I found an addon on the workshop some dude made of his classmate. Weirdest shit I've read today


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What game
Link addon

yeah I'm gonna need to see this one

Shit man, I kind of feel for this guy because I too know what it was like to spergily obsess over some girl. Thankfully I managed to keep my teenage autism restricted to diary entries and bad poetry that never saw the light of day.
What game?

found it

maximum creepy

Sfm porn when?

>he even linked her instagram


>ywn be a chinese exchange student thot with rich parents

So who's going to tell her?

Yyyeeah that's a turbocreep.
Holy fuck.

Eh, I've seen worse, but linking her social media stuff is probably a bit retarded.


>I've seen worse
I'm listening...

Actually mental.

Don't want to blogpost, it just mostly involves a lot of autism and suicide threats (not from me, I've gone through this shit with the person on the receiving end). But this is basically
>I've dedicated a ton of time to make a perfect drawing of a girl I really liked without even talking to her
unless you can do sexual shit with that model in Gmod, I don't know, I never really played it for more than an hour.

is he /ourguy/?

Someone post the exploding loli and then rape in gmod

>Spent two years and flunked out of high school because of this

Fucking how!? It's just a HL2 model. How do you pump so many hours into it that it takes two years?

So wait, it took him 5 years to learn how to edit a model and textures and get them into garry's mod?
Not even doing it from scratch, but editing an existing model and having someone else do the head? 5 years for looking up a blender tutorial, a photoshop tutorial and a garry's mod tutorial?
How fucking inept is this guy?

Someone call him out for being a fucking lazy ass

So fucking inept that this is his way of getting a girl's attention.

>this guy is closer to getting laid than anyone on Sup Forums

Robert Daly approves.

His life already sounds like a fucking nightmare, there's no reasson to make it any worse.

Shes so fucking hot holy shit

What the fuck is wrong with her eyes.


she's asian

Either the filter's weird as shit or the image is somewhat shooped.

>She's probably getting fucked by Chad right now

He says it took him that time to learn how to do 3D. The model itself took him 3 days

shes perfect

>women will never love a man this much

Thirsty beta males should be removed. He's probably the same type of person who donates to tittystreamers

I bet this guy is a disgusting fat loser anyway, why would a fucking shitty model online ever sway a woman? are you fucking retarded dude?

>poltard makes a game

>when your comment gets removed right when the guy goes online


Is he gonna end up killing?

someone tell her

Holy shit he literally fucked up his entire life to make this, that's almost worse in itself than making a video game model of your crush.

That's kinda cute
But also, dude, if you're gonna do that, don't put it on the workshop, keep that shame to yourself

Also she's cute as shit

>check it out
>awful generic asian girl character model

Just think, this fucking loser was picturing him showing her the character, her being impressed, him teaching her how to play, her coming over more and more, his single mom being happy for him and handing him her wedding ring with a "She's perfect for you, son. Go for it.", them getting married, having kids, and the saddest thing is he probably imagined himself as an old man his grandkids showing them the file that got him his perfect wife/life

Part of me thinks this is an attempted publicity stunt because she is CLEARLY trying to become an instagram model. She's very attractive so it's possible.

Some mook she's working with made this model and came up with a weird af/sob story as advertisement for her instagram page.

She doesn't at all look like an average student taking science classes.

this is very clearly the result of a single father, not a single mother

>yellow fever

I think you guys forget he was probably 15 or something and kids do stupid shit

understand that. But learning modeling over the course of a few years still shouldn't be enoug of a work load that it takes over your life and makes you flunk school.

This. Nothing about the story makes any sense otherwise.

what's the difference
no really

Someone is getting a shot to the face

She's probably horribly superficial and shallow, so he's better off alone. That line of thinking always works for me with girls who I'll never have a chance with anyway.

>she's an average looking gook
>dude is obsessed with her

white, definitely fat, probably watches a lot of anime

what a waste of your one and only life

>tanked your grades in the most important years of your life to make this shit about a girl he never even showed
survival of the fittest

nothing you do until your masters even remotely matters

It's single mother.
Only an autist with a hyper-present mother would think this is romantic.

her IG is all chinese so unless the dude is chinese too this makes so little sense

also keep in mind this was supposedly in "high school" in 2012

>instagram link
>qt asian
I bet that guy is fucking white as milk.

is that what getting a restraining order is called these days

thats sad user

good luck getting to a decent masters school with
>shitty HS grades
which means
>shitty undergrad unless he managed to ACE the first two years to transfer to a better school
either way he's fucked

>dedicated two and a half years for shit you can learn in a month

only somebody that has never been around women would venerate them to this point

Master's degrees on their own offer little more than a Bachelor's. If you don't go for a PhD it's not worth it going to grad school.

your high school grades are entirely worthless aside from being a pass or a fail
unless you're a mutt i guess but his education is fucked eitherway if he is

oh she's apparently going to UBC
so she really could be just a rich chinese expat

damn the dude is boned

the sadder part is that girls like her are not exactly uncommon in vancouver
dunno why he picked only one of them to obsess over

what? again, good luck getting into any sort of decent college with shit grades

community college doesn't count user

The most likely scenario is some fan made a model of her over the weekend and made up this story for kicks.

my grades helped with scholarships in college and good grades there helped with law school. it's definitely not a huge deal but doing well in school can save you some money if you're in it for the long haul.

Yeah, that will totally make her fall in love you, man.

Why is he supposed to be doomed just because he flunked high school. In my country you can just repeat the year for better grades. One year more means absolute shit.

>girl probably has a boyfriend
>people will make sfm porn of her
>mfw this guy will get cucked from multiple dimensions


Someone make it happen

Well you can pick worse girls to obsess over.
I hope the dude finds the help he needs though.

put yourself into the mind of someone at a college in an acceptance role. you have the two people to choose from:
>someone who flunked high-school
>someone who got good grades

no she just knows how to use makeup and camera angles like every other asian girl

you can see just barely in some other pictures that she's really like a 6/10

I will never understand how or why absolute beta perma virgins obsses so hard over someone so far out of their league that they will probably never even notice them, especially if they can't even fucking begin to speak to them. What the fuck?
Are they autistic? Maybe I am the autistic one.


As sure as the sky is blue. A love this pure could only be found in a whiteboy with yellow fever.

Idk if you live in the states but in the North East your standardized testing scores are far more important than actual grades. If you score high on your SAT's ACT's and if you're in New York keep your Regent's average above 95 you can get into just about any college.

So this is the next school shooters Steam Account?


Maybe in shit like medical school but almost any STEM subject will have tons of open seats and they will accept anyone as long as you fulfill the bare minimum.

user he said he fucked up his entire education

if you think he did well on ACT's do you really think he then flunked highschool lmao

Is that her?
>chink wearing a kimono to a casual restaurant
Fuckin weebs

now that i think of it you are probably right, but i think she has this really cute hand movement and expressions that could make her 7/10

>tons of open seats
yeah, dogshit schools lol

you wouldn't take her to mcdonalds, user?

>over 5000 unique visitors
alright which one of you is making the nude version?

He met her in 2012
He spent 2.5 years on this, ruining his life in the process
He uploaded this in 2017
His IG is isqueedward

I guess he really is a thirsty white guy. He's Canadian though so he really gets a bunch of asian girls to choose from

this girl is really cute, I understand him, he's too pure for this world

Math is one of the best subjects and it almost always has open seats.

just browsing her IG, she really seems rich so she legitimately travels everywhere

>love this pure
He literally just wants to smash her pussy.
He doesn't even know her.


Should I follow her on Instagram? She's cute and I'm good looking maybe I can cuck this kid.

you really think the average person who flunked high school has a chance to make it through math?