No Man's Sky

>No Man's Sky
>No Male's Sky
>Nu-Male's Sky
>Nu-Male's Soy

How has nobody shopped a switch into this picture yet?

>creative and fun memes
>shit like this

Where did things go so wrong?

clever thread
how long did it take you to think it up
btw i get it, haha, soy, like the soy memes that have been overused to death three months ago
haha, funny

When the fuck is 1.5 gonna get released? This ARG faggotry drives me mad. Just give us a date and be done.

incredible, undeniable

what happened with these people
why don't they release any new games

hilarious and original

nu-male spotted

I don't get what the hate for soy is, I love soy milk unironically.

Hello Sean!

Please go back to work faggot

It's reddits favourite new buzzword

let me guess, you also like nintendo switch?

Memes were always retarded.

The /vg/ split killed Sup Forums. 99% of the people that made OC fucked off to /vg/ or Reddit. The void left by the generals was filled with console war, identity politics, and other shitty threads.


Yeh, kinda wish there was more third party support and less cardboard boxes though.

It's awkward, ugly nerds making fun of awkward, ugly nerds

On the right side near the red clock I freaked out because the plant looked like a giant spider and now I have to sit with my legs tucked in.

Thanks a lot.

I never understood what exactly is wrong with soy or why soyboy became the new "cuck".

Projection. Gaze upon the manlets unironically calling others soyboys and numales

Soy is said to promote the growth of estrogen in the male body. "Soyboy" is a low test or "feminine" minded man who is overly emotional and easily offended or "triggered" but social justice issues.

the Idea is the over consumption of soy based products stripped them of their manhood. It's not meant to be literally. it's just a catch all term for faggots.

>soycuck needs to pick on children to feel better

try picking on someone your own size, little soybitch

Where is based shoop poster

It promotes phytoestrogens at extremely minimal levels. You'd pretty much have to only consume soy in large amounts for it to have any effect on you.

So basically become a vegetarian and eat nothing but meat substitutes?

So how many of you genuinely believe this soy conspiracy? I can't tell the difference between memes and crazy anymore.

Good post

here you go

soyboy detected