How do you become good at this game? I'm sick of being killed by 12 year olds that keeps jumping with a shotgun.
How do you become good at this game? I'm sick of being killed by 12 year olds that keeps jumping with a shotgun
by playing
Learn how to build.
Learn how to aim.
Learn how to dodge.
That's about it.
ThisIt's about putting the time in to master the gun's bloom and building. Almost every fire fight you get into you need to build, and you need to build above the enemy as it gives you more of a chance to kill with a higher elevation compared to the enemies. Unless the enemy also builds, then you need to build higher and higher until both of you lose sight of each other in the mazelike platform-building you both just did.
i come from h1z1 and pubg I feel like the accuracy in Fortnite is utter shit but I've heard its getting a new shooting system soon.
It is, but for now the only accurate gun is the Scoped AR, only when scooped in however.
Honest question, how to you train your aim in a game like this where you only meet an enemy every 5 minutes and then die?
Land in popular places, retard.
I've played a lot of PVE before the BR counterpart came out but i still suck at it
Hope your weapon accuracy and kit/shield luck rolls well. The rest is down to being able to erect a cuckshed the second you hear a pin drop and have a seizure at the PC whenever someone else builds in an attempt to block advances.
In other words it's Minecraft autism sim with barebones shit tier gunplay. Just play a proper skill based shooter.
try the current "Gold" mode, weapons got a 10/10 accuracy there
Land in high traffic areas and go crazy. Don't bother trying to win, just get kills. When you're able to consistently leave the area as the only person alive, you are ready for the rest of the game.
This. No one wants to learn a game if they play something similar. If you dont like building forts dont play this game. Shit.
Stop playing such a shitty game then.
if it's shitty then why do people here praise it on a daily basis over every other shooters?
As someone with 2000 matches played but only 52 wins in solo I can safely say it's all luck until the top 10 find two people fighting and sneak in a kill the winner when he's looting. Shoot at people in a tower once one of there walls goes down there on the defense if there shooting at you from there tower fuck Health try to snipe them because you are going to die if they don't or run away panic building another good tip for last few people is build a tower or box but hid in a bush next too it and wait someone will trying shoot it down or run up and shot gun you kill these guys while there distracted
Because kids, casuals and cucks like it doesn't make it a good game.
How are people getting the TWITCH items when both the site is down and there's no link on the actual twitch prime page?
I personally prefer PUBG and I played a lot of Fortnite PVE but the constant updates and tweaks Fortnite BR gets makes me want to like it, but I just can't due to how autistic the accuracy is
This, the only reason Fortnite even gets a pass is due to the shoddy optimization (both framerate/frame time as well as server) in Pubg. Mechanically speaking Fortnite is shallow in terms of skill ceiling and devoid of balance.
I quit this game when they nerfed the scoped rifle's damage
It was the only weapon that allowed you to reliably win via aiming well. Also, nowadays everyone just spams walls and plays like a wet vagina in this game.
>nowadays everyone just spams walls and plays like a wet vagina in this game
>proceeds to complain about the sniper rifle being nerfed and post webms of him playing like a wet vagina with the sniper rifle
I said the scoped rifle, not the sniper rifle
>using snipers at all
>not going stealth mode with the crossbow and silenced pistol
Every kid in my middle school plays this.
Stop playing this.
how about you stop stalking little kids first
you need to be 18 to post here kid
Can't help it. They come to my room everyday.
Ever since they added twisted towers and all the shit to the left side of the map you barely ever see anyone anywhere else.
Its become easy as fuck to make it to the top 10 without ever seeing another team
Learn to build, and learn to hit shotgun shots. These two things can carry you
Yup, I can win 5 games of solo a day easily if I sit here and play it out. Retail Row is a free landing spot now. Anything on the right side is the easiest win of your life. You go Tilted if you want to have fun and maybe win games.
The way people start throwing up infinite walls when you attack them is annoying. I get that it's one of the main mechanics of the game, base building and stuff, but it's fucking annoying. Like when people always hop or dive when you're shooting at each other in a FPS. Yeah it's effective and part of the game but c'mon, that shit isn't fun for anyone.
It's just another mechanic to ensure little kids can survive. The randomness of the shooting accuracy is another one.
Remember, this is 2018. Games aren't a contest of skill, they're all about providing the illusion of accomplishment. That's how you get maximum microtransaction purchases.
I hate how Wooden Walls start at 100hp. Fucking impossible to kill someone spamming walls. Walls should start at 25hp. A completed base is still as strong, but spamming walls is nerfed and you will go through resources MUCH faster if your put in a bad spot. There is not enough punishment right now for getting hit
I like the new grenade
Walls should simply not provide any gun cover until they're completed building.
"Oh you're winning the fight? Time to spam 50 walls in front of me and heal to full :)" is the dumbest shitter mechanic in the world
They should just make it so bullets cant go though unbuilt sections, that shit makes no sense.
doesn't help that building forts turns the end game into RNG where whoever has their base in the zone wins
The problem then lies in indirectly nerfing building for aggression or positioning (climbing mountains) to uselessness. I think a better change would be to have building charges. Under normal circumstances your charges replenish very quickly, allowing you to build quickly. However in combat the charges replenish slowly. This means you can still build adequate defenses, but can't infinitely replace shot out portions. This also means that by making too ambitiously large a defensive line will reduce your ability to counterbuild against the aggressor trying to gain height advantage.
Bam, suddenly the game is about skill again and not just about who has more resources and Adderall.
Building to climb someone's fort is stupid too, you should have to knock it down.
Why take out a perfectly valid means of positioning, which is inherently skill based? The problem is not in the building but the lack of restrictions which allow defensive players considerable advantages for no reason. The current building system just requires some means of restriction to bring balance to the equation, not scrapped altogether.
Using a single ramp spammed in 5 seconds to climb a fort that took 10 minutes to build isn't skill based, it's dumb game design.
>Implying you can't shoot out their ramp or them
>Implying that you do not already have height advantage which is huge in this game
Sounds like you need to get good.
I'm good at this game and I still lose usually. It's RNG garbage.
>10 minutes to build
No fort could ever take 10 minutes to build. Its more like you use 5 seconds to scale a fort that took at BEST, 30 seconds. That is only if its something like a 2x1 several story high. A 1x1 could be to the skybox and not that long to build up
>Not seeing someone building up to you is RNG
There's shit aspects of the game especially owing to luck, but that's not one of them.
I had a 90% winrate in fortnite the last time I played, it's just a poorly designed game. Winning with bad game mechanics feels as bad as losing by them.
Just don't play it, it is shit.
- Horrible gun play, made for people with shit aim.
- Rewards playing like a complete pussy, you get shot at? Build a wall while running away.
On the same note it does not punish you for being caught out in the open at all, you can pretty much play like a fucking retard and just build yourself out of any.
Again, positioning isn't RNG or even bad design. It just sounds like you're pissed that you have garbage spacial awareness.
I am better at Fortnite (and all other games I play) than you, you don't know what you're talking about. Sorry.
If you're not underage why would you play this game? Seriously just play something else. You've already witnessed how shitty the gameplay is. It's literally a meme game designed for children. Try Dirty Bomb for a skill based fps or hell even Planetside 2 if you want a free massive shooter with building mechanics that actually make a modicum of sense.
>I am better than you
>Even though I can't somehow see or hear someone building up to me
Shit like awareness should be fucking basic in any game. Get good, retard.
I suck at the game but my 11 year old bro tears ass at it.
Post your Fortnite tag, or whatever else game you play, and I'll add you and we can 1v1. I'll post webms of the match in this thread.
If you're not willing to do this, you really have no right to be telling anyone to 'get good'.
Like most other anons say, land in populated areas(like Tilted Towers) and try to use weapons in the pre-game island and shoot people.
>I fail at basic auditory or visual cues in video games
>But you're the one who can't tell me to get good
Delusional egos inversely proportionate to skill is the blight of game design today. Shit like this is why Fortnite even exists.
If you are the better player, can you explain why you're afraid to prove it?
how many times have you guys won?
the only winning move in minecraft with guns is not to play
>win twice
That was around when it came out with the BR mode, have they done anything new?
Again this shit is basic and translates to all games. If you're whining about it, then you're fucking brain-dead. Simple as that. There's no need to prove anything because you've already provided the proof to your own scrubby lack of skill and distaste towards others using in game mechanics available to anyone.
Rather than learn from the experience you lash out at the game. You are the definition of scrub. You will always be as well until you realize your ego far outweighed your ability to play, and that you shouldn't scapegoat so much.
Three times. Played about eighty matches. It's really not *that* hard if you play somewhat clever and make it to the end with decent shit. I'll usually die somewhere in the top 10 or atleast 20 just by not being a complete retard
You are still refusing to 1v1, although you continue to insinuate you are a better player.
Why are you afraid? Could you answer that question?
>Realize building isn't just a gimmick and use it frequently, especially walls for cover and stairs for rushing
>Get good at your aim, which means crouch when shooting mid-range and use the shotgun a lot.
>Fucking play the game
>Know where to land
I think I am pretty decent at the game and I enjoy it.
>Continue to insinuate you're better
Not at all, rather I'm implying you're lacking basic skills required in any competitive medium in video games. Your elevated ego is the only thing providing you the idea of someone up talking, rather than accepting your inadequacy.
He's is not insinuating that he is a better player, he was just saying that you are a shit player.
wtf man you want him to 1v1 you to *prove* you gotta be shit if you can't hear someone building a ramp on you? That's fucking stupid.
>"spend an hour playing a videogame with me or I win the argument"
How can I meet friends? Playing random squads is cancer being EU (I'm UK); bunch of French kids who can't cooperate.
Added new weapons, new items, made a lot of tweaks to make the game play better and actually balancing weapons.
Any of you are open to this challenge, please post details that will allow me to 1v1 you in a PC FPS game of your choice. Webms of the match will be made and posted in this thread.
As I am a shit player, this should be an easy challenge. Who will take me up first?
I’m fucking disgusted by all of you. I shouldn’t even be bothering to post this because most of you contributing to the thread are probably 14-17, and if you’re 18+ playing this shit, you’re just a total fucking faggot with horrible taste.
I have a bad taste in my mouth knowing I share the same space as you easily-impressed losers. Where’s your fucking integrity?Unironically playing this bullshit? Are you fucking kidding me?
>waaah my taste is better than yours!
yikes, imagine actually having to validate yourself by comparing what games you play to others.
I don't main it, just play it now and again inbetween other games or listening to music. It's fun.
But where is the 1v1 though?
>Be 1 of the last few to jump out. Too many people jump too early and run the risk of encountering random people
>Loot as much as you can. If you end up with at least a blue assault rifle and shotgun, you're pretty much set and just need to worry about shield potions, regen potions, etc
>Grind out anything and everything
>Avoid any confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Gunplay is an abortion to where RNG WILL fuck you and, as you said, 12yos will jump and it becomes luck as to who hits who.
>Proceed to the center of the map.
>Once it's down to the remaining 20- people, start build a camp tower in the center of the circle out of metal and/or brick. DO NOT LEAVE THE CAMP TOWER UNLESS THE CIRCLE CHANGES AND/OR EXPLOSIVES ARE BEING SPAMMED AT YOU.
>Kill anyone passing buy
>Sit and wait until the circle closes in killing anyone remaining or until you have to fight the remaining players at which point you pray to the RNG gods your bullets will hit
>Uninstall and play something better
>Actually expecting shit talkers to be good at vidya
user, I'm sorry but nobody here wants to admit they are shitters reliant on their team to win, let alone try a 1v1 Quake-style duel
I wonder, does this game only have battle royale mode or does it have that tower defense zombie mode that was originally released for?
no they canceled that because the BR aspect is more popular
The free game? Not yet. Maybe later on in the year though.
The PVE mode has been in for almost a year. Its not F2P yet which was the plan. The PVE should go free this year sometime.