Vermintide 2 Beta


>pre-closed beta: really really liked it
>closed beta: really liked it at first, slowly started to not like it
>open beta: hate it, like for real, it plays worse than the last one did and feels even glitchier

I'm worried for the full release.

Any explanation as to why?..

Reminder that elf is best girl and all haters are lumberfoot scrubs.

>block stormfiend punch
>get knockbacked so hard I go through the ground

The Raki have been using steroids it seems.

That metal as fuck.

Did they fix the bug on Siennas staff trait where -20% Overcharge meant +20% Overcharge?

Convince me to buy this game. Looks interesting but I'm still on the fence

How do I avoid getting combo'd to death by these guys?
I try blocking but they just keep swinging at me

You keep blocking while someone else kills them
Don't play like you're alone

dodge backwards but if youre witch hunter saltzpyre you just hold block and block their entire combo for free

Anyone got that picture of the witch and the empire fella bantering?


how come adeptus mechanicus always larp like
"hurr durr your flesh if weak it will decay and fail you" when an average human lives for hundreds of years + he can replace his faulty organs and shit

>Fantasy > Smegma = 40k

I don't care if you disagree. I'm right.

don't think so, she seems to build up charge way faster with -charge staff than normal.

>Axe n shield

You are.
40k is scaled up to such a huge level that it's impossible to care about anything that happens.

sienna's default staff type seems way better, the charged attack does triple the damage it previously did on dummies when spamming it and like 5 times as much when fully charged.

It also seems to infinitely pierce through enemies, could've before but i didn't notice it.

>start playing as, sigmar forgive me, the elf
>the influx of shitters on my servers suddenly plummet
holy shit, you guys weren't memeing

why does my weapon special keep unbinding each time I start a new map?

All the binds seem to change on map change.

Game will be dead in a week

>download finished
>test build currently offline

so will you so why do you care?

Wait did you download the closed beta client?

You're a retard, download the actual game, not the closed beta

Preordering the game gave me "Vermintide 2" and "Vermintide 2 Closed Test".
Also the download for the closed test one automatically started, so I thought this was the right client?

>mfw there are people who aren't playing dwarf

anyone else getting the immortality glitch? i couldnt fucking die and it was glorious but only for half a level

fuck off 657

You fugged up user that was the last beta.
The current one is the normal client.

How big is the download lads and when does the beta end?

>vermintide 1 is on sale
Should I buy? Heard V2 is still buggy and optimized and wanna see if I like the vermintide games.


>rapier shot doesn't one shot trash cultists
It's only been a week, but I'd already forgotten
I like it. It's good that people get thrown in the deep end, so they don't get wrongfooted when higher difficulties fuck with their presumed 1 shot weapons. I remember how fucked I was in 1, when I played Cata and I actually had to aim with the 2h Hammer/Brace

>Oh boy new maps to play I cant wai-
>Against the Grain

There has been like 3 free weekends for Vermintide so far..
If you havent played it yet, you seriously fucked up.

Soo versus when?

Do not ever listen to Sup Forums you faggot.
But yes

Against the Grain is goat tho, fuck off

Anyone else get left 4 dead feels when they play this? Especially with the assassin.

What's the Sup Forums group? I'm inclined to buy but I don't want to play with bad randoms and I have no friends

Can't find the group searching by Sup Forums on steam

Does anyone know about the third faction yet?


If you move in front of the dwarf you earned getting shot in the back by your entire team.

Agreed, I'm kinda worried we've already seen the best maps.

Jokes on you I’m already dead on the inside

no it feels like minecraft

u wot m8?

Disappointed that the best elf career is the first one. The health regen needs to be nerfed. Maybe only allow it to heal up to ~35%.
I did enjoy Kruber's knight career, though. I like how often you can shield charge.

I've noticed some insane bugs in the last couple days, though.
>Friend walking 5 feet in front of me, passes over one of those holes rats crawl out of, instantly dies from full health, body disappears.
>I'm at almost full health, leech teleports behind me and snares me, I die instantly, body disappears.
>I get downed as Kruber, picked up by bro, my temporary health starts ticking down in chunks of 5 every 2 seconds, no enemies anywhere, I go down again, get up, it happens again and again until I die for good, no enemies around at any point

I've also noticed a lot more of my attacks being ignored by the shit tier chaos and skaven grunts recently.

>Disappointed that the best elf career is the first one. The health regen needs to be nerfed. Maybe only allow it to heal up to ~35%.
I don't mind it since it lets me just let the rest of my team grab healing. Also I'm the elf and I like health regen.

Yeah, there is going to be a third enemy type.

He's hoping for Slaanesh.

>They added a shitter to the keep.
Ya know it's the little things.


I'd hope for beastmen, if only for a Minotaur bullfight boss.
I'd also like Orcs as a wildcard faction that fights both sides, but I appreciate that's almost certainly not going to happen.

Was this confirmed in the stream or something? Because that's fucking awesome.

If there truly is going to be a 3rd enemy faction it will either be another chaos god aligned tribe or the undead. Those are pretty much the only things fucking about in the Empire at that point.


>Every class but the first is arbitrarily locked behind a level gate
but why tho
>Bardin the walking meatwall's first class is some kind of fucking stealth rifleman
Seriously fucking why though? They didn't even have the decency to start you with a sniper so you cant even remove specials on demand

>or the undead
But Vlad Von Carstein, the rightful emperor, is your friend. He fights for YOUR freedom.

Answer me you fucks

>Get K/D by ogre
>Ogre hits me when I'm down
>Elf comes to the rescue
>Doesn't try to aggro
>Instead tries to res me in front of a flailing ogre
>Gets sent flying
>Proceeds to get carried away by a packmaster

Good job

realistically, how long do you think people will play this before it dies? is it something that 85% of the playerbase drops in the first month like Dragon Ball FighterZ?

You mean bardin the dwarven ranger?

If there's not a clusterfuck of an opening like 1, it should retain a decent playerbase.
The fact that 1 even survived is a testament to how good the devs are at keeping a game alive.

I thought it maybe is to force players to play canon class first?

Vladdy Daddy won't fight for the empire untill Karl makes him a Elector, also there's the worst boy mannfred fucking about trying to resurrect Nagash.

>"hmm sounds interesti-"
>look it up
>Warmeme 2
for fucks sake. Never mind.

This. Then a good lil push and slash.

vermintide 1 was also pretty poorly-optimised in my experience

everyone plays elf, boring.

it took a years worth of patches to stop it from melting my cpu. It's at a semi-decent state now as logn as you don't try to run it with a potato cpu.

How well does this run on toasters? Im still using a 660 TI

It's not a meme. Imagine that weeb naruto fuck you knew wants to play v2. Guess who they're going to pick and think they can solo everything. Of course they're going to get hooked and fucking die by themselves.

This is why I'm a little hesitant on buying vermintide 2, it looks great and I could see myself playing it a lot (I've never played vermintide 1) but I hope it doesnt end up like Deathwing

Against the Grain is good but holy shit I played it to death on the last wave, I would like something new.

It works well on my 750ti on low settings and 1080.

There are two new maps mate

>another left 4 dead ripoff
>rat hordes, cannot even play as the rats
what a shit year for video games

>get ceremonial dagger for sienna by level 2

hey eslposter user
how is your day

>another l4d ripoff

i love them, but i only know this one appart from l4d 1 and 2

could you direct me to all those others you seem to know that i don't?

Stop reacting, he is the animeposter guy.


but i was genuinely curious

>only 3 maps

wasn't the pre-order beta supposed to be the full game?

>weaboo name
>muh numbers
And I thought elfplayer shitters was just a meme

It's the first level. Try reading the description of the beta before you play it, fucktard.

stop it, he does it for the (you)s


There isn't anything in the patch notes about that though

>playing elf
>thinking numbers mean everything
like pottery

>the description of the beta
Where might that be? Not him, but I've heard anons say this beta is gonna have all the content.

the other prominent one is payday 2, but you probably shouldn't play it since it's full of memes and advertising and the developers don't tend to treat the community very well

Wow, I just played my first game with randoms since I always play with friends
Fuck Elves, got some retard with a clan tag who wouldn't stop sperging out on the mic, threw a shitfit when Dwarf picked up ammo and died on his own 4x
He used like 4 medkits over the course of the map and cried when I used one at 1 hp to pick up a tome

>I literally can't play a game unless it's pulling PUBG numbers

It only takes 4 to fill a lobby, get some friends shitter

Dope music though.

isn't it shit compared to the mace?

>Payday 2
>A left for dead clone
So every horde shooter is a l4d clone now?

dead games don't get content updates, user.