would you buy it?
Hollys shit
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck no
>entire front is a screen with buttons inside the picture
Why do people keep making images like this? It's a fucking ugly, retarded design that Sony and Nintendo will thankfully never do.
>even the fakes are a copy of Nintendo's
once it's hacked yeah.
>an overpriced tablet
No thanks
If I can get some sixth gen console emulators on it then sure
>fan made
Sony is cutting the vita loose only braindead fans who can't get enough ps2 ports and jrpgs are sad to see it go.
Give it a normal SD card slot, keep a game slot and not digital only and it might swim.
Also some games would help
>buttons in the middle of screen
>buttons over the screen
if it's anything short of a mobile ps4 with titles you can export from your ps4 for actual cross play and not remote play
I can't think of a situation where a slither of screen real estate next to and under your thumbs is going to be useful in any way.
Why do people make this sort of crap?
Because nintensexs once defended the idea to hell and back, when it was rumored to be the Switch's design, and everything is perfect and amazing when Nintendo does it?
i dont think its that bad
it is a wide screen so the main things happening are in the midle screen
the wider screen gives you a more immersive expericence
wow fucking destroyed it
literally a normal vita now
>Portable souls games.
>Portable fighting games.
Yep. Hell I'd buy a Switch if it got DBZF, Rev2, and SF.
kill your fucking self
you disgust me
>Screen too small.
>Hands cover part of the screen.
>Cooler on the down side.
>Basically a phone with buttons and control sticks.
Just let it go. The Vita sadly failed, and Sony is merciless with that which fails. They won't touch the handheld market any time soon.
your hands are going to be covering that section of the screen and it going to make hud layouts pushed farther into the center of the screen. Why even do that when you could just make the screen in the center larger rather than having two persistent blind spots on the horizon.
And what's wrong with that? The problem with the portable Playstations isn't the form.
There no problem with the portable Playstations period. It's not the consoles' fault that normalfags didn't latch on them like vultures thanks to meme games.
Ah, yes, let's just place the control elements in the middle of the fucking screen. What do those retards think, just because phones basically do it, it's actually going to work well with physical buttons/sticks?
Hardware wise they're pretty decent (UMD and memory stick shit aside). But yeah, they lack good games that you'd want to play on a small screen.
>design is worse than vita
fuck no
it failed because sony has no games
just look at nintendos handheld sucess
Sony had games. But peoples are so fucking plebeian they prefer Arms over fucking Wipeout.
>all the space covered by your own hands is now also screenspace that you can't see
rather than do this they should just add a supplemental slide out screen that comes out on top and displays hud stuff and transmission stuff (like codec pictures and text) in-game reading, combo cheat sheet ect. Like what the dreamcast tried to do with it's in-controller screen. That would do more for immersive gaming than making the screen wrap in a retarded way.
arms is not the selling sucess of the switch
>PSP 2018 concept
>PS Vita 2
He was even able to capture Sony's incompetence in mock-up form.
Anywho, after the way Sony handled Vita, I will never buy another handheld from them. I wouldn't care if its successor was overflowing with my favorite genres and franchises.
One: Arms and Wipeout are two different genres, you tard. Closest thing to Wipeout on Switch is Fast RMX.
Two: Nintendo marketed the Switch unlike Sony with the Vita.
looks uncovered to me
- Failed to support the PSP, as Gameboy Advance was getting exclusives left and right.
- Failed to support VITA, lower prices, or properly distribute 64MB cards.
There's no chance I'd trust them with another handheld.
no, I have a phone
isn't that based on the same concept you faggots thought the switch was going to use, and mocking it for?
>I wouldn't care if its successor was overflowing with my favorite genres and franchises
so you'd just boycott it out of spite because something they tried didn't take off and they didn't dump enough millions into trying to make it good for an audience that didn't buy it?
The controls inside the screen area is the dumbest concept idea.
There's zero reason to ever made a device that does this, and a huge array of negatives that would come from it, but these people keep making crap concepts that use it.
It's okay, Sony can do it.
If they do it it's okay.
>the wider screen gives you a more immersive expericence
In this case, the extra space outside the center is effectively worthless for visual information, and would just burn more battery life, eat up more system power to render a higher resolution than is honestly necessary, and it would drive the price of the device way up.
>PSP competing with the GBA
>Failed to support VITA, lower prices, or properly distribute 64MB cards
They failed at properly supporting the console with games and software. They decided to use propriety memory cards to nickle and dime the consumer AND THEN had the gall to make them at least twice as expensive as mSD cards of similar capacity were at the time. it's nothing to do with not releasing the 64GB card in the west because it was too expensive to justify buying for most people. OH and no internal storage.
>Buttons on the screen
Cool "concept". But you know godamn well you wouldn't be willing to shell out $500 if Sony made something like that. You, and all the other cheap as fuck poorfag consumers that Sony is forced to cater to.
but the device would be more wider and would have more space for battery
so not an argument
>buttons/sticks in the screen
Who's the retard that keeps making fakes with this?
>the wider screen gives you a more immersive expericence
Ah, yes, two thumbs pressing buttons constantly in my field of viewis how I view the world as well. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the floating thumbs. I agree, it would make games much more true to life if they included the floating thumbs at all times in the FOV.
Only If it can emulate PS2 games.
It literally makes it the same as phone games. Then they'll sell a Bluetooth controller just for the vita 2 to turn a profit and you'll eat it up.
>Video starts with dubstep
Stopped watching right there, remember to grow up before you post son.
anywhere else I'd think it was some conceptual feedback to see what's the worst possible way it could be received. But since it's here I suspect it's just some sort of bait to either try to make the switch look good in comparison or just to bait for bait sake.
your are just too fat
lose weight you fat fuck!
Only if Sony treats it with respect and gets rid of the exclusive memory card bullshit
>not liking dubstep
>not focusing on the main subject
get the fuck out underage
It has nothing to do with weight. The buttons and thumbsticks are inside the screen, meaning your thumbs are inside the screen. The screen shows your FOV, therefore there are buttons and thumbs inside the FOV at all times. It's a fucking shit idea.
>liking dubstep
kill yourself pleb
thats not even dubstep retard
this is what dubstep sounds like
You children and your shitty off branded music genres need to neck yourselves.
>it's the consumers fault that they don't buy a console because it has no games
The absolute state of sonyfucks
So lets talk about specs, what has improved on that front with in regards to low wattage parts that can power PS4 games..? We've got the Tegra X1 used in the Nintendo Switch which is an 13-15w part it has a TFLOPS efficiency of 1.15 to 1.3TFlops of performance which is adequate comparable to PS4 performance in regards to raw GPU performance, the CPU is inadequate however.
So we move on and then we look at other products, we've got the Tegra X2, it has a CCX of 4+2 with CPU clocks at 2.3ghz, comparable to what's on the PS4 Pro now in terms of raw IPC and raw compute, it has 40% more efficiency in Tflops, 256(Pascal cuda cores) vs 256( Maxwell cuda cores) with the Pascal cores on the Tegra X2 with a max clock of 1.3ghz, NVIDIA may enhance this for custom solutions to run faster it also only runs 1w more on average than the Tegra X1 despite being superior in many areas.
This is perhaps the solution to getting a Vita 2 in terms of supplying current capabilities comparable to the PS4.
>it's not the consumers fault if they have butt disgusting plebian tastes
Nin 10cucks will defend this.
no. games. kek.
Plebeian swine.