*removes your will to play other games ever*

*removes your will to play other games ever*

Why won't Sup Forums accept that Witcher 3 is the greatest piece of entertainment ever made?

Shit gameplay basically answer both of these statements pretty effectively.

Uh-oh butthurt bloodbornefag detected. What are you gonna do? Call the combat bad?

Geralt is cute

BB has pretty bad combat too, but it's way better than TW3.

This. Can't abide by trash combat lads, sorry.

Looting and crafting armor were the biggest disappointments 2bh, it was like Oblivion in reverse.

but the game isnt even as good as dragons dogma and thats saying something

It removed my will to keep reading the books, the character writing was terrible

not meming, can someone please just tell me what I was even suppose to like about this game?

I got tired of it shortly after the mission where I had to find a goat or something in order to get the goatkeeper to lend me his wares so that I could use that to hunt a monster so that a baron would help me find a girl who a guy told me the baron might know where she was, once I helped him.. do some other shit

Id understand if there are some downsides that some people ignore and some don't, but I couldn't find the upsides to the game

>The game that is only about combat has slightly better combat than the RPG which is about much more than that
Terrible argument to make

You'll get over it soon, OP

mass effect 3 already did this

Finish that quest line and you will understand

>but I couldn't find the upsides to the game
it released at a time where there wasnt a 'genuine' pc rpg experience for a long ass time, i guarantee if any other similar rpg came out at the same time it would have blown up as well

What is TW3 about ?

The mastercrafted story, which is eloquently deliverd and the impact of it is still felt to this day.

Meanwhile bloodborne is a game about combat that gives a mediocre and repetitive presentation with a poorly written story as "incentive".

A role-playing game (sometimes spelled roleplaying game and abbreviated to RPG) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.

Boring as fuck. stopped playing once i got to Skellige island. had much more fun playing Fallout 4

>had much more fun playing Fallout 4
Could've baited without that, now you're just being retarded

So just like any other game?

Oh my god, give me a fucking minute, let me get up from the fucking floor where I am laying down like a small child in fetal position laughing my god damn ass off at that you just called The Witcher 3 boring. Did...did you just call the greatest masterpiece in the RPG genre boring. Are you fucking mental, or just a another paid off redditor spewing nonsense? Want to know what is fucking boring? Fucking Fallout 4. boring to boring story, game world about a few centimeters thick, radiant sidequests that just generate themselves over and over again like beating your own head with a wooden stick until you have gone so fucking dumb from it that you are starting to call it "fun". That motherfucking piece of boring garbage has about the most boring, uninteresting, uninspired gameworld and lore with the most boring, no actually below boring graphics. And don't even get me started on the physics. And here you are sitting here calling Witcher 3 boring? HaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. On what basis I ask? Are you just that really fucking stupid? Man you must be one of those guys who defends all shitty games with "BUT ITS FUN TO PLAYYY DERP". Oh god, this is so tragic, you must be really retarded. You fucking wanna think the next time you call a game boring, and not invoke the name of THE ONE FUCKING GAME TO COME OUT THE LAST YEARS THAT PUT ALL OTHER GAMES TO SHAME AS boring PIECES OF JUNK. Did you even stop to consider the fucking fact that Witcher 3 has gotten stellar reviews from EVERY SINGLE FUCKING REVIEWER ON THE ENTIRETY OF THE FUCKING INTERNET? Jesus fucking christ. Fucking calling Witcher 3 boring, lol.

what is good about the story? Im no professional, but from the laymans persctive it seems like a lot of stuff I dont care about pumped up by melodramatic characters

Is the game's story better than the books? because those were pretty mediocre

Not really the vanilla game but the DLC sure did ruin things for me. Now I base every single games DLC on the Witcher 3. Haven't had one stack up since unfortunately.

It's hardly above great.
Play more games.

there is no way you wrote all that in only two minutes

Yes because it was so fucking shit I didn't want to touch another game ever again.

Witcher was the only franchise I enjoyed after every franchise I liked got destroyed, and they fucking killed the joy there as well.

>The mastercrafted story, which is eloquently deliverd and the impact of it is still felt to this day.
Surely this is bait. The game has pacing problems about and more plotholes than a Nolan film.

Nah, i'm still playing other games just fine. Even boring ass ones, like .hack las recode that i'm playing currently. No one will stop playing games because one particular game was good.

Good game, I just liked Bloodborne a little more

Overrated boring trash

>Gordon Ramsay reference
>Nietzsche reference
It's literally capeshit tier

>muh writing

Witcher fags are so funny

*stuns your Professor*

What's good combat then faggot?

Witcher 3 is one of the few games which ive went full cocoon mode on and kept playing for a week straight 12 hours a day.
but after i beat it i was done with it, no replay value.
and wasnt the dlc free? i tried gettig it and apparently it cost money.
one of the best games i played in my life honestly.

Even if they failed to create a single interesting open world mechanic or any interesting quest or mechanic besides following a red trail, I would love and play the shit out of this game.

But no the story was fucking shit too. I don't know what happeend but I think they moved their best writers to Cyberpunk because the game started production in 2012. Witcher 3 writing was a burning garbage pile, I don't know how they managed to create nothing interesting with all the groundwork they had in the books and in the previous two games, which were good as standalone games but also felt like they were leading up to something. This had the quality writing of an Assassins Creed sequel.

Fuck this game, and fuck people who shill it daily here.

>tfw I used to play The Witcher 3 every day but now when I jump back in I have no idea what I'm doing

It's like the magic has been lost. I've broken my connection to that world and I don't know if I can get it back

witcher 3 was the weakest part of the trilogy in terms of story-writing,they just dumped radovid the most interesting character in the witcher universe, for muh feminism fucking pathetic cucks.

Not really.

Can't get more contrarian than that lads

You can’t sprint if there’s a guy looking at you in the whitcher

Yeah, nothing killed my love of vidya than this steaming pile of shite.

I've just wandered around Velen doing dick all for about 5 hours, clearing bandit camps or whatever the fuck, then I randomly wandered into the village where the mains story progresses. Feels pretty anti-climactic.

Open world is a shit, there are no set-pieces, only 'go X then kill a monster'. No fucking drama or excitement or crazy visuals, just miles of fucking swamp and bandits.

Layin slags

Based sminem poster
No the game was objectively shit when it comes to writing, even worse when you take in the fact that it was supposed to end a ten year old trilogy. How they handled it was worse than Mass Effect 3.

>Based sminem poster

There's nothing contarian in what I said, there isn't a single new interesting open world mechanic that's not in every single generic Ubisoft game. It had so much potential with all the monster hunting setting and wide open fields to track monsters in for hours, but they only had a few scripted quests in there.

I guess retards think well animated cutscenes in an open world game is something groundbreaking, baka.

this meme doesn't even work as you can't even have sex with anyone, you get more chances to tip your fedora and show how progressive you are than there are chances of getting laid in this fucking game. Witcher 2 was like three times shorted and still had more sex

He's right. The writing was worse than 1 or 2 and the open world was the worst part about the game.

Awful gameplay

They made Geralt a total Chad alpha while in the previous games he was more reserved, somewhat ugly and a strong omega that manages to attract and fuck every women.

I'm kinda sad that femgamers are playing Witcher 3 because they're doing it to play a Chad that they fantasize about.

>objectivity shit

Lmao brainlet

The first Witcher had 1/10 of the budget, wasn't even an open world game and it still felt like it had fresher mechanics than this game. At least then time of day made a difference in gameplay, villagers had their lifecycles that were tied to quests, there were a lot of hidden things to explore, and you could have special interactions with people by giving them special items


*removes your will to even try the other two games ever*

TW3 is probably the most normie-core game of the decade.
Core marketing aspect of the game is plot and plot alone, Brainless combat were the game literally decides for you, open-world because you know. open-world, OC written by 13 year old who bangs all the ladies, worthless crafting/loot system to give the illusion of it being a RPG so the player can feel smart because RPG=good game.

Id rather play divinity 2 or something that requires actual brain functionality


Sorry that's Skyrim.

You forgot to mention every weapon has enough durability to clear maybe 3 bandit camps

heart of stone was well written, much better than BnW.

name a better video game story, ill wait

d-dragon age! muh souls games.

Wow so contrarian, I bet you're gay too

Fighting games.
BB does some things right though, like the call-and-response interplay between you and tougher enemies and bosses is spot on.

He is playing a video game just for the gameplay... kys

amtosphere > music > story > graphics > ... > gameplay

Who would play videogames for subpar stories and music?

>divinity 2
>brain functionality

>kiddinity cuck calling anything brainless

video games are the perfect combination of the three big old media (book, music and movie) + interaction.

Legacy of Kain

They do all 3 much worse then the original mediums. I don't know what perfect means to you, but to me it doesn't mean a shitty amalgam of existing media.

I don't know if it's better or worse, but the LoK overall story is shit and full of holes.

Cool story, grandpa.

Truth hurts, I know, but that doesn't make me wrong.

My nigga.
That might be true if you only played Blood Omen 2.

no it's that BB is over much sooner so you don't notice as much

That is one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever read on this board, you are beyond retarded

No, the story falls apart right from the onset of the first game with two giant plotholes before you even play as vampire Kain.
>Ariel dies and becomes a wraith haunting the pillars.
>Kain is born literally instantly after her death as her replacement.
>Kain dies as an adult in Coorhagen.
>For some reason an heir is not produced when he's killed and he's transformed into a vampire by Mortanius. For some reason though, Ariel's soul could not be returned even though it's clearly bound to Nosgoth.
>Again, an heir of balance is not produced even though Kaim dies, is given a funeral, and interred into his crypt.
>The person responsible, Mortanius, does this even though he's completely possessed by Hylden spirits completely capable of robbing him of his will—that's right, the Hylden went ahead allowed the production of their ultimate fabled adversary, the Vampire Scion.

Nah. The combat is something you can tell is patently worse within an hour or so.

Can someone explain to me why people rack on this game's combat which is perfectly serviceable, yet at the same time complement older games like vtmb, deus ex, kotor etc. where the combat is often extremely janky.

>You will NEVER get to sex Yoanna
KILL ME, she was the only girl I found attractive in the game and she wasn't even romance-able, literally didn't fug any girls.

PC fags like old PC garbage RPGs, no surprise.

>witcher 3 was the weakest part of the trilogy in terms of story-writing,

TW2 was the weakest in both story and gameplay deparments


>worthless crafting/loot system to give the illusion of it being a RPG so the player can feel smart because RPG=good game.

fuck I hate crafting in single player RPGs so much, it always makes items found in the world fucking shit in comparison

crafting wasn't even a thing in SP RPGs until stupid fucking MMOs came along

I agree that TW3 combat is better than those games other than KOTOR's. KOTOR 1 combat was pretty good since it was pretty much turn based and heavily dependant on your character build. In TW3 its the same shit from the beggining till end, like in most Action RPGs.

Soyboy in a nutshell.
Are you excited for a new Marvel sequel?

Too bad Gerlat cucks out to every woman he meets. In the books he even makes a pro-abortion speech.

man I loved the sand niggas in this game. they had interesting tales to tell and were grounded in the reality of arabic scholars before islam was a thing. i really wanted there to be some journey to sand nigga land and its exotic landscape and DELICIOUS BROWN WOMEN
also gay hunter there doesn't tell you unless you push him to tell you

witcher is just a visual novel. it's far from being a game as gameplay is required

dark fantasy/medieval? fast and easy:
DA:O, Arcanum, BG, NWN 1-2, Thief, and Fucking Witcher 1

lol you didn't play witcher 1 I bet.

It's still better than Witcher's story though.

not even a good one

Is this why I haven't been able to enjoy anything since playing it?

Second post best post.

Are you saying witcher is better than BB?

Haven't played TW3, but that's a big statement.
I dropped TW2 during the tutorial because it was boring as shit