Do you own any games deleted from steam anons?
I this piece of shit and Mafia 1
Games removed from steam
mafia 1 isn't deleted from steam anymore, it's available again to be bought
>mfw people were selling steam keys for this for 200+ TF2 keys just a year ago
Who the fuck pays almost $600 to play an old game. Glad steam fucked those jews over.
i have alice madness returns sitting in my inventory waiting for the price to rise like bitcoin
>wahhh why people buy things they want to and can buy
fuck off commie
i was gifted the powerpuff girls shmup a while back and it's been delisted.
it's actually pretty fun, sucks.
>Mafia 1
Not anymore, son.
But to answer your question:
>Duke 3D (all versions, even the new one by Gearbox)
>Prey (you can still activate a CD-key, plenty of them in physical editions or on keysites)
>Alan Wake
>Tony Hawk (the shitty Remake)
>plenty of "inferior" versions (non-special editions)
>Transforrmers games
>007 Legends
>Alice Madness Returns
>Ride to Hell
>White Night
Wish I got Stubbs the Zombie, Blur and Wolf 09 in time.
Platinumfag sad he didn't get the Platinum tmnt game.
I know everyone says it's shit but my nephew loves tmnt and it would've been fun to play it with him
it's the funniest shit if you don't mind the cluncky/repetitive gameplay and some annoying as fuck parts.
How do you know if its delisted?
Neverwinter nights 2
>tfw the game doesn't like AMD cards at all and can only run with a crack
I think it was one of many reasons why it got removed, because dev were incompetent in optimizing the game.
im still mad
i feel sorry for you drm-dependent fags. you have no clue and/or are purposely ignoring the fact you can download at the tip of your fingertips the entire steam library you own.
the fact that you decided to make a thread touting the fact you own something that was deleted off the drm platform like it's supposed to be a badge of honor makes you appear more pathetic than you already are.
Try to search it, they usually delete the store page and you can't find trought a simple research.
I'm pretty sure it's because of the music license, the devs dead right the release and the publisher which only did Mac releases probably it doesnt want to have nothing with it anymore.
>Who the fuck pays almost $600
how's the asperger's therapy going
this tb-qh
only Dirt 3 and Showdown
Prey and Alice Madness Returns.
Also, I still have Wolfenstein 2009 in my wishlist but Cryostasis seems to have vanished by itself though.
>whats the matter? Can't afford your own bag of shit?
FYI Steam hasn't taken the Skyrim expansions down, just hidden them from search results. You can still buy Dawnguard, Dragonborn, etc, you just have to find it.
I have a bunch of removed racing games for some reason
>DiRT 3
>DiRT Showdown
>Ford Racing 3
for what purpose tho?
>Stubbs the Zombie
Here you go, friend.
Glad I managed to pick up a physical copy secondhand
The non-redux version of it
got it from some random giveaway
devs kept making announcements about how the game is still being worked on. the dev team was switched like three times and they changed the genre that they wanted to do from simple shooter to multiplayer survival. i also remember one of the prior devs calling out the new ones that would work on the project, but i cant find the announcement related to that any more
reading that stuff was always fun
don't point this out user those buyfags will get REALLY mad
The real Ghostbusters game. Nowadays you can only buy the shitty top down GB shovelware game they made for the shitty movie.
And thank god because it's a damn fine game
This i got it the week they deleted it because it was 75% off
i have no problem with people buying things from me
what happened to most of these
deadpool, alan wake, alice etc what's wrong with them
Music licences or other licences expiring
My guess is the developer ran out of bussiness or it just didn't sell well
>all that activision shit
This game was pretty dope, shame it ran like ass no matter what.
Yeah, they sure delete a lot of stuff
license expired, probably gonna come back when deadpool 2 comes out
it's on origin, you have to pirate 1 though
I have Star Trek
Alan Wake music license expired. Other than license issues, some publishers like releasing special editions and they drop the base game to sell those
Its a good game too
You can still get it on FUCKING GAMESTOP's website as a CD key, that's how I got it a couple months ago.
I think you can check unlisted games by using steam calc, doesn't work today for some reason.
Didnt the Fable games get removed too?
>Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
>Alice: Madness Returns
>Fur Fun
>Fable III
Only Fable III.
I forgot
>Alan Wake + DLC
I didn't even realize that it got taken down. Good thing I have it.
Lost Chapters and remake are up
>Fur Fun
d-did anyone grab Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter when it was up? how was it?
i'm sad i missed my chance to get to play it, i heard it was a genuinely great game.
Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts. The best hunting game pre Call of the Wild
They want people to buy the newer more expensive version.
Grid, Dirt 3, Douk3D Megaton and the OG edition of Dude Sex HR + the DLC.
is that gone from the store too? I have it as well. good concept. could've used a splash of more sci-fi aesthetics though to get people in
It was alright, open world racing game
World in Conflict
fuck the devs for shutting down the servers on pc
basically let the pc version die
Nothing of value was lost
Only duke 3d megaton edition.
Enemy territory: quake wars
I loved it so fucking much, but as soon as tf2 dropped it was dead on arrival. which is a shame because it was fast arena speed but class tactics and vehicles like battlefield. god damn it hurts so much.
For the Steam version of Stubbs to work, you have to crack it and add it as a non-steam game anyways, so there's basically no point in having it on Steam.
t. have it on Steam.
i have this game. turning off nvidia shit made it run fine
>Beijing.2008-HI2U [English, Scene, Full ISO]
Games don't stop existing when removed from steam. Nobody cares about your database entries.
If it's not on steam there's no point in playing it.
it was BF2 with shitty maps desu
Megaton Edition
Ghostbusters which i bought on a whim and still haven't played yet dunno why it was removed
Metro 2033 and Last Light
Wild Metal Country
Universe at War the shitty AvP preorder bonus
and remastered shit like sleeping dogs darksiders etc
I wish I had Stubbs on my list too user
This one is great. Codemasters only does racing games nowadays for some reason.
A good video game based on a movie
>DiRT 3
>DiRT Showdown (never played)
>Driver San Fransisco
>Metro 2033
>Metro Last Light
>State of Decay
Nothing worthwhile really.
Chronicles of Riddick and Stubbs the Zombie. Stubbs doesn't work on modern cards, and Riddick's Steam version doesn't seem to work (had to torrent the GOG version to play it).
Stubbs is fucking 2006 GOTY no joke.
I have this too, original is way more better aesthetically. I could swear I played it more recently than 2012 though.
I also have
>DeusEx Human Revolution (Original not directors cut)
Soundtrack is GOAT
>lol at wagecuks
Someone on Sup Forums gave me this key randomly years ago and I don't even know what the fuck it is. It doesn't show up in any Steam list and I can't get rid of it.
I don't have any but Stalin vs Martians was up for like, a week so I'd say it's the Holy Grail imo
I have Absconding Zatwor
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
My friend tricked me into getting this "game"...
Why did Ride to Hell get removed? I understand it's really shit. But why was it removed?
Alan Wake, like a lot of people I guess...
Wh-what is this?
>tfw removed from gog as well
Battlefield 2
Afterfall Insanity.
I think this was the first time I played a really shitty game (at least without knowing it was gonna be shit)
Stop st-stuttering faggot
F-f-fuck off!
I have A Farewell to Dragons. Russian RPG based on a book or something.
Not entirely true. I have Stubbs on steam and that shit would not work for me for the longest time. Then I found a thread that told me to try this trick of renaming the .exe to CoDSP.exe or something like that and it worked like a charm. Shits weird as fuck. I think it only works with nvidia cards though.