ITT: You can only kill one of them.
ITT: You can only kill one of them
Other urls found in this thread:
>fuck kill marry
Shit list.
Wheres the barefoot hippie?
Randy, a mercy kill like putting a dying horse out of its misery
Todd is just a liar
Randy is just a talentless faggot
Cliff promoteswhite genocide
Clifford it is.
Randy. He actually committed money laundering and got away with it.
Out of all three he is the most dangerous.
lawbreakers flopped harder than battleborn tho
Todd is too handsome to kill
Todd is a legitimately good game director that gets blamed for bethesda/zenimaxes shenanigans
Todd must be purged out of the genepool
Randy is already dead inside and Todd is too handsome. Be gone, Cucky.
Hey Todd. And yes, even If I would have three bullets, I would shoot Todd three times.
fake news
Athleast post the full picture,dumbass.
i wish I had the one of Todds platform shoes right now
Bilion dollar franchise coming through.
to bad i'm not thicc enough to win Randy's heart
Randy has a certain desperation about him that makes me think he might just claw his way back, Todd is undeniably based, Cliff has clearly given up and needs to be put down.
Todd's mom is a qt
Holy fucking planetoid. Shes so fat her body is compressed into a flat surface while sitting. What the fuck
>his own mom is taller than him
post more rare bethesda pics
user that's not rare
now check THIS
Todd is just a liar
Cliff made a game that flopped, but is otherwise harmless
Randy is a scumbag criminal that also holds IPs hostage
Killing Randy would be doing the world a favor
Todd seems like a pretty nice guy when you look at old forum conversations and interviews from 1998-2002 Bethesda
his wife?
Can I replace Randy with Anthony Burch? Randy is already dead.
No doubt about it: Todd is the most dangerous, the other two will fade away from history like a shit in the toilet.
Burch was blacklisted from working on vidya ever again, he is harmless
This. Everyone should keep in mind that shareholders of a company are the ones that actually make large decisions, and these decisions can sometimes affect the product that the company makes. Just speculation as to why modern Bethesda is shit, I have no evidence.
Anybody else think Todd is unironically nice looking? I'd succ his manlet peepee.
Randy, easily. How is this even a question?
Poor Todd has no choice but to lie while the Zenimax jews pull the strings, secretly he just wants to make TES great again.
I have no idea how the fuck Pete Hines is still employed, though.
Why is he looking up to a girl shorter than him?
This is like one of those memes where 5'11 is shorter than 5'10
>To not look short he made a few steps forward
>there are people in this thread who want Todd dead
you fools, you're on his list now...
Oh fuck now I feel sorry for the guy.
Not enough to like him or anything but fuck me that is sad.
Who's your favorite Bethesda developer, Sup Forums?
the worst thing is not even his walrus wife, it's him son wearing a fedora
But only todd actually make games that sells. Cliff and handy are alreadly dead for the industry.
>Lynda Carter isn't my mommy
why is todd there?
How long until the next Skyrim re-release?
And he's still only slightly taller than the guy who is crouching
he will announce Fallout 4 switch version before that
this is like asking to kill between 2 people on life support and a snake oil salesman
>harmlessly makes shit games nobody cares about
>lies and makes bland, sub par games
>lies as much as todd but he shits out the worst games in the entire market
the worst thing about randy's death would be that his threads would die with him
which one of them is the snake oil salesman
>randy's death would be that his threads would die with him
Are you kidding? Imagine the flood of Randy/Gearbox shitposting if that happened
Why would you want to kill Todd "The God" Howard?
>No Todd
Who cares
The other two are already dead.
Todd, even though it would probably change absolutely nothing.
I have no idea who the other two are.
What game did Randy make again? Don’t recognize him
aliens colonial marines
Randy, don't even let him be born.
Cliffy B. Randy is fun to laugh at and Todd's games can be decent with mods.
>todd might be a meme but hes not too bad
>randy is dumb but still not a bad person
>cliff bazinga is a sjw cuck that tries to act tough
the choice is easy
Nobody cares about Cliff, to fall for his propaganda
Randy fucking rapes Duke's corpse every night
Memes aside, I wouldn't kill either of them. Todd owns or partially owns bethesda, and while their in house games are shit, they own id software and arkane studios, who constantly put out high quality games. They suck as a dev, but they're good as a publisher.
Cliffy B and Randy Bobandy are done for and aren't harming anyone but themselves. I guess it would be a mercy kill at this point, but there are bigger targets in the industry.
Tbh I was shocked when I heard todd speak for the first time. his voice just doesnt match his body
Kill the dude with the soy laugh.
Cliff obviously. He's a hundred percent worthless, at least randy can be a source of humor.
Why? Because he is rich as Scrooge McDuck?
don't have to. Todd would kill both of them
Todd is fucking based
Randy is a sympathetic loser
Cliff is just pathetic
Damn that sucks. He's a white millionaire and that's the family he's stuck with.
Cliffy is only destroying himself and his image, who cares.
Todd's influence is dubious at worst.
Randy killed Duke. It's only just that he gets his.
>you will never look as effortlessly cool, as MK
Why live
Todd memes are funny as hell
I don't care about Mr. B
Randy kills everything he touches
Todd is mist likely a puppet of his corporate masters and Cliff is an obnoxious retard but isn't actually all that bad of a developer. Randy is an actual piece of shit so he'd be the one to die.
Randy is the most obnoxious, Todd is the one that probably deals the most damage to stuff I care. Cliff make silly statements, but everything else he does or says I can easily ignore.
Cliffy. Todd is at least endearing in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of way and Randy is fun to laugh at.
>Todd memes are funny as hell
the absolute state of modern v
Todd actually appears to be a more or less competent game designer considering he made morrowind. The question is whether he's destroyed his own work because of his own greed or the greed of his employers.
Goddamn hivemind.