So was it good?

So was it good?


It's alright

good game
bad monhun game
niggers will get mad triggered by this but its the truth, it only holds up when you ignore everything the past games have

how is 4U?

I genuinely think this too. It got boring way quicker than the other ones. The endgame shit is just a rng clusterfuck and the weapons look so painfully generic that I don't feel like hunting shit to craft them. Also, decoration farming is literally worse than charm farming.

Looks and feels pretty generic, tbhwys. Can't play more then 5 hours a day of this without feeling burnt out

very i have 280 hours and i am just now running out of things to do. $60 well spent cant wait to come back in a couple months to more content.

Yeah I like it. I have fun playing it but raising your hunter rank takes fucking forever, I hit HR29 like a week ago and I'm still trying to get up to HR49 now, despite playing for hours a day.

what you guys huntan

I just started playing it and its like a bombardment of tutorials. I dont have a clue what to do in this game.

It's fine.
There are better monster hunter games out there but this one is the easiest to get into so all the normies love it.

Whatever fits the bounties I'm doing, most of the time I'm just doing Tempered investigations though.

Go to the jungle (forest?). Find monster. SMASH!

Yes for about 180 hours, then it got painfully boring, I atleast put over 400 hours into other HR games, the no guild quests really hurt this one.

a big guy

>30h in
>still don't know how to catch a mon

Yeah I just wish for g rank and more monster variety. The successor to World is going to be goat.

this pretty much, endgame is botched, terrible quest variety, tempered monsters are awful, decent game like Tri, hopefully we get a way better G/Portable entry, but a bit too much of the base game was changed for my liking

compared to previous entries? no.

you'll enjoy it fine if it's your first MH, and given how easy it is, it feels like that's the intention, I can barely get anything out of it myself.

When the monster's lifeline is near flatlining or has skulls floating next to its icon on the map, throw some Tranq. Bombs at it's face once it sleeps. Then, place a Shock Trap right on it. That'll capture it almost immediately, the game tells you to use the shock trap first but I don't recommend that.

Note that this doesn't work on monsters with the classification of Elder Dragon, you can only slay them. Also, you only need 2 Tranq. Bombs to catch a monster.

>all the salty Nintendo fanboys ITT

the best Monster Hunter game yet, better than all other entries in the series by far, GOTY already and it only released in January

No it's not, but everyone here are retards comparing it Ultimate games instead of HR games.

It'll be GOTY once oldies like Deviljho and Snek are added in.

>322 hours and counting
Literally the greatest game I've played in the past 6 months

>when you ignore everything the past games have
You mean a decade of reused assets?

The best one. Sadly it's the only one that didn't get ported to normie consoles.

It is, even without G rank, the sheer amount of quality of life improvements on top being on an actual console using an actual controller makes it a million times better than all the 3ds games

What is the best game you've played in the past 7 months?


>T. someone who hasn't played entries before World

get over it, we're not even saying it's the 3DS games specifically that are better, I keep hearing Freedom Unite brought up as being better, too.

You don't need bombs at all though. As soon as you see the skulls or the monster starts to limp away, you need to get it in a trap and throw 2 tranq bombs. You can throw the tranqs first, but you need to put the trap down soon after.


people only like FU and the 3ds games because they have way more shit, almost all of it just recycled assets since the ps2 games. The Black Diablos fight in World has more depth than the entirety of FU's roster

Is there any hope they fix the bland weapon models in the G expansion?

>Also, decoration farming is literally worse than charm farming.

Oh god no. Farming charms was the worst. Decoration farming is a little bit bullshitty but it's miles better than than charms. I'm just hoping for a gem with a specific skill. Not a necklace with specific skill with a minimum amount of points with a minimum amount of slots. I do not miss charm farming. Not even a tiny bit.

>keep hearing how shit XX is
>import it because tired of World already and need more
>mfw it's really fun so far

The arts are a bit out of place but otherwise I'm really liking it.

>been using GL for a while online
>always wonder why it's so hard to knock tails off
>start using GS
>hit tail 3-4 times
>pops right off

I guess all the other faggots I play with just haven't been cutting the tail?

wow people like being able to hunt more monsters in a game called MONSTER HUNTER?

Colored me fucking shocked, user.

that's okay, guess I should just suck it up and go hunt Nergigante another 20 times, or maybe Zorah Magdaros and Xeno'Jiivha, the Unequivocally EASIEST Elder Dragons I have ever fucking fought, it's pathetic. the quality of the fights in MHW are shit, too.


Where is it then? Monsters are boring. Weapons are boring. Endgame is worse than GQs. Online is a mess.

I don't see much quality.

People can't aim for shit online majority of the time. Hell, I've had people actually die to a normal Nerg dive.



seething Nintendo toddlers

It's way harder to cut tails online.
If you're playing offline you pop tails off left and right with any bladed weapon.


You would see the quality if you could play it salty toddler.

>complains about elements not associated with the 3DS games
>goes into a depth that suggest they've actually played the fucking game themself
>B-but Nintendo! you're just mad cause you can't play the game!


>People say it's not good
>Literally no reason why it's not good

Lookin' at you

Post Sub 5's or kys

Theres so much clutter. 30 people give you 30 things to do and the map is lit up like a christmas tree. Its too overwhelming

the blind defenders of World are the fucking worst, I swear.

This was online man, true charge is great

They went way over board with the "QoL" shit
>removing guild quest effectively kills true difficulty and makes solo baby tier now
>combining is so streamlined now it basically doesn't matter, just set it to a radial tab and go
>3 different item pouch lets you bring basically everything you need on a hunt
>item box in hunts let you take your entire inventory and never run out of items
>Not like you'll ever need to restock since you'll pretty much never run out items with how easy monsters are to kill even compared to past games HR
There's a good amount actual QoL improvements but there's just as many useless ones just there to casualize the game and make it the easiest MH ever. You can't even turn most of them off or really handicap your self other than not min maxing/ going no armor/ no cat. Not being able to solo guild quests with the abundant of items really kills the general satisfaction you get from playing you got from the past games.

The blind haters are worse, nintendo fags are on par with Sup Forums shitters

I will concede that there are monhun games with much more content, but world is by far the best monhun game to date overall. When we get a real, robust roster and g-rank the only ones saying otherwise will be memers.

all I hear is "why did they remove all the tedious bullshit and just let me fight things"

Those are all much needed improvements to the series

>literally just heard the word oxygen being spoken in a yt video im watching
>open up this image as it's said



How the fuck is not having infinite Items tedious?

attributing people as blind haters is a lot easier to do as a deflection tactic in one's own blind defense of the game.

believe it or not MH has been on Sony Systems before, too, fans of the franchise can easily follow the game across multiple systems.

which means some of the people being called Nintendo Fags are actually veterans from the original Sony Era of MH Games.

but, you know, defending MHW from all criticism is apparently more important, the game that's trying to charge you 5 bucks to do a Hadouken gesture in-game.

i enjoyed it for what it is since its a fresh entry to the mh lineup.

not sure why people still bitch and moan about the lack of content. especially since most people compare world to the "ultimate/X/G" versions of past MH games.
obviously those games have more content since they just take stuff from previous games.
World is literally a base game which they are obviously going to expand on in the future.

pretty much this

the game is fun but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for the future of the series. would love to get a proper 5, would even shell out the cash for a switch if I had too, but I worry the mainstream success is going to be the death of the series as we know it. they gut so much of the charm from Monster Hunter in world I can almost believe it's not the same universe.

Yeah man fuck consequences

>reddit spacing

>reddit spacing

Opinion discarded.

Fuck off nintenfaggot.

The only people who hate it are the dipshits who put 200 hours into it and yet still claim it has zero content because the old MHs could support 1000 hours. If you have any sense of self-awareness it lives up to the best of the franchise, even if it's slightly lacking.

not really

>this game is great, it just needs more monsters from previous entries
what about it's new monsters, user, are they fun to fight.

>infinite Items
Excuse me retard? Does the game buy you potions and restock everything for you? No? Okay then.
>Reddit spacing

Normie here. Just started playing and man, im confused as fuck. Im being pulled in 20 directions by everyone and the combat is not very good. What do?

please gen had loads more content and it's not a g rank game

I've been here since 09, I do that by accident sometimes because I chat on IRCs a lot.

So you came with the flood?
now go back

>this game is great, it just needs more monsters from previous entries

It's amazing how you can just invent words that a post never contained. But yes. The new monsters are a lot of fun to fight. I enjoy odogaron and vaal hazak the most.








dude I've been on Reddit all of once, imaginary internet points determining a person's value is something I hate.

>Admitting that you've come to the same shitty site for 10 years
Literally BTFO yourself, hahahahahahaha

>real robust roster
>expanding the roster
>expecting capcom to make any actual new monsters for that

was better.

you have to go back

Try every weapon first they are all very different, and look up tutorials for some that you find interesting online. I prefer to play charge play which is basically a sword and shield that can transform into a large axe

>people dislike the Vaal Hazak fight

>was it good?
>no actual criticisms from either side, it just devolves into console wars

People who enjoy it are gonna say yes, faggot elitists are gonna say no

If the leaks are true we're getting new subspecies


Just imagine how much better this board would be without these 2 fagtions.

How many of those are new?

Oroshi Kirin, Lunastra, Alatreon, and Treasure Dragon, all spaced out months apart before G rank

I don't know... It looks like monster hunter but it feels like something else...

I plugged in 100 hours first two weeks and haven't touched since. I want to play more, but I don't have time for the grind. When's DLC?

inb4 ur game sux lol i just wanted to talk about games

there are no new monsters in MH World -- they're just reskinned from other shit

It's pointless to actually discuss the flaws of the game when all you're getting back is people calling you a nintendo fanboy.

>Alatreon again
god when will it just fuck off .

>world has more new unique monsters Than any HR MH to date on release
>post a literal compilation game with copy paste reused assets from past games with 5 new monsters

I'll get it when the switch hack comes out. Gonna be alright.


There is a update coming out in spring that will add a new monster, also all dlc will be free.