Play Fate GO

play Fate GO

>self insert MC
>retarded fanservice designs
>shit story
>one of the worst gachas and gameplay on the market

No thanks

>being an actual faggot

nobody plays this shit, everybody just wanks in harmony

>implying that fate was ever good to begin with

The only fate I need is Illya

more like Fate NO way

Best version

Pedophile detected

stop shilling your stupid weeb trash game you massive faggot

>the japanese SHADMAN

>fate series
>ever being good
Am I being bullshitted right now?

Jack looks awful without her cloak

But it sucks.


t. reddit

>Rolled two Jacks while she wasn't on rate up

She wants the Diheadpats

Jack the Ripper looks like THAT?

>F-GO threads dying
>GB thread at 200+

Post lewds and see the numbers rise. It's the only thing both games are good for

Because mods delete F/GO thread but it's somewhat fine to have two FEH threads at the same time.


>Because mods delete F/GO thread

You used a NSFW pic last time numbnuts.
And you used one again this time too.


My phone is shit and dont wanna run it. Too bad, you get nothing from me, Nasu. Hehee

I tried to play it but I couldn't figure out how.

i do but i didnt get passionlip and now i'm sad

I am waiting to see how much Jeanne Alter will bring.

> implying

I am not the OP for both threads.

Shit cash grab game.

Jack is only good for breeding

>If you are talking about mechanics
You must be fucking retarded to not understand this chinese kusoge
>If you mean Emulators/Phone outside NA
You must be fucking retarded too But you can come to /fgoalter/ and someone will help you

Jack is for headpats en tender care you sick fuck.

cute girls doing historical things

Grinding feather for astolfo.
need two more.

Might take 7 or 8 more apples to get them.