Have you guys heard about this Nintendo Switch? You know, it's really popular with sailors. Yeah, that's right, sailors!

>Have you guys heard about this Nintendo Switch? You know, it's really popular with sailors. Yeah, that's right, sailors!
>They love the fact that it has so many ports!

Other urls found in this thread:


Seamen LOL

My left wide open after all this laughter

Funny fat guys are funnier than funny thin guys.

>A Priest, a Rabbi and a Thot are talking about why they bought a X-Box One.
>The Priest says,"I bought one for my Alter Boy's silence."
>The Rabbi says,"I bought one because it was 30% off."
>They both turn to the Thot who says,"I'm just tired of playing games."

It is genuinely amazing how you can go into pretty much any thread about what games people would like to see on Switch, and 3/4ths of the thread are just people asking for ports/remasters/remakes instead of new franchise entries or new IPs.

To be a good comedian you have to have something wrong with you.

We posting awful standup now?


Unfunny fat people are awful though. They offer nothing.

an unfunny fat person you can at least laugh at. A regular well-adjusted person doing standup is never ever funny.

Awful standups are worse then gore, i can't even begin watching one


Switch owners really are a lot like sailors. Sucking each other off until they get to a port every six months.


t. chubbs

I'm 145 pounds.

that's a lot for a 5'5 manlet

I'm a manlet but not that short. I'm 5'11.

hahahaha fucking manlet

wtf you're not short

>Switch owners walk like this
>*skips around on stage at 20 fps*
>PS4 owners walk like this
>*puts on a skirt walks crossing his legs at 30 fps*
>Xbox One owners walk like this
>*grabs a handful of Doritos and walks around at 28fps*
>PC gamers walk like this
>*gains over 200lbs and sits in a chair at 60fps*

I thought people here said 5'11 is short?

If you're under 6'9, you're short. Deal with it.


Phil Spencer is a cute. (no homo)

You could probably fit him in your handbag.

>More like, IDORT know how to spend money wisely!

I don't have a handbag. I made it very clear that what I said was no homo.


*long pause*

is big.

Stand-up comedy is the latrine of entertainment.

not that guy, but you legit don't know shit if you think 145 is heavy for 5'11

your next line will be "i was only pretending to be retarded"

do you not understand that manlet is only about height? you could be 500 lbs you're still a manlet, just a wide one.

>tfw 6 foot even

Sorry, you're gonna have to speak up.