Why do video game reviewers lie about how they look in their drawings?

It's almost like cartoons and anime are idealized lies compared to reality.

Don't forget that landwhale who did Megatokyo. I just couldn't read it anymore after seeing what he and his beastly wife look like
Dom was cool though, I saw him on Jeopardy.

Larry used to weigh much much more, and I'd say his avatar fits. Jack is an ignoramus and used GoAnimate.
All the others are inexcusable projections, especially the BOY ARENT MY EYES SO GREEN WHAH

God I need a hairy bear bf

Larry fits. He isn't lying, his avatar is a fat guy. If the guy on the bottom worked out a bunch he could actually pull it. Same with Joe. The rest are lost. Hopeless.

>Guru Larry art: Goofy looking
>Guru Larry: Goofy looking

Whats the problem here.

Also fuck you for using the Completionist wolverine art you know that shit is bait.

leave larry the fuck alone

It’s almost like not vidya

Me too brother
>current year
>still no bf to cuddle with while playing vidya
why even live

>joe looked like real life when used to be less fat
>those shit bronies are just projection, look fat and disgusting
>the skyrim guy is one of the ugliest dude i ever seen, and is mentally retarded
>the rest are human tash

Dobson's is out of date. He now uses a blue care bear.

Why is Harry in this? Unless this is joking because his real blue shirt just being plain, it seems like his is the only one that's accurate to his looks.

Why is everyone so fat its not hard to just not eat

the yellow hat gobbo looks ok,the ugly eyes are the same,both in cartoon world and real world.

>Uses a jirard from his title cards to further his agenda


that guru guy and food guy look accurate enough
the guy in #2 is good enough but not the hambeast of a girl

>no ronnie
but why? his is the best

Ronnie actually looks (and presumably acts) like his characterization

People prefer a beautiful lie over the ugly truth.

But hes like 4ft taller than comic ronnie is portrayed.

>cartoonish avatars are not realistic
hot news

Who the fuck is the second pair

I think Guru Larry's drawing looks as fat and pasty as IRL

>People are still talking about e-celebs like they even matter

Can you scrubs please stop.

Rare to see an actual fellow oldfag lol