Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much? I just got it, and loving it
>inb4 movie
You can literally skip every cutscene besides the 3 minute opening
Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much? I just got it, and loving it
Ninteniggers felt threatened.
And they were right to be worried. Horizon, a brand new IP, sold 7.6M on PS4 alone against a plethora of amazing games while Zelda only shipped 7.8M combined on two platforms that had no games.
youd have to be a moron to call this a movie
Its just earned anger from the nonstop "we did it sonybros!" Posting
It's a Sony exclusive.
Retards saw it had a female lead and started frogposting and reeeing all over.
It's not fun. The combat feels unfulfilling, the characters and plot are horrible, and the game itself is ass.
Definitely overhyped
The fact that it sold more than double what bloodborne did is a sad reflection on state of the ps4 playerbase
>Why does Sup Forums hate this game so much?
Not Sup Forums, just Nintendo fanboys
IMO the writing was bad and the gameplay got stale pretty quick. Monsters were just in the way more often than not and there really wasn't any incentive to fight them.
It's not even a terrible game. Fun enough gameplay loop, cool world concept, etc. I'm enjoying it, but damn if some of the voice acting (and a ton of the facial animations) are actually horrid. Holy shit, peoples faces do not constantly twitch/move/etc when they talk like that.
>Why doesn't anyone like games that give no rewards and constantly put the player at a disadvantage?
That's what you sound like.
>stupid main character
>boring sidecharacters
>boring story
>terrible open world
>terrible gameplay
>boring ost
The game is just really underwhelming if you take a step back to look at the bigger picture. It's technically impressive and the backstory is kinda cool, but that's where the good things about this game end.
I thought it would be shit but I got it for 20 bucks and really enjoyed it. I even got the platinum which wasn't hard at all its just something I never do. Enjoy it OP
Sony game
It’s a decent game
I honestly thought it was too short
It's the God of War of the PS4 era. It's not a technically challenging game and it's very cinematic heavy. It also inserts a lot of socjus messages into it (hurr durr only good characters are female or poc, all white straight males are evil). It's not a bad game, but it's a hugely overrated game and no one will remember it about 5 years from now.
20 bucks huh. I may pick this up then. Unless theres gonna be a goty edition with all the dlc.
There already is a GOTY edition with the only expansion for like $40
theres a complete edition for it
Nice. Gonna get it then.
Today I will remind them...
How exactly is "we did it!" posting annoying? Its not like you see other threads spammed with "lol what an ugly protag!" "Fucking movie games!!" "Walking sim garbage" etc.
Kat's game sold like 1/10th of what Horizon did.
>Can i order a t.haven'tplayed starter pack please?
This is the most obvious haven'tplayed post i have seen in a while.
The gameplay is literally the best part of the game and the open world is part of the reason why the gameplay is so good. Also the OST is above average at the very least.
Based on the last 3 points i can see you don't know wtf you are talking about.
>female dominant society
>go to punishment is the silent treatment
what did they mean by this
>Shallow, stale gameplay we've seen a hundred times
>Game about giant robot dinosaurs, but it plays like any other grounded, realistic action game
>But it has a GREAT STORY!
>and LOOK at those GRAPHICS!
I want everyone who bought this game and says its great to die. You'd think a game about killing giant robot dinosaurs wouldn't be so fucking tame and boring to play.
Are there people who actually thought this game was anything by mediocre?
To be fair, the amount of flak they got for BotW almost makes it justifiable. And most of the criticism HZD got was from anti-SJWs, not necessarily nintenbros or xbros or anyone in specific.
Also, selling that amount on a deserted platform makes it more impressive, which is not what I think you were going for there.
Actually, quite a bit less. GR2 sold about 3-400k copies. HZD did 7.5m
because Sup Forums is mainly american and it's full of americans who grew up on their snes and N64s so they can't recognize some value to something that is not nintendo branded.
Did you play it?