Friendly reminder to play V10
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>military FPS
I'm not planning on shooting any schools or joining the army to die for Israel.
It's better not to advertise the game on Sup Forums. It'd just shit up the playerbase
Friendly reminder that shills need to fuck off and die
The playerbase is already shit from all the steam sales.
Not really. It's very insurgencyesque
You shouldn't buy it.
It's a boring toss up of meta-rushing. Only two 'APCs' in the game, and one absolutely dominates. I love the 30mm, but boy are they fucking retarded.
The game tries to bolster itself on being like PR.
Yet it has a small amount of teamwork, either than you shouting for a medic when downed, and them fucking off in another direction. Don't say it was a bad server, because this happens on a LOT of them.
There's no content to this game. It becomes boring and stale.
>The replication issues leading to many times being shot by invisible players.
>Desync issues - someone can be looking/aiming the other way, yet be shooting you
>Rockets sometimes don't do damage against armor
>Even worse performance when they were promising better performance in V10
>Hotfix 10.1 delayed because the developers are incompetent, and after taking part in a couple matches, the performance was still the same, no changes
These developers are garbage. They needed Battlefield 2's assets to make PR, and even then it took them 5+ years to get where it is.
Now making it from scratch?
>Tiny maps
>Infantry combat is a rush fest
>People just run around most of the time like their head had been cut off
>Vehicle combat is atrocious, the MTLB is useless outside of being used to transport people if there is NOTHING left in base
>Slow as fuck development
>Developers show off content, keep it behind a wall. They've held onto Shotguns and various other things for a year+
No. It's not worth it. Even one of their own developers, Irontaxi said that if the game doesn't sell well by the end of this year, they may decide that it's dead, and not worth it to keep working on it.
>play squad
>hear guy named mujahid_musa speak really convincing arabic
>jokingly hum a nasheed
>he chants the whole thing after me
>check out his steam profile
>all his friends are from arab countries
>guys with hamas soldiers as their profile picture
>Tiny maps
many of your points I agree with but that is straight up false.
>No. It's not worth it. Even one of their own developers, Irontaxi said that if the game doesn't sell well by the end of this year, they may decide that it's dead, and not worth it to keep working on it.
that was in response as to people complaining about the game being on sale to frequently and taken out of context.
I'd love to but V10 crashes on me every session
>wait the eternal 3 weeks
>can't even play
it's been out for how long now, too?
What is;
>Fools Road
>Operation First Light
>Sumari Bala
>Logar Valley
7/12 maps that are condensed. Narva is a gorgeous maps, but the foliage needs to be redone, either than that, it's an amazing map.
Gorodok is boring as fuck without heavier armor or helicopters on some layers to get over the huge gaps of points.
Kohat Toi is another barren map. It always plays out the same on every layer.
Belaya - Rush train tunnel, GG.
>that was in response as to people complaining about the game being on sale to frequently and taken out of context.
It really wasn't though, he was talking about how if they wanted to see if the game was going to be dying off, or if it was going to be a success whenever they get out of Early Access. Which to them probably means releasing a fucking map along with some APC's.
I’m not playing shit that has “version ___” going for it. Give me the final fucking version then we can talk. So tired of this bullshit
Kek this is so fucking wrong it's comical. It has more content than any current fps being released today. Those glitch issues you've mentioned I haven't experienced once in over 300 hours. I play on a roaster and after v.10 it runs smooth as fuck. I'm surprised you went out of your way to type this much bullshit
The game is going to shit, they updated animation and they look even worse and the game runs even slower than before while looking like fucking shit
Also they broke AAS and now it's literally like playing insurgency (the game) over the middle of the map until one side breaks and then capping the rest of the flags takes less than 5 minutes
There is also some meta going on where people jump and prone while firing like in the old bf2 days
Also devs refuse to add some zoom to weapons (muh gameplay) so marksmen are extremely powerful, they also refuse to add standard optics to some soldiers because of "balance reasons" (the game is already broken as fuck, you need like 3 laws to kill a fucking MTLB)
The game is really boring if you don't have friends to play with (pub squads barely coordinate at all), and guess what, if you have friends then ARMA 3 is infinitely superior even in dynamic coops like dynamic recon ops or dynamic combat ops or the new King of the Hill with RHS mods that makes the game modern war with m4 and ak's
PR was so much better, Squad right now is literally insurgency with bigger maps (and it doesn't matter because 90% of the time you are trying to cap and die in the middle flag) and less weapons
Apparently I'm not the only one.
Go suck Dr4v/Merlin's dick some more.
Hunting fobs is useless too because it doesn't deactivate spawn if you are close to it, which was essential in PR for making the gameplay more dynamic and not just capping a flag
>It has more content than any current fps being released today.
Not him but you sound like any other grassroots community shill straight from official forums with your pathetic damage control. Can you try harder?
I don't care. Regardless of the flaws, it's still the best mix of large battle fun and 'realism' out there without going full ARMA. PR is dead, this is what we have to work with now.
>state an actual fact
>duuurr you shill!
Anyone that says the game has no content is fucking retarded. It has more maps and factions and use of classes than any AAA shit that comes out nowdays. You might not like it, but that's peak performance
>state an actual fact
When and where? You only spout memes and damage control like a good dev flunky you are.
PR isn't actually dead kek, it has always a full EU and a US server in the nights with infinitely better experience than squad
in my experience, people that prefer squad to PR are just guys who felt completely overwhelmed by PR and couldn't do shit without getting killed (funnily in PR there is a lot of more long range optics and it's easier to spot and they still get even less awareness than in squad where everyone is forced to be blind, the devs literally said that you have to supersample to 200% to get the real vision to spot something at distance, and the meta is to get everything in low and then supersample to 300% so you can see at distance)
>that's peak performance
That's why it's dead and you homos have to beg Sup Forums anons to buy and play it?
PR is clunky.
oh wow, so you are part of the competitive squad scene? you should go over csgo, that may be smooth for your 360 quickscope vaulting videos
I have more hours in PR than I do in Squad. Mechanically, PR is clunky and limited compared to Squad. Good for the age and smoother than BF2, but outdated and bordering on obsolescence
You're grasping so fucking hard. I enjoyed PR back in the day, but it's time to move on. It's dead jim
Just wait until they get a proper suppression system in the game
probably the same guys that use as argument that the devs are veterans while playing a game that doesn't have artillery or CAS, or proper vehicle damage
Ok I'll move on to ARMA then. Why the fuck would I move to an ugly, buggy and limited early access trash that seems to get dev time once a month or less?
>no counter arguments
the absolute state of squadcucks
Call me when 10.1 releases. Oh wait, that's shit too.
Squad has mortars, I don't see how artillery is an impossibility. It'll probably get added in some iteration. Air vehicles mite b cool but I can't say I'd prefer it or PR to the combined arms aspect of ArmA.
Call me when they have tanks, helos, planes, proper vehicle damage system and eye zoom.
So never.
>gets assblasted
so it worked?
>I'm not planning on shooting any schools
>anime poster
I don't believe you
>i was only pretending to be retarded
ur pathetic
Squad won, PRcucks on suicide watch