What is, Objectively, the best controller?
What is, Objectively, the best controller?
This by a large margin.
how can you even fab to porn that has such dumb fucking faces in it?!
I unironically believe this image set started my 2d trap fetish.
the confiest ones in my hand were ps4, xbone and wiiU pro
god i would destroy her.
Sharing is caring, user.
I would let her handle my controller if you catch my drift
Kimeseku ni Maketa Shounen
I prefer using the PS4 controller whenever possible
Which is ironic coming from someone who grew up on xbox
Thanks user. Sucks that the prequel isn't translated.
This is decent but the somehow microsoft always fucks up the d-pad(and microusb connector). We bought one and if you tried to roll your thumb from any direction to the left, it wouldn't recognize the input properly.
I vote Dualshock 3 or 4 I guess. They never fuck up the d-pad.
Xbox 360 is the best controller ever designed
This isn't an opinion its just fact, you can't debate it.
step aside fucking plebs
>trap fags
Just admit you're gay
DS4. The touchpad is nice.
I thought 360 controller was meh but this one is pure sex
Quintessential, but not quite the best. That's still quite the achievement.
I'd still go with the WiiU Pro with it's better, though still not perfect, D-pad and the digital triggers. And let's not forget the nuclear reactor it has for a battery. Fucking love it.
My only problem with the bone dpad is the clicks besides that its a god tier controller
Traps aren't gay though
Is this a /d/orse transformation in progress?
I like both traps and big ass titties
Damn I love this one.
Okay, I guess I'm gay
I would still fuck those tiddies though
If the switch pro had digital LR buttons it would hands down be the greatest controller of all time
Why does that girl have a snout?
Who's this semen sucker?
Same here, same here
Not as mucb experience with IRL traps though
those heels look pretty uncomfortable
>liking dicks and boobs
Doesn't add up.
They're Bifags, fag.
It's part of the trial of being a woman
Futa is great.
Dicks are objectively more attractive than vaginas, but women have better everything else.
If being atracted to female bodies is gay, I don't wanna be straight.
has gujira stopped doing gay futa shit yet and gone back to his hot gyaru schoolgirls?
This. Vaginas are gross.
Bi fags are even worse
yeah you gay
That one doujin on the train...DAMN
But it does, user. And you're talking about the ZL and ZR, which are the triggers.
A lot of people even got mad at it because of that, though there's the fair point about the possibility of GC VC and that being a problem.
Regardless, I do absolutely love the gyro, but that D-pad is 360-tier of bad, the controller itself is a bit bulky and the battery life is "just" pretty good.
He's got a hot gyaru trap.
Because it's a male. Fag
That's not how you use a controller.
You're telling me I can get some boypussy if I join the army?
nah, fuck that gay shit what a god damn waste
The Bone's white controller is easily the sexiest controller ever made.
Say what you will about the quality of Microsoft's consoles, the controllers have not only been godlike but have had better color variations and special editions than any other console ever made.
>inb4 lhe duke and le 360 d-pad
This is exactly what I'm talking about, Microsoft fixed those abominations. The OG Xbox S controller is amazing, and the 360's updated controller has had a cross d-pad since 2010
You're more likely to be the boypussy, user.
They are literally allowing boipussy and mentally ill to join the Armed Forces now.
t. Navyfag
No sadly, fucking hate artist that can draw good girls but still draw gay shit more
>wanting to stick your dick in a literal shithole
nah this stealth niggergaffing doesn't work anymore champ
dpad is good and responsive
>trap shooting a javelin
New fetish aquired.
wtf i love the military now?
As an artist, I'm glad so many people like / are into futa so I don't have to draw vaginas often.
This. I've used a ps2 usb adaptor for all my pc games that are controller games. I'm glad that I can use whatever controller I want.
Hello Astro GamingTM representative.
Why Microsoft didn't hire you to design the Xbox One?
And free bubblegum.
Win win.
Not too difficult if that's how she plays games.
If this controller worked on PC without an extra peripheral I'd never use another controller honestly. The best controller Ninty's made in years desu.
From recently used:
Steam Controller (when it works well) > Wii U pad (when screen is used well) > DS4 > Xbone Elite > GBA SP (when my hands were small)=DS Lite > Wii CCP > PS2 > Wii U Pro > Steam Controller (when it tries to be a normal controller) > POWER GAP > Wii U (when screen isn't used well) > Wiimote+Nunchuk > Original 3DS
Getting a Switch soon so can't speak for that.
>usb adaptor
This will add a delay to your inputs and you are better off getting something that was meant to be played on PC.
>implying I can't fap to both your pic and
hnnngh show me your work.
cross d-pad is a fragile piece of shit
it's perfect while it lasts tho
I'm a fan of the switch pro controller
in fighters i'm gonna go with the older fightpad, regular games xbone or switch pro
You ain't drawing good looking ones, then.
Mouse and keyboard, cucks. xBox 360 in second place.
I remember loving these fightpads but I swear to god I got like four of them with sticking buttons before I gave up. Damn shame
Nagi Ichi is best trap artist.
If you're drawing a good looking one, you're not drawing a vagina.
>deleted 3DP trap
>thread still up
BASED MODS. 3DP is garbage.
This one is good but I think the switch pro controller beats it despite a worse dpad thanks to the godly analogue sticks and shoulder buttons. it just feels so nice to use
It's more of picking the commissions I want to take.
Plus, when the majority of what you put out is futa, futa people come to you.
>without an extra peripheral
Reading is important user.
And yeah I own one of those but it broke cause I used it so much.
unironically a piece of shit
no serious fighting player use that
it's to put on the shelf of the gaming room lol
just buy a bluetooth dongle
>can't claw
into the trash it goes
>didn't even bother trying to find a clean Wii U Pro controller for the photo because they know that as soon as they come in contact with air, they absorb every fingerprint within a 20 meter radius
Would be a god-tier controller if it was matte instead.
move over asshole
He has a point though. That shit is relatively expensive and only works for that controller. It IS a hasle.
The gyro in the Switch one is a HARD selling point, but I think I'd still go with the WiiU.
If that controller had the gyro from the Switch Pro, the D-pad from the original Classic Controller on the Wii and the button labeling of the Dual Shok we'd have the best controller ever made, no contest.
And yes, for as mediocre and barebones a controller the Dual Shock may be, there's no configuration more intuitive than L1/L2 R1/R2 and the geometric shapes, at least in my humble opinion. You just know EXACTLY what to press when prompted.
too expensive