
What are your thoughts on their community?

Same as it has always been. Thirteen year olds make up the majority of thread creators, while everyone else only stops by when they are stuck/need advice for a trophy run.

Its pretty terrible even though ive been using it since 2001. The mods have some how gotten more lenient in recent yesrs which is pretty refreshing.

>Thirteen year olds
I'm pretty sure the adveage age range on that is like 20+ years olds. 13 year olds would imply that kids actually still visit sites like that and not just watch youtube videos otherwise, it would have a whole lot more members than it does now.

Joke topic

It's great for answering stupid questions about side quests and odd mechanics, especially in RPGs. I don't think I've ever been on the forums in my life.

>tfw you made lots of retarded posts and can never delete your account because "embarrassment" isn't considered a valid reason

No more shitty than this place. /thread

I don't know, they started to moderate playground insults recently. It's part of some new policy they have.

more like gameFAGS

That's where I hung out some 10 years ago, before I found this burning dumpster of a board. I guess it's okay as long as you browse the specific game boards and stay away from the general purpose ones.

I'm starting to think that Random Insanity would be better than this place.

it's not bad for discussion.
their system of locking and archiving every thread on every board after one week w/o posts or whatever is absolutely retarded though. It makes the discussion of 90% of games impossible because the replies come too slow, so you end up with thousands of boards where every single topic is archived.

used to frequent the monster hunter forums back in like 2007

my schtick was talking about monster hunter doujins and getting banned

the community there is easily the worst I've ever seen. The stupidity, fanboyism and lack of maturity you can find there is unmatched.

>The stupidity, fanboyism and lack of maturity
I don't see how that's any different than Sup Forums.

One time, I got moderated on there for saying that the early Mario RPGs were designed to be beginner-friendly.

Apparently, someone got offended and thought I was implying that Mario games are for babies, even though it's my favorite series.

whinery then Sup Forums that's for sure.

Sup Forums-lite

I dont care about the comunity but they help alot with guides so..

No way, kids don't know the place. My teenage relatives were really puzzled when I mentioned it in context of looking up shit for games.
>But user why not just search for a guide on Youtube
>Try it the kids' way and search for the info I want
>Get a video that is like 5 minutes long where a 20 second segment two-thirds into it has the content the title promises and the rest is unnecessary garbage.

GameFAQs in general is kinda like /vg/. It varies a lot based on board, some are pure cancer while others are decent. Yakuza boards have been alright to me for example.