Oh shit! Capcom has hired YOU to design the new weapon type!

Oh shit! Capcom has hired YOU to design the new weapon type!
The only requirement: it has to switch modes like SA and CB.
What's your answer?

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I have no idea what the fuck SA or CB are.

Well, I'd like not switching weapon. A flail would be nice. Like the lance, it could do cutting or blunt damage depending on the area but favored blunt. Could do KO damage but not exhaust. Have it be stupidly huge like the ring wraith flails.

If it had to switch, have it transform into a pile driver. The flail's head wraps around the arm for the thrusting mechanism and the handle becomes the driver.

The switching weapons annoy the shit out of me. I either want a sword or an axe not both and they BOTH do it. Come on what the fuck?

To totally break the game, something along the lines of a rifle with a big-ass bayonet. Combine Gunner and Blademaster playstyles just because you can.

Switch Blade, short range blunt damage with the handle and longer range cutting with the blade out, easy.

>Perfected hunting whip

That was easy, OP


What are the odds of them actually adding in new weapons? I'm one of those people who doesn't like having dupes in the party so my friends play the twin daggers and the long sword which leaves me with only a couple options at this point since I'm not the blunt/polearm weapon guy. I wish I could mod my game to hide the big-ass beetle bug on my arm with the glaive, if I could do that I'd probably main it.

> (OP)
>>Perfected hunting whip
Hot damn I had no idea how badly I wanted this.

Not bad

Orb and grimoire.

>play MHW
>only weapon I like is the insect glaive because it's the only one isn't incredibly unwieldy and actually does some damage
>have to deal with the stupid bullshit insect powerups

fucking kill me

Fuck the requirement, I'll make a GIANT BOOMERANG weapon and no one will stop me from doing it.


Gauntlets/Pilebunkers. Punching with the gauntlets does blunt damage and charges tension, swapping into the pilebunker form does high dps and exhaust damage but is much slower than the punching. The pilebunker attacks can be charged like the GS

so basically a reskin of charge blade

Design a monster that looks like a school kid

Design a LBG that looks like an AR15

>Just port tonfa from frontier

done. ez.

a pencil that also has an eraser on the other end

Dragon Dildo.

A nuke

A magic class.

Just use the beast cutter from Bloodborne.


Two uzis and sunglasses so you be a badass