Blood vials are limited to like 6 or 7, and are now restored on respawn with no grinding, a la estus flasks

>blood vials are limited to like 6 or 7, and are now restored on respawn with no grinding, a la estus flasks
>visceral attacks restore 33% of health
>rally is unchanged

There, I fixed the healing system.


>he says while posting his opinion

>Caring about Dracula Souls to begin with

Nigga didnt even post his opinion. He fucking said ok.

Shut up, its going to be free on ps plus this month let people decide if its a good system or not


>visceral attacks restore 33% of health
Why the hell would you do that?

cant fix something that aint broke, kid
good try though

There is already shit in game that heals you on visceral attacks so idk maybe he hasn't played much.

>blood vials literally everywhere
>blood vials can be bought for cheap amounts of Blood Echoes
>if you are stuck, jump into a Chalice and grab the Blood Vials there
>almost all enemies everywhere drop them with high droprates
>visceral heals scale with visceral and weapon damage but heals only grey life
>hp regen Blood Gems exist and can be slotted into both main and offhand weapons
>rally is unchanged
>rally buffing runes
Nah, it's perfect the way it is.
Anyone who thinks Blood Vials are a problem should quit videogames altogether.

Sounds like Babbu mode to me.
Always needing to be given free healing items, you're definitely a dark souls player.

No, thats a fact. Like you being a retard

>entire game now revolves around baiting and waiting for visceral attacks
Yeah, no thanks.

Bloodborne's real problem is its piss-poor character building. There's only six stats, one or two of which you can safely ignore 90% of the time.

Most builds just wind up 50/50/50/50/x/x or close to it because there's nothing else you can do. I only played through NG+ and I just started dumping into the last two stats because there was nothing else to dump points into unless I wanted to pass the soft caps on the other stats. I feel little desire to replay because its going to be exactly the same build, just with a different weapon, of which there are only ~24.

I beat the game just fine with 50 in only two stats and your suppose to purposely stop spending echos on levels around 120-150 I think because that's where most of the interesting PvP builds are.

If anything, vials should drop less. I get to the Woods and I have 100 in excess, from then on I never run out

If you do a magic build its even worse since it increases your discovery.

Blood vials aren't necessarily a problem, they're just a weird design choice.

Early-game, lots of players usually find themselves farming them between bosses or attempts at running through new areas, which feels tedious and just not fun when all you're trying to do is finish a boss or progress. Now, sure, you can say
>lol just farm them its ez XD
But that's not the point. Doing so disrupts "normal" gameplay and forces you to grind in order to attempt bosses or areas again, its simply not enjoyable to have to do that and you didn't have to do that in any of the other games.

Conversely, once you get to mid/late game, vials are absolutely everywhere and you're swimming in them. The fact that they're consumable and finite doesn't matter at all anymore, they may as well be Estus flasks at this point because most/all the drawbacks of having consumable, finite items are gone.

It just seems like it was a pointless regressive change, it doesn't impact the gameplay in any meaningful way beyond early-game sometimesbeing a chore due to the need to farm them and late-game it doesn't matter so I question why they went with this Demon's Souls-like consumable item system in the first place.

I only made it to ~160 on NG+ and I already had nothing I wanted to spend echoes on. The character-building is just really shallow in comparison to the other games and in turn really hurts replay value.

By lots of plays you mean all the scrubs right? If you play ok not perfect just ok you shouldn't need to farm or gind anything out unless you just wanted to overlevel or something similar

>visceral attacks restore 33% of health
Great, even more reason to never not play a skill character with thrusting damage

You can easily grind blood vials even in Central Yarnam, The brick carrying golem looking fucks and the werewolves always drop vials. I mean fuck dude, half the enemie sin the game drop them and you can also just grind echoes and buy vials from Hunters Dream.


I've got a better idea
>no healing items whatsoever
>attacking enemies heals a small bit
>viscerals heal more

>>visceral attacks restore 33% of health

Nigger what are you doing. One of the most satisfying aspects of the game is equipping that V.attack +200 rune and healing lost HP via V.attacks.

Not an argument

If you walk into a lower chalice dungeon boss with less than 15 blood vials, you've already lost the fight.

Go ahead and call me bad. Doesn't change the fact that those bosses were already tedious to begin with and can only be made more boring by restricting blood vials.

Worst souls game by far.

>Let's halve the player's health for no reason other than to make these bosses more difficult because they can kill the player in one or two hits regardless of how they built their character!

Literally the very definition of artificial difficulty.

>having enough hp to survive even 1 hit in a cursed and defiled chalice

Yeah, the defiled chalice fucking ruined chalice dungeons. I wonder how many players stopped there? It's a shame, because the Queen Yharnam fight is pretty fun.

Lower Loran chalice is best chalice

Even Scruffles McFireDog has moves that don't one shot you, and you need to get in around those moves to get enough damage in. So yeah, you'll be using most of your vials unless you summon.

meant to reply to

>can re spec character in ng+

Fixed replayability.

People only farm them because those people are stupid.
On literally every boss run up in early game, there's guaranteed 5+ bloodvial drops. Just don't use more than 5 if you don't think you'll beat the boss.

Furthermore, just buy a load of them from time to time at the store.

Only total scrubs grind bloodvials because they are too stupid to do either of those other things.

I stopped there because they stopped being enjoyable enough to slog through.

Got tired of the same dozen room layouts mashed together and the bosses were infuriatingly cheap in that they just kill you in one or two hits every time.

>People only do [X] bcuz they're DUM!
>Their just SCRUBZ@!

Again, not an argument.


I like the idea of restoring health via aggressive play but I feel like simply hitting enemies to get health back is a bit too much, which is why I think viscerals restoring health is a good middle ground.

Tried twice to get into chalice dungeons but the boredom wears me down. It really goes to show how much of the game relies on the environment you explore, if ifs not interesting then the base combat cant hold the game up.

Only redeeming feature of the chalice dungeons is how easy it is to connect to other players for co-op. It's kind of incredible. Imagine a Dark Souls game where you could put your summon sign down at one location and be summoned for any boss. That's basically what's going on with chalice dungeons. It's always easy to summon or be summoned, and it helps a lot when you get to the really poorly balanced bosses.