Jesus fuck does Square even try anymore
Jesus fuck does Square even try anymore
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Remember when they closed down that amazing fan remake like, a decade ago? The one running on Unreal 3, iirc? Yeah, well, don't worry, we got this instead. 10 years later.
... This is worse than the SNES version.
Why should they try when Western nostalgiaweeb fans will keep buying the 15th best SNES/SFC rpg over and over no matter what?
>Emoji not supported
Damn, I hoped I could use pile of poo in the name.
What's wrong with the snes version?
Chrono Cross
KH 2.
It doesn't have anime cutscenes, for one.
He asked what was wrong with it. Not what was right.
>go to save
>"Now saving, please don't turn off the phone"
But user-kun, there's no interest in a new Chrono game, remember?
why is square so jew with their properties? these games have aged poorly and have been superseded by RPGs much better for the same or less of a price
>muh story
>muh graphix
no, that's your childhood clamoring to come out.
which is why square made a stufio just to make chrono like games
>Final Fantasy 3 hits Steam
>It's the Phone port of the DS version
Square has been pulling this shit for years
they should port gex enter the gecko instead
>not just emulating the snes versions
Real question, how is the square side so shit but the enix side fine?
Did the enix dev's just barricade their part of the building, because fuck me the difference in IP management is incredible.
>Remove the phone/touch references
>Take out the shitty filters
>Fix the tiling (I'm actually wondering if they're even capable of doing this)
>Get better font
I usually don't side with the hyperbolic vitriol side of Sup Forums but this deserves every last ounce of hate imo. The incompetence at this stage has zero chance of coincidental, it's on purpose.
>not having a snes and a copy
The best way to play it.
I prefer the DS version
When Square and Enix merged, Enix got Square’s IP and Square ceased to exist.
shame they keep being middling instead of good or great.
What's the difference?
>Emoji not supported
The absolute state of modern gaming
That game wasn't coming out
It was NEVER coming out
It wasn't even a fucking game, the developer straight up said it was just going to be ten famous scenes from Chrono Trigger recreated in 3D.