Play Fate GO

play Fate GO

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I am, I'm going all in on Edmond Dantes tomorrow.


why are fgo designs so fappable?
I wanked myself dry with that condom nurse and the chocobutt form OP

i can see the wrinkles of her anus

okay i do

Fate stopped being good with UBW route

That fucking retarded hat.

I want to eat ass


I want to bury my head in her anus

me too m8, i would kill for some grilled ass right now


A gift for you user.

F/GO already have the designated annilingus Servant.

But I'm busy playing KanColle.


whats wrong with her ass?

There isn't a dick in it.


I should've started months ago
I didn't have enough quartz to roll best boy

do women really fart as much as Sup Forums claims they do?

Astolfo is dogshit.

Is Sche even in the English version yet? It's been months since I've touched it but she wasn't before.

If it makes you feel any better, he's kind of trash. I was super excited when I rolled him and then my dreams were crushed after spending a LOT of shit levelling him only to find out he gets outdone by Ushi

What are some games where I can Breed Brown

I swear, only time I see this picture is when there isn't a dick.

the point of the game is pretty much just waifus/husbandos anyway, let the man have his dreams

Xalter is shit.

Not for a while. Edmond dantes comes out tomorrow, then in a couple weeks, Florence Nightingale.
Fujayo Caster, AKA Scheherazade, will come out around mid june of 2019 in the global version.

My man
traps are disgusting and makes you a faggot

I want to get my prostate pummeled by that boy
extremely homo