This was such a dark time to be a Nintendo fan. The games on this thing were so fucking shitty and lazy
This was such a dark time to be a Nintendo fan. The games on this thing were so fucking shitty and lazy
Imagine being so retarded you think the gamecube was bad
Shut up. I played the games on that console to death.
Absolute pleb tier a patrician furfaggot would post husky fox fucking twink falcon
>average gamecube fan
but it's the best nintendoconsole
>Sup Forums now defends the GameCube
i think it's time to check out of this world
Imagine getting perma-banned for life for being a furnigger
>Saying this while the greatest game ever made (Yes you contrarian cocksucking faggots im talking about Sunshine) is on it
Metroid Prime
Timesplitters 2/3
Luigi's Mansion
Sunshine (not very good in retrospect but I enjoyed it at the time)
Spiderman 1, 2, and Ultimate
Wind Waker
Godzilla Destroy All Monsters
Star Wars Bounty Hunter
The DK one with the bongo controller
Starfox Assault Fuck You I Liked It
Just off the top of my head, gamecube had plenty of good games. Unless you're specifically talking about the GC/GBA adaptor, then yes that was grabage.
Melee is still best smash
Double Dash is still best mario kart
Sunshine although very flawed also has a lot thats good about it
It was very cheap compared to the other consoles
I like the cube
It's widely agreed that Sunshine is utter garbage. Only the minority (furfags) like it.
Unironically, it was Nintendo's best times.
Not really only place I've seen bashing it is people here. Everyone else has fond memory's of it.
>Melee is still best smash
>Double Dash is still best mario kart
Not even close
Best F-Zero
Best Fire Emblem
Best Pikmin
Best Chibi-Robo
Best Resident Evil
Best Animal Crossing
Best Soul Calibur
The gamecube has the best games of their franchises excluding zelda.
Best Mario kart
Best 3D mario
Best Metroid
Best Smash
And it's a fucking cube.
>Best F-Zero
>Best Fire Emblem
Sacred Stones
>Best Pikmin
>Best Resident Evil
Better on Wii
>Best Animal Crossing
New Leaf
Nintendo still sells controllers based off of the GCN controllers. They did something right.
The Gamecube just screamed "rushed release" with almost every first party game on it. Sunshine, Prime, Wind Waker, Melee, all unfinished messes and none of them are particularly good.
>falling for it this hard
>sacred stones
>pikmin 3
wasn't released
>better on wii
which didn't exist
>New leaf
" "
All it needed was a z 2 buttona nd the sticks to be clicky and a better d-pad and it would be perfect.
Ver low bait
N64 and everything after - SHIT
Come to think of it, both Wind Waker and Sunshine are considered weak points in both series, and both are on the same console. Compare that to the N64, where the arguable GOATs of both series are found.
What a step down.
You're forgetting those fucking terrible squishy L/R buttons.
It was just the Re4 machine for me.
The GameCube was great because it had 007 Nightfire and I didn't need friends to play that game multiplayer.
Imagine being so young, that you had no good Nintendo consoles to compare it to. GC had a couple good games, but SNES, PS1 and PS2 took vicious shits on the console.
SNES > Wii = Wii U > N64 > NES > Gamecube