It's shit

It's shit

Other urls found in this thread:

It's ok.

still, over 1000 good reviews.

It's moderately fun

Konami has infiltrated Sup Forums

>haha we did it reddit, we made it go below 70%!
>a few hours later

lul stay mad because of vidya

Probably paid.

It's pretty much the digital equivalent of having someone build you something, then firing him and pissing all over what he's made.

Konami is trash and so is this game.

Defend this

reddit spacing + havent played the game (regurgitate youtube opinions). embarrassing

do not gag on Kojima's micropenis, soyboi

I just heard it had zombies and I was out

not gonna click your shill account

N-no its not! I've put tens of hours into it already! A-and I had fun the entire time, I swear you guys! PLEASE buy it.

1. reddit spacing
2. there's actually, in fact, more than one person that creates the Metal Gear games user. I know its hard to get Kojima's cock out of your mouth

Reddit spacing is a shit meme that you've completely fallen for.



I'm going to perfectly punctuate my sentences to act as though my opinion is somehow more
relevant than yours because it takes up more space on your

>the virgin reddit spacer
>the chad power gap

I go to reddit all the time, never see this spacing you talk of, even have a tab open now

is the damage depended on the weapon or the the level cause i dont do any damage vs wanders in mp there is like a 4 level difference between me and the wanders

Guys I don't like this game because I feel like itll probably have lootboxes, I mean I can just tell, you know? I don't really like that...

Are you fucking paranoid or something? People have typed like that on Sup Forums since its inception.

newsflash everyone that went on Sup Forums during its inception was 12-16 years old, hence the same reason why children who use reddit are 12-16 years old. Are you an epic oldfag dude? Wow!

You want an argument but won't listen to it? Ok kid

Is this the power of maximum paranoid autism?

people are more worried about shills from konami, who doesn't even give a fuck about videogames and didn't advertise this one, than eceleb shit critic youtuber shills.

It has save boxes. You have to pay ten dollars to use multiple save slots

I'm not claiming to be an "epic oldfag" I'm just saying that if you think "reddit spacing" is an actual thing you might be 100% retarded.

isn't multiple characters? Not saves? You only get one save per character, so it's not like you can have two saves for one character even after putting up money for it.

I like it, it has really good exploration and atmosphere.

Faggots keep going on about kojimadrones but I just find it embarrassing this many people are buying a 40 dollar survival zombie farming game about 3 years after the trend got old.

>redditcuck desperately defending his favorite website

You HAVE to? Really? Hmm.
You're FORCED to buy a save slot??

Whatever you say, man. Keep chasing that boogeyman.

81 hours lol
I play with some of my friends and we have fun because the gameplay just works. Also I tried to play co-op with random people and it's boring. The game only work with friends.

This isn't even creative trolling user. What's the point of posting the same shit over and over again? Is it the autism and the obsession with repetition?

>It's shit

K, so why you promoting it by starting threads about it

So how many of these features were going to be in TPP you think?
For example, is the base building in Survive the same base building that was scrapped from TPP?
What about food/hydration?

I still have a reddit tab open, where can I find this spacing?

in your brain :)


whatever language it is, it looks ebin

Why does it have the DD icon?

If your only response to every argument is "shill" or "Reddit" you automatically lose

>crystal zombies

why though

I didn't like the whole dayz shit, but I do like this game.


>its fine when Kojima does it

nice strawman there, but I never defended Kojima in my post. I hate zombies in any medium.

>81 hours
Holy shit are you unemployed?

Yeah. I bought the game because I thought "Hey, it's just 40, what can go wrong" and the minute I started the game a konami exec kicked down my door, held a gun to my head and told me "buy a second save slot or I'll blast your brains out"

game is still fun tho

I was talking about nanomachines buddy

Also thats not what a strawman is lol, educate yourself

WOOOOW EPIC! based Kojima does it again! DAE really like the way Kojima did zombies?! what about the vampire or the shaman? haha Kojima is so based :)

>game where nanomachines form creatures

You would die on the jeep ride lol

I don't have work yet neither responsibilities. I'm 20 I go to the uni but I have a lot of free tim lol

I opened up the text box after the first sentence ready to call you a faggot

fuck you

>being this retarded

>it's fun with friends

The eternal defence of garbage games


Uh huh. You misread my post and assume I was talking about zombies rather than the current conversation. I was talking about nanomachines

>fat cuck youtube channel

True, but I'm sure i remember KJP saying there would be survival aspects.
Also I've found only one jeep in Survive so far and I've played.... A lot


>make a generic zombie game with microtransactions

What? It's not a defense. If you have friends to play online you can have fun playing those kind of games.
There's no defence saying this. It's a fact If you play alone those games you'll probably get bored. This is not a competitive PVP game. it's a CO-OP PVE game.

>mgs5 mission: watch a 5 minute helicopter sequence where nothing happens
>find a car and drive for 10 minutes through multiple checkpoints until you reach your map marker
>ranking isnt based on stealth but on time so you can actually drive a fucking tank through the entire last mission and get S
>sit in a jeep for 10 minutes while someone talks for 20 seconds total

>mg survive mission: need to find an underground bunker in the dust, no map markers and if you die you lose everything, tension and nerves are high
>find the bunker, it got traps, secrets and genius level design
>you can't gun and run because you die in just a few hits since nanomachine """zombies""" are tough as fuck
>not artificial time limit, but based on remaining oxygen, food and water
>once you find your objective you have to make your way back, you don't just get a cutscene that saves you

refute this, Kojimadrones. Oh wait you can't because you haven't played survive.

Its fun.

Where can I find some more cool gear to wear? I'm just about to fight the lord of dust.

Clear this up for me. Is the ammo I use in coop automatically refreshed when I go back to a lobby or will I lose it when I return to the lobby?

Thanks Mussolini. I feel fucking old right now...

You can have fun with friends playing fucking anything, it's a non-point not even worth mentioning. It's why garbage like genital jousting actually has an audience.

OST rip when? the last chapter had a kino OST.

I already know that and I hate it.
I enjoy games ALONE and without Internet.

If you use it, its gone, I generally just bring a shotgun for crowd control and thats all I use for ammo, the rewards for S ranking usually cover the cost of your ammo and then some.

I love everything about it. It's a great game, single is thread, multi is great, the characters and story was great, the levels and atmosphere is great. Is there a way to see how much time played on PS4?

objectively correct

Worth A Buy is absolutely /ourguy/

Survive is absolute shit mate.

>Is there a way to see how much time played on PS4?
pretty sure its coming in the 5.0 update soon

>Sounds like a good game despite all of the right
>Terrible AI
I'm sorry what?

Better game than MGSV. No surprise there since they actually finished theirs.

>You can have fun with friends playing fucking anything
Nope. We wanted a simple and fun zombie games and Survive it's the 1st zombie game that's really works without clunky mechanics and better than that good and gameplay and good visuals.
Find another hobby.

both mgsv and survive are shit


both mgsv and survive are amazing games

are the reviewer even finishing the game? or at least the story?

t. Konami CEO

It's shit

I was actually shocked that this game had postgame and its better than Destiny 2. I still think this game is garbage but it's yet another game I can put on the list that does post game better than Destiny.

Base digging 4. Completed.
It was hard.

>charging real money for save slots
if you play this game you're braindead

I wish, im just a sweaty as fuck nerd. I just bought a PS4 a week ago today, been loving the fuck out of survive and I rebought MGSV after playing on PC. Monster hunter too and it came with Battlefront 2. I been neeting it up playing every day.

user can you just let us enjoy the game? you are acting like a children.


You can fuck off and play the game any time you like if it's so much more fun than talking to me.

>charging real money for *character slots
wow just like every other online metal gear

You gotta go back Jose

I want this helmet so badly I can even pay for it.

Why Italians are cucks?

It's Italian retard

Just tell me on which map is the anime nameplate.

Just fought Wanderer Seth, can anyone tell me how much is left of the main story? I don't want it to end

Its on top of the base where you got wheelchair parts for the kid

But that's a mexican name lol
I don't even know the real meaning of that word.