Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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attack speed
do both attack at exactly the same speed?
I mean it seems like the ninja sword should attack faster too
All the other stats and mechanics are exactly the same?
Cool Ninja Sword has higher average damage.
>all enemies have 13 hp
>Boss has 20 health and one shots you after your first attack
>Cool Ninja Katana
>1 in 20 chance to one-shot the boss.
Sword just has to be doing >8 damage a reasonable amount of the time to be worth it.
7/20 times it hits shittier than the hammer would which isn't too bad
>fighting with a sledgehammer
Good with that bucko, I'll take a shitty kitchen knife over that
>hit an enemy 13 times or 2 times
Yea but in PvP hammer fags can't even land a hit on Katana users
Hammer just because hammers are cooler.
you can't prove that if the only defining stat of the weapon is the damage values. there's no drop or gain of evasion despite what your JRPGs tell you.
Assuming they swing at the same speed, the hammer, simply because it's more reliable. Too much RNG kills a build.
Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Ninja sword.
If the game has any kind of stats that affect damage you could potentially get the most dps out of it - like a lightning spec in Diablo II.
Fuck RNG
Hammers always look better anyway.
Stabbing is most effective and you can't stab with a hammer
Cool ninja sword
Nigga you always go for the high AS weapon. Slap a +2-5 fire damage on that and boom you have the dps lead. Slap a "10% chance to stun on crit" on that shit and boom you got respectable cc.
What does the niggerest sledge hammer do? It does fuck all unless you have a static armor system like in PoE.
After having an occultist in my party recently I want reliable numbers
Pretty sure if two men of the same ability fought with both these weapons the guy with the sword wins every time probably untouched. But I cannot prove that true
>Being a weaklet
Hammer does more damage because it deals impact damage. Sword is slash, so it gets reduced damage against armor.
Of course you can you weak ass soyboy
You don't stab with a katana. You could, it would just be stupid.
Katana obviously. It is the finest cutting instrument ever invented by man. Capable of slicing through case hardened steel and cutting a man in half with a single fluid action. The secret of its power lies in its unique forging process. A slab of the highest quality steel is brought from the Moon with the aid of Tengu, then shipments of platinum dust are imported, each speck of dust being personally inspected by a master geologist for purity. After this, the slab of steel and dust are slowly whittled down over the course of a century. Requiring three generations of master sword smiths to lovingly work away a few millimeters of the steel slab using platinum laced sanding paper, each day. After a century of hard work the shape of the blade is slowly formed. If found lacking, the process is repeated. If found acceptable, the process is repeated. It isn't until perfection is reached that the sword is deemed complete. The final shape of the blade is then folded seven hundred times over the volcanic flame of Mount Fuji, each fold doubling the cutting potential of the blade. Afterwards, the oldest tree in all the world is found and cut down to make the sheath and handle for the sword, which are blessed by the Emperor of Japan himself, bestowing magical power into the wood. Not to enhance the blade, but to protect the user while carrying it, so he himself is not cut in two. Finally the blade is cooled in the blood of a hundred foreign kings so that it acquires a taste for its true enemies.
The sword is half a point of damage better so that.
The katana has very slightly higher adps
The sledgehammer since the damage is more consistent and you're at the mercy of the RNG.
cool ninja sword because it's cool
>being such an unskilled gaijin you don't deal 20 damage every hit
Are you guys even playing the game? Are you even trying? Do you know how it works?
Its not 1-20 damage per hit, its 1 damage at lowest skill, and as you raise your skill your damage increases to a max of 20 a hit.
of course some baka gaijin desu deals 1 damage with a katana, he probably doesn't even know which way to hold it. a sledgehammer is more hsi speed, with his likely negative skill stat.
A katana is the skilled man's weapon, thats why a katana can cut throguh the sledgehammer's 8 damage attack and still deal 12 full damage to some stupid gaijin.
Seriously learn to play scrubs.
sledge, I'm not a weaboo
R-really? Is not the probability of damage?
>higher average damage
are you so new you don't even have one?
you know a katana wrecks a gun right?
you some kind of retard?
>550 meters
Ninja sword's average dmg is 10.5.
Other sword's average is 10. Do you even basic maths?
>Faggot weeb
>HHH wannabe
Bitch it's a choice between one or neither, you can't answer a question by changing it's fundamental nature to "sledge, cool ninja sword or ar15" like that
> hammer is 10 average dmg
> sword is 10,5 average dmg
>teleports behind you
smell ya later
The attack speed evens out since you have the turn away from the opponent each time you slice him, and start to put the sword back into the scabbard.
My fucking negra
>people still fight for volume and not timing
Mantaining distance with a sledgehammer > getting inside with short swords
crushing damage is universally way superior to slashing
cut down peasants with your weeb sword, I'll fuck up some armored fags, dragons, golems, skeletons and so on
Nice bait. Hard to believe nobody's replied tbqh.
When i was a child i used to pick the fastest shortest sword that wasn't a dagger and the biggest shield
Now that im a fully grown male, i pick the biggest crushing weapon and have a small dagger just in case
Hammers are cool and manly.
>not hunting the most dangerous prey
you can't stop me
until the handle breaks
what kind of enemies am I facing? are they people in plate armor or skeletons, or are they lots of fleshy monsters?
>Blunt vs slicing damage
Depends on what I'd be fighting, tbhbbq famalamadingdong.
Alright wiseass, let us assume you get to choose your battles to some degree after choosing then. It's your damn quest.
>thinking flesh doesn't get fucking wreck by a big crushing blow
>implying that matters when bullets can be deflected by a twirling blade
>not spreading the light with the hammer
>not spreading the good word with the hammer
>not crushing skulls
>nippon faggots trying to be kewl
Yeah, paladin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else
A crypt infested with the undead could have skeletons or zombies. Skeletons have a weakness for blunt damage but resists slicing, zombies are the opposite.
>he hasn't mastered the art of bullet teleportation
Gid gud
This is some old ass /tg/ copypaste. pretty nice seeing it again after a few years though.
plot twist: it takes 9 damage to stagger an opponent and interrupt their attack.
State that the game is turn based so these fucks in the thread don't have an argument about attack speed.
>hammerfags having to add rules so their weapon is viable
>strike ground with hammer
>create shockwave that causes katana user to lose footing
>slam them during their recovery
Sword has 0.5 more damage on average
>each bullet is a tiny adamantium golem with jet boosters, steering fins and a teleport ability
>They reload themselves in the magazine after killing their target
Just found a new main weapon for my gnome
>Number of hits the Sword will do more than the max Hammer
>Number of hits between 8 and 12 including them
>Number of hits that are weaker than the min hammer
7/20 chance to do less than the hammer, and a 13/20 chance to get as good and better damage than the hammer
Hammer sounds better, but I unironically think that Iaido is the coolest thing about katana swordsmanship.
>Confusing Weaklet and strengthlet
How embarassing.
Now you made it even easier. Thunder has always been effective against tougher enemies like dragons, while fire is more often than not strong against weak mobs that you can smash in anyways.
This is a hard one. I've always liked fire because, I mean, it's fucking fire. Fire is cool. Electricity is fine and all but less stylish, but the best case for it is there are usually few if any enemies that are strong against it.
Fuck it I'm going for the edgy fire katana.
lightning is always op
so I'll go with the hammer despite the lower dps
Depends on my character
>little girl
Cool Ninja sword.
You guys are lucky enough to consistently hit 20s right? you didnt skip out on maxing luck did you?
if you don't take sledgehammer you need to kys yourself
Burning DOT is much more fun and cool.
Whats so great about electricity? Oh wow his turn gets interrupted and moves slower
Glad I'm not the only person here who cares about style.
Well, do you want to be a flaming faggot or MADDA FAKKIN THOR!?
You mean Sex Pistols?
>user has to sacrifice damage or waste ammo because he cant shoot exactly 4 times or have 4 bullets left.
Sounds like a shit weapon to be honest.
>Get fire sword
>Hit fire elemental
>Hit water elemental
>Decapitation with weebstick vs skull crushing with man-hammer
>Chad vs Virgin but melee weapons
Gee I wonder which
>being too insecure to wield the best sword ever forged
Gold Digger did that decades ago. Fatal Flaw: They "Blow-up the bad guys", which includes you for shooting them.
I don't see a longsword in this thread
>pick hammer
>hit lightning elemental
>hit earth elemental
>hit rubber elemental
Man of culture. Right here, in this thread.
Thousands of folds!
Deflect bullets!
Chop through plate like butter!
Teleportation powers!
AND women want your dick?!
Sign me up for baka blade please.
You've consumed too much japshit media, I'm sorry but theres no coming back from it.
>Rubber elemental
Isn't "katana" literally the japanese word for "long sword"?