Le funny anime reference for the 9000th time

>Le funny anime reference for the 9000th time
Still better than Trolljew
Weekly Hiveswap Thread

I liked the ones that shit on existing people more, like the Aaron Diaz troll.

homestuck was good up until the troll shit.

at least it isnt jojo

You mean Act 6.

MSPA was good up until Homestuck
All I want is a real successor to Problem Sleuth

All I want is for the new writer to leave.

>It's literally fucking Vegeta and Nappa
Jojofags BTFO

the midnight crew intermission is the best we'll ever get

Whats hussie even up to, a normie job? Guy cant have that much money left.

He sold a chunk of the comic rights to Viz Media, It's enough to keep him alive for a little while longer before he decides to kill himself.

Fucking hell, there's another writer? And is this shit in OP actually official?
God damn I feel bad for not jumping ship much earlier but I saved myself a lot of trouble.

I just came here to have a good time, why so aggressive OP?

Hussie left a normie job before he even started Homestuck IIRC so he'd have a 7-ish year gap in his resume. Granted, Homestuck is VERY documented and he could put it down if he were applying for jobs in creative departments.

What is this, 2010?

There's three. One of them is deluded to the point he thinks he made the comic himself, one of them is half-decent and the third is literally a pedophile.

The lead writer for Hiveswap is Cohen Edenfield. hussie does not do anything other than outline the plot and sign off on the designs.

>literal pedo
Way to hyperbole that

Cohen, Dril, and... Shelby?
Shelby doesn't write for the comic, her sister just fucks Hussie.

At least the renaissance on bad cosplays is interesting

Half of the weapons in homestuck are guns. Jade love guns, she is a hunter.

Off to a shit start.

And Joey hates guns because of her relationship with her father, but Cohen doesn't realize he should just shut the fuck up.

I want an alternate universe where Hussie actually managed to alienate his fans

He did though. The numbers are gone and the only people who remain are the bitter ones who can't let go, the people who draw the characters as black jabba the hutts, and davekat shippers who don't realize they got screwed.

You're on it

The weird part was when people immediatelly made joey holding a gun and he got personally offended for it.

>The weird part was when people immediatelly made joey holding a gun and he got personally offended for it.

I love it.
But god damn why was this fucker put in charge of anything. I wish I understood Hussie's thought process other than "rich upstate kid who has no idea how to do anything"

hussie doesnt give a shit anymore, he probably just wants the franchise dead more than anything, but wp won't let that happen now

It's his own fault the franchise won't die. Giving it an unsatisfying ending ensured he won't ever be left alone, and he's an idiot for thinking otherwise, especially when a guy as ugly as him is easy to recognize in public.

Not true. Unsatisfying endings kill the franchise too. Before the troll call, people kept making these threads because they're just mentally ill.

>Unsatisfying endings kill the franchise too.
No, it just ensures nobody will ever remember the franchise for anything but being shit. But it doesn't let the author move on. Hussie is forever going to be named as the guy who had lightning in a bottle and fucked it up.

Less than two months left and no gameplay

>he thinks it's coming out on 4/13

I'm talking back in the early acts, when tumblr ate up purposefully long-winded dialogue and stupid relationship mechanics instead of getting turned off by it like he hoped to.

user, they never read the comic in the first place, why do you think JadeRose is so popular now.

Don't forget, Jake, Roxy, Eridan AND Calliope/Calliborn all used guns on top of Jade.

Don't forget

Huh, two good pulls. Never thought I'd see the day.


>cohen implying that literally every good character in HS and also jake are idiots
He needs to suffer at least as much as Hussie.

Wasn't this the guy who was like "Not every character NEEDS to be good!"
Explains Davekat really.

there needs to be more porn of terezi in her pj's

>John fights Bec Noir with his Vrillyhoo Warhammer
>He drops the hammer by the memory of his dad's destroyed car
>Think this means he's abandoning his juvenile use of hammers and all future fights will just be solved with magic and pure mangrit fists
>Uses hammers again in the final fight
I was disappointed.

dropping the hammer was stupid

That golden age has passed.

what went wrong, bros?

esto es su fin bec

Going to the Hiveswap tag on tumblr to look for art of the new trolls
Wish me luck

No, it was good. Seeing characters use weapons outside their stock was top-tier, and I was excited to see John's crazy mach punches against main villains, like the knockout punch against Vriska. I also wanted to see Jade's sword skills too.

Bring back porn.

That punch had no weight.

fuck off

Well fuck you too

Yeah, it was a halfhearted punch that sent her sprawling. Imagine what he could do if he punched with intent to kill, like against Jack. That's what I wanted to see.

Close enough?

yeah, it's long behind us
terezi in boyshorts is just too cute, yeah