Will we be alive to experience another perfect game like Nier Automata? A game like that only comes out once every decade.
Will we be alive to experience another perfect game like Nier Automata...
But mediocre and overhyped games come frequently.
The only perfect thing about that game is A2. Along with Kainé and Zero they are best girls.
Right, that's why we need more games like Nier.
It still hurts ;-;
>planned on going back and 100%ing everything
>too depressed to replay it
People can call it overrated waifu bait all they want but few games leave that kind of impact
drakengard 4 when???
We need Nier because we need more mediocre and overhyped games?
Ask him
You have a dom fetish, don't you?
Automata was my GOTY last year; great fucking gameplay for an ARPG that is surprisingly deep, but unfortunately most don't notice because the game is rather easy, a god-tier OST, great characters, and an ending that literally sent chills down my spine and I'll remember for fucking years to come.
>dom fetish
No, that's faggot shit for fuckboys.
Overhyped games that are medicore and not as great or even fun as people pretend they're, are norm for games these days.
So yes user, games like Nier:Automata come all time.
you forgot to tip your fedora user
A2 is truly the best girl.
2B is not even close to the main protag and A2 has more impact in the game and you see how she slowly changes for a cold and lifeless robot to someone who loves the world after all.
A2 a shit, did everything wrong. I actually kind of regret choosing 9S first because his ending ties better with the End of YoRHa.
Right after Drakengard 5.
>A2 a shit, did everything wrong.
You're so full of shit, A2 had a bad life, she was tired of the cycle and instead of just doing nothing like 2B she just deserted to live as she pleased.
2B is the real emo of the story for keeping up with the 2E bullshit and regreting not doing anything to change it.
So you like futas? Or tsunderes? I agree they're all great, pure, marriage only angels, there just seems to be too many Domfags around.
Also, it's spelled "fuccboi," not "fuckboy."
>if you message him on twitter hell probably actually answer you
Literally the ying to Kamiya's yang
>to live as she pleased.
aka do nothing, mope and kill a few machines once in a while and at the very end show up to ruin everything for everyone in ending C. You're the only one full of shit A2fag, make an /ndg/ and fuck off back there you circlejerking piece of trash.
No, because neir is not like them. Come on user, keep up.
>dat 9S 3DP
muh dik
I'm planning on going to a convention dressed as 9S in a month, tell me what to expect
>A game like that only comes out once every decade
Automata wasn't the best game of the year it came out, much less a decade.
>inb4 b-but muh ass
I like best girls. No, only retarded fuckboys spell it like that.
Finally decided to dig this out of my backlog. So far it's pretty fucking good. On the second playthrough. Is there a easier way to use 9S? The hacking is kind of meh.
me coming after that boi pussy
It came out in 2010 and it's called Nier, also a better game funnily enough
>also a better game
Elaborate on this please. I've played both games so don't hold back.
Nier Automata was 2017 GOTY
t. Homosexual
Are you cute? Girls will take pictures with you especially if they're cosplaying Nier characters.
If you aren't small and cute, you will be avoided because no one wants to talk to the ugly guy trying to be a little shota.
>Kept hearing people saying how they cried at automata
>Made it a personal goal not to because autism a stuff I dunno
>Came close a few time but no tears
>Queue ending E
>And I didn't cry about the premise of the story or anything
>Just the moment where the bot tells you about sacrificing your save for someone you don't know, someone you might not even like, and how it tried to give you reasons not to
I honestly don't know what triggered that
>a game has a female in it, so if you don't like it your a fagit
Great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.
>A2 has more impact in the game and you see how she slowly changes for a cold and lifeless robot to someone who loves the world after all.
And all of that because of her fusion with 2B. The very best girl, btw. Play with the original voices.
>great characters
Gets me every time.
originals a shit
superior English 9S and 042 beat superior Japanese 2B and A2 every day
"Do you wish to save them?" and "the End of YoRHa" got me pumped up and very emotional but once the messages came up on the screen I just broke down like a newborn.
9S's English voice was amazing. I played the game again in Japanese and it just doesn't compare.
I'm a fan of story driven RPG's, i.e. witcher, kotor etc. Would this tickle my scrotum?
>she was tired of the cycle
She was deployed once.
>not doing anything to change it.
She keeps doing it so she can spend more time with 9S. Read side materials
Yes you should but get the fuck out fool this thread is full of spoilers.
thanks for the heads up bro, im outta here
I think it only depends on your general attitude towards jrpgs and platinum-style gameplay.
If you're ok with both, then you'll most likely enjoy it.
Now get out.
BotW was 2017 GOTY
9S actually has a heavy moveset. I forget how to trigger it though.
English 9S was perfect in route C but a whiny bitch in route A/B. OG voice is better
9S and pascal were good, at least imho
Hanae was
all along.
This cannot continue
Ah yes, who could ever hope to top such a wonderfully creative game.
Game is pretty shit though
t.0 hours
Route C is more important anyway.
Also, I liked English 2B. So fucking tired of that Ayanami Rei/Mikasa Whateverthefuckhernameis "silent emotionless badass that goes ballistic when boyfriend is in danger" archetype.
It was the most boring game I've played in a long time.
Me and everybody else wouldn't have given two shits about that game if it wasn't for that delicious juicy ass.
I like all of these characters designs. Is this what I'm supposed to be getting out of this?
You weebs have shit taste
I didn't understand what the fuck was going on. Why "androids" (so AI) are fighting other robots (AI as well)??? Oh and for some reason the androids are fighting for humans even though they are dead anyway.
I gave a shit about it because I played the prequel and liked it. Don't drag me down to your level you pathetic, horny ironic weeb.
>English make weird silly robots that don't make sense
>Japanese make attractive androids that people would want to interact with and trust
Wow really makes you think
To get him to do heavy attacks, you delay the input after the first light attack or dodge and then attack.
Stack weapon damage and critical chips. Use weapon throws by holding the attack button.
Dude c'mon it had lots of problems.
It's definitively something special though. Especially if you haven't played Nier before (which is most people).
I don't know if we'll see something like it again anytime soon. It was a risky project and it still had a pretty good budget (within 10-20 millions I'd guess). This is fairly rare.
Small indie projects don't have the budget to do something like this, and larger productions are way too risk-averse.
probably, since you say something similar comes out once every decade. well, unless you won't live to see next decade
go play talos principle, it touches similar subjects (well, some of them, automata is definitely about wider range of stuff, talos principle is kinda focused on nature of man) in similarly emotional manner, you should enjoy it.
>"silent emotionless badass that goes ballistic when boyfriend is in danger" archetype.
But you just described english 2B, user.
>So fucking tired of that Ayanami Rei
Oh, I see what your problem is. Nevermind.
Yes, I'm sure it's just a massive coincidence that the Japanese automatons/robots/androids are all underage girls in revealing outfits.
haha dude epic troll lmao
>A2 and Kaine
Go play the game, brainlet.
Dude, Taro made 4 absolutely shit selling games before Automata and was STILL given the budget for Automata, now that it's exceeded all expectations in terms of sales, there's no way Squeenix wouldn't give Taro another shot, considering, based on past evidence, they'd probably have given him another shot anyways.
talking specifically about voices, I've watched enough anime to get tired of that type of voice, they're all the fucking same
>all underage girls
Yorha not very smart, are you?
It's called cherrypicking.
I'd settle for an Accord game.
Can we all agree 9S is shit and the black haired broken Scanner bot that one resistance dude keeps as his boyslave is the TRUE best girl?
2B is a perfectly legal 3 years old android
Would you happily die for your girl if you'd know that your next incarnation will probably meet her again?
I keep hoping for some bizarro Drakengard-Nier compilation game that finally answers some of the questions we've had since 2010.
I mean, the real question should be whether or not I'd be willing to die for someone I loved .
Whether or not there'd be some pseudo-copy of me afterwards would feel kind of irrelevant, if none of my current consciousness actually carries over.
It's not a pseudo-copy, it's the same you, just with a serious case of amnesia.
No it's a literal copy without any memories of the past on top of that.
Do you mean an ass that only comes out once every decade? I don't know.
Going by that logic every use of a teleporter or death-respawn is creating a copy, interrupting your current consciousness. That's stupid.
That's not stupid and is a cruel reality. When YoRHa androids die they die for real.
Access points most likely preserve the continuity of consciousness though.
They seem to be able to keep their current stream of consciousness when they have a direct download and transfer to the bunker, but whenever they break out 9S's template to backtrack on his memories, he's essentially a new person going off of copied data.
Not really. When you die you actually die. It's just that it is normal for YoRHa androids to consider their clones restored form backups the same people.
Black box detonations don't seem to worry them too much, and neither do regular deaths, they don't act afraid of death at any point in the game, only in very specific circumstances when it involves memory-loss. So there's no reason to assume they actually die.
Black box detonation was used 2 times and both in desperate moments. Also do 11B memento quest.
Do people genuinely believe Automata is some master piece and not the pile of half baked mediocrity it really is? It's worse than the original game in many aspects and is clearly unfinished. It's amazing how fanservice can carry a game so hard.
>It's worse than the original game in many aspects
Yeah I really wonder what he's gonna do next. But also I don't want to have unreasonable expectations. When you do weird, kind of experimental stuff like he does, it doesn't always work out. His games all had some really interesting things going on, but also a lot of problems and that made them hard to enjoy at times. I'm 100% gonna play it though, whatever it is they do next. Even if it's all a big fucking mess I'll give it a try.
Also, Taro says that he doesn't want to make the same thing twice. And that's great, but honestly I wouldn't even mind more of the same. There's ton of side material that could make a really cool Automata 2. They probably had DLCs in mind at some point. Plus the art and ambiance in Automata was great. If they made an Automata 2 that was like a huge DLC I'd buy the shit ouf of it.
I think it could be great if they had a team work on Automata 2 (more of a direct sequel, not 10000000 years in the future) while Taro can do his own crazy shit independently (probably still in the same Nier timeline). It didn't work out so well last time with Drakengard 2 though.
You say that like it was a bad thing.