Shadows Die Twice

What could it honestly be?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shadow tower

Dark souls

a video game


It's more than likely Tenchu.

>n-no, it's Bloodborne 2

Stop, just fucking stop. It stands a better chance of being another Otogi than fucking Bloodborne II.

Bizzaro Armored Core


>tfw it gets revealed when a bunch anons start screaming "CALLED IT" and acting really smart when they got a lucky guess because it could be literally anything

It's literally Nero's Red Queen but rusted as fuck

Japanese Bloodborne

It could honestly be another case of Sony winning yet again.

A stealth game with ninjas i bet, something different from Fromsoft for once

You must win two out of three races to advance the cup in Bloodborne Kart
Sony always win

Hopefully it'll be Bloodborne 2 set in a far-away-from-Yharnam not-Japan with a whole new cast of hunters and weird new trick weapons.

I forgot that bonus level. Kill the evil CEO

This shit


Maybe a mix between middle and far east on the XII century. There are many things to explore on this set. No way they'll make another victorian london game.

>mfw I found out from makes other games
They made a lot of fucking mech games

I fucking wish.
>quote from Tenchu
It's Tenchu

dramatic retelling of the legend of pickle rick.

another action/beatemup game with terrible fighting mechanics

as cool as Fromsoft horror game would be (again), I doubt it. Market is too far away from 3rd person horror. At least I can reasonably dream of a big budget Tenchu game...

they dabbled in a lot of genres before their current decade of Souls-esque titles.

Of course, you noticed that they shat out a dozen samey mech games with tweaks and improvements across them as well over 15 years.

Question is, why would Miyazaki bother with Tenshuu? They could do literally anything they want.

Bloodborne 2 I guess. I don't have much to back this up other than references to an in-universe eastern culture in The Old Hunters

He may just want to. A lot of developers get a bug up their ass about the way they really wanted a game to be and tech limitations made it impossible.