>February 28, 2018 – Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) today announced global sales of Horizon Zero Dawn™ have exceeded 7.6 million copies just one year since it launched exclusively on PlayStation®4 (PS4™)*1. The exceptional year-one-sales mark Horizon Zero Dawn as the most successful new first-party franchise launch on PS4. Horizon Zero Dawn was released on February 28, 2017 to widespread critical acclaim, winning numerous industry awards.

Playstation keeps doing it. It feels good to be part of a winning team

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>being poor

Post smug Aloys

Cool, I guess.

Why did people seem to think it was going to flop?



They don't think it will, they just hope it will
If it receives heavy marketing, it's always gonna sell like crazy, regardless of quality


>Being this assblasted

WTF bros, I thought Zelda was going to surpass it by a mile. Zelda is still regularly within the top 10 best sellers on amazon while Horizon usually isn't even in the top 100. THIS CAN'T BE FUCKING TRUE.

i have both games now what

Zelda sold more than this a month ago.

>no link to source
Substantiate your claims.


It did the rounds on news websites this morning.


>still zero awards
>zelda sold 6.7 million copies ONLY on switch in 10 months
>horizon needed 12 months and a price drop to $20 to sell that much

Zelda was at 6.7 million as of December 31st. It's unlikely it will have passed it.



>Zelda shipped 7.8 on wii u and switch combined

>a game available for two consoles sold slightly more than a game that was only available for one

wow user what a surprise! Based nintendo haha am I right fellow zelda fans?!

>on Switch
That's not accounting for WiiU sales.

>The data comes by way of Nintendo's financial results briefing earlier this week. The Kyoto company revealed that Breath of the Wild shipped 6.7 million units worldwide for the Switch. Including the Wii U's previously reported 1.08 million units sold, the total sales figure for Breath of the Wild is 7.78 million units worldwide.

Oh ok, that kills the horizon zero awards then.
Can't wait to see the sales at the end of march.

Oh, so now sales matter again

The price is probably the biggest factor. That, and the PS4 install base is nearly 5 times as much as the Switch's. Still, 7.6 million is a ton for a single player new exclusive IP.

Don't forget Zelda sold through 6.8m with a 14.8m install base, while Horizon barely sold 10% of the PS4 base

>still zero awards

Nostra madre di Dio...
Padre Nostro che sei nei cieli....
La Creatura....

This supposed to be a thing that makes me want to buy it?

I dont play as a female protagonist

Get Fucked


zelda fanboys lost there minds over this game you retards are sad

I found this game repetitive and average at best. I don't even remember the story other then machines went evil. Also, it has some of the worst cutscene and facial animations I've ever seen.

How can Sony even compete?

Previously reported, The Wii U version's 1.08 million was only in its first month, so it should be more than that by now.

I would have preferred a new Killzone.

nice rock textures

Nah Horizon sold more and Horizon was the runner up for most game of the year awards of the year surpassing Mario Odyssey.

Horizon. A new IP. Surpasses Zelda in sales and Mario in awards.

Sony always wins.

>game a sold more than game b
This is actually a pretty retarded way of thinking.

Aloy is built for sex.

To be fair a good chunk of those numbers comes from it being on sale for crazy low prices after launch, I think I grabbed a copy for 20 bucks during Amazon's black Friday sale, and I think its even on sale right now with the dlc for 40 percent off or something



I think they did really well for a new IP. They had fuck all from Killzone and to where Horizon got is pretty successful, gotta respect a developer to try something out of their comfort zone.

Absolutely disgusting

Oh, sorry!

>there minds

>to be fair

youre easily spotted, nintodler.

Because soytendos BOTW came out around that time


>Horizon. A new IP. Surpasses Zelda in sales and Mario in awards.
This is what Nintendobabbies always conveniently forgets.

> was the runner up for most game of the year awards

this kills the roach

ITT: Sonybros and Nintenbros fight over which of their overhyped games is better.

>Nah Horizon sold more
Blinders at maximum.

>zelda fanboys lost their minds
No man, it is the other way around, study some Sup Forums history

>Zelda ships 7.8m across 2 platforms.
>Horizon sells through 7.6m on 1 platform.
You are the one with blindes on mate.
Your delusions are absoloutely disgusting.


>What are user install bases
Really jogs that nog ey buddy?

Aloy's sequel will sell twenty million copies!

SJWs think sales matter now?

Do they enjoy the NFL too?

you fall for shit like this

>sony-ggers are that desperate for games that garbage like this sells 7 million

zelda was the only game on the console for like 9 months lol, great job of making people buy it!

Money is the only thing that matters. Haven't you been paying attention?

It also had to rely on 'strong independent female' as a MC and bundled with heavily discounted PS4 with bonuses. Face it, without that, HZD would have sold much less.

>A new IP
Ass creed isn't new though

We have a fucking archive moron, go check that.
You can sort them by year, month, day and everything.
Go look and tell me what's told in the screencaps isn't true.

Why? I played some of it at a friends and it is fucking boring. Nice graphics, but extremely dull game.

This webm explain Horizon Zero Dawn's success.

>It feels good to be part of a winning team

Oh, you worked on the game?

Now repeat after me



>ignores the install base

Are you describing botw? because that is exactly my experience with the game.

I want to breed Aloy in that field!

yap then you know what i see false flagging and zelda fanboys shitting on the game with the same webm over and over

>WTF bros, I thought Zelda was going to surpass it by a mile
It did

I don't feel like this number is fair, HZD was bundled with the console and 2 other games. It's like counting Wii Sports as the best selling nintendo game of all time.

>Hayley Joel Osment


ITT: Ninteniggers mad as fuck

so the game did win awards so why do you keep saying zero

Fuck off, marketer

>false flagging

Guy is wrong it was purely Soytendoboys doing the shitposting.

If you are actually mad that this and monster hunter world did well, you need to reevaluate whether you actually like video games, or if you just like one company that makes video games.

you must be blind or retarded

>Both Horizon and Monster Hunter did incredibly well
>Both contain Aloy
I think we have found the secret to success.

we've got 3 days till nintendo release BOTW year sales.

I'm gonna say 8m in total. just under 7m on the switch and 1.2 on the wii u

I want them to make her face less mannish and get better hair.



El goblino.....

Meh, i bought it for my gf, and she likes it. I refuse to play 30 fps console garbage, tho.

Nigger, this place is as nintendogaf as you can get. The only thing that's certain is that you treat falseflag shitposting as something that triggers your papermache autism. No one in their right mind thought the first Zelda in 5+ years would do poorly regardless of how good the actual game is are you fucking kidding me. It's like saying Labo shitposting was anti-Nintendo. You joyless fucks turn everything into corporate dick sucking to the extreme, supporting your 300 dollar shitbox because you can't even flip burgers for 2 month and get enough money to buy every console.

Wouldn't surprise me if they did exactly that in her sequel.

Wow and all it took was slashing the price to $10 and bundling it with every PS4 sold.

hope so. Doesn't have to be a massive change. Maybe make her jaw a little rounder, soften her brow, have less braiding in her hair and maybe shorten it a bit

>hzd is now bigger than halo

>Kills Halo with Killzone
>Kills Zelda with Horizon

>Halo Wars 2 actually got outsold by fucking Nioh
>Kou Shibusawa beat M$