3 problematic.

Chad STOLE his fucking book.

Artstyle was the priority number one with WC3, being the first Blizzard game to do the 2D->3D jump while people were still not completely sure if 3D can work in RTS or not.

>warden gets nerfed
>BM gets nerfed
>DH doesnt get nerfed
what did blizzard mean by this

>DH destroying the game
>as usual
>for the last 15 years

Illidan dindu niffin

can someone explain why is it always 1v1 and not full teams with their own armies? this is nothing but singleplayer league of legends with more autistic clicking, who gives a shit

>500 hp
>3 hp/sec
>-0.1 attack cooldown
>chaos damage
>splash damage
>ranged attack
>hero also has 20% evasion

>chink virgin vs yurop chad

the team game is about to start

gtfo of this thread brainlet moba filth

The game is balanced around 1v1, everything else is memeing

So they are going to announce a remaster, right? If not, what the hell is Blizzard going to do with the game, just keep releasing minor updates on a 16 years old game?

Think it's 30 unless they changed it.


Maybe they are just testing the waters.

>can't get the numbers dota or league have
lmao why can't Blizzard do anything right? Even their shit overwatch league is dying even though the pumped in 200 million dollars.

What are some FUCKING games?

fumb drogposter

Effect isn't even on Back2Warcraft's Elo Rating.
The Chinese can't speak English.

butthurt blizzcuck

Widescreen, balance changes, 24 player custom games, its far from a small update.

These games with these active players are fucking amazing. You can really see the differences in skill level.


I'd rather WC IIII. WC III looks perfect as is.


The factions have many units which are really created to be used in team games exclusively.
There's also special XP rules and shit.

Likewise, 1v1 isn't balanced. Never was.
This isn't Brood War, user.

when are they playing another fucking game

WCIIII would be a mistake IMO. You need to ignore WoW and WCIIV already had a good end. They need to release a new franchise and focus in single player campaigns and co-op.


>So they are going to announce a remaster, right?

They already announced no remaster announcement on this event. Hence the drop in views.

>The Chinese can't speak English.
Neither can the South Koreans they brought in.

Sometimes I wish mods actually banned for dumb shit on occasion

>it's been like 10 minutes at most since the last game

Jesus christ, how short is your attention span?

I mean at 6 you have 20% evasion since you get 3 in manaburn and 2 in evasion.

>even though the pumped in 200 million dollars.

lmao you think they only dumped 200 mil in OWL

very short :(

New RTS franchise would be good by me as well.

Story is irrelevant. WC3 threw all lore into the dumpster to tell its story, WC4 can do the same.

STOP. God you retarded fucks are gonna give me an aneurysm.

It's IV. Not IIII. God.

inso-happy-remind take my energy

>spending money in OW
They fooled the esports orgs to sink 20m each in their snake oil scene. I'll bet they made some hundred millions in profit.

The Chad Squad

When you stop falling for it people will stop IIIIposting.


>Neither can the South Koreans they brought in
Better than the chinks, trust me.

No. I won't ever allow it, because the instant I let my autism turn off regarding IIII, Poe's Law will immediately kick in and everyone will think it's serious.


>WC3 threw all lore into the dumpster to tell its story, WC4 can do the same
IMO getting the lore from the the dumpster to throw it into a cesspool is a terrible idea. Guess the could skip several years and make it in the future or make a prequel. I'll prefer a new franchise tho.

Is this 4 players controlling 3 teams each?

>Uses IX
>Doesn't use IV
I'm assuming shop.

Lots of clocks do that.
>being new at IIIIposting
Fucking newfag.

I refuse to believe there's any clocks that show IX but not IV


No, it's team colors.
You can share any units between allies, though. So they could, if needed.

google.com/search?q=IIII clock&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkxZn3wMnZAhULbhQKHWh8Cv0Q_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=956

Oh, got it. Thanks. Now I see the players.

>>BM gets nerfed
What the fuck, how am i supposed to shitpost on Sup Forums now?


DH did not. For only God knows what reason.

>this guy comes and slaps your peasant ass.
>peasant is still alive

its for lvl 4 and 5 mostly. at 1/2/3 he is still strong. And most Sup Forumsbabbies get fucked over hard by early BM harrass

So is blizzard announcing something