You can forever delete one game series. Which do you choose?

You can forever delete one game series. Which do you choose?

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final fantasy




Euros are the cancer killing video games.

so people can stop pretending they're good and naughty dog can go back to making games again

>hurr people shouldn't be allowed to enjoy anything I don't like

>Deleting games
This board sure has its priorities straight

Fuck you too kurwa

What's your favourite game franchise?

FIFA to kill sony

Dark souls

God Hand

LoL of course

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

I would only delete Overwatch. Anyone who disagrees that Overwatch needs to be erased hates video games, considering OW is the antithesis to everything a good game should be.

world of warcraft. mainly to see the virgins that invested their entire life into it cry



league of legends
fuck you man

Stop buying the same game over and over again. Its unbelievable that you retards have the genuine gall to call nintendo games rehashes

Sonic. Absolutely sonic

That's only one game though, and it's not part of a series.
I'd delete the warcraft series, so that WoW never happens and good MMOs might live a few years longer. Might also delay Mobashit from taking over as well.


Fate Games

In what world do you live where Sony is dependent on fuckin FIFA?



assassin's creed

Maybe DOTA. Killed wc3 customs arguably killed rts. Possibly Counterstrike. Moved us towards boring realistic shooters.

We are still playing fifa 2010 faggot.

The one where the 2 out of 5 top sold games on the PS4 are Fifa games. i.e this world

Halo can fuck right off

final fantasy

legend of zelda

it was always fucking trash


My nigga


t. mod

Stay mad scpfag


most of my problems with the industry stem from Halo

>ruined an entire genre with its influence, FPS have only very recently started to recover
>propelled microsoft into a period of much success between 2005-2009, who would go onto popularize paid online, microtransactions, and shoved multiplayer into everything
>MASS normie influx
>one of the leading games in the "accessibility" cancer with its slow as shit, auto aim gameplay any braindead monkey can play

inb4 butthurt halo nostalgia kids respond with "b-but regular halo is good only 343 is bad!"

>OW is the antithesis to everything a good game should be.
How so?


>more influence than CoD
No user, you are the underaged. Halo was the only good shooter consoles had

Honestly better halo than counterstrike and cod.

considering halo influenced Cod, yeah

>Halo was the only good shooter consoles had
Turok 2 and Perfect Dark are better, not that being a good console FPS means much

also why do halotards always call someone who doesn't like halo underage? The projection is unreal

>Steamboars who care more about lootbox shit and being like their favorite pro player than anything the game itself has to offer
>Tumblrites and gamer girls who care more about drawing fanart of the completely one-dimensional characters than playing the game
>Bandwagoners who care more about the fact that OW is popular and successful than the game's merits
>Completely stilted feedback system that rewards the player for nothing at every turn
>Game is structured in such a way that everyone can claim they contributed something and point fingers at each other when they lose instead of taking any blame
>Majority of the heroes are extremely simple and don't even require aim
>Absolutely dreadful balancing decisions
>Community managers who cater to the loudest crybabies and homogenize player interaction to the point that you can get banned for voice lines that are part of the damn game

Legend of Zelda, literally only losers play that shit. You are pathetic

oh also timesplitters



fucking hate late 90s jap autism

>chiclet keyboard

Nothing. People should enjoy what they want if it's not my cup of tea I'm enough of an adult to not take personal offense by it's existence you weirdos.


Warcraft so DOTA and other ASSFAGGOTS like it are killed off.

Dragon Age

Monster Hunter

It's what started this funk of games needing to be as tedious as breaking through a brick wall with your face. I would take another Modern Warfare over this Battle Royal / Souls shit any day.

kingdom hearts

>Perfect Dark
user, just because you liked clunky goldeneye gameplay doesn't make it good.
Turok 2 is just a downgraded quake.
Halo was the only somewhat original console had that was decent. There's no other FPS that has mixed vehicle and infantry combat as good as it.

Tennis for two

Fire Emblem

>halo will never go back to this
Why hasn't microsoft forced them to change? Clearly the new halo "design" isn't working.

Witcher or Dark Souls




sorry, i just want golden sun to be nintendo's flagship rpg series again

nintendo's flagship rpg is pokemon

neptunia,or at least stop translating them

can I pick all of these?

Can I just gas the weebs instead? Way more efficient.

why are you on this website idiot?


Those weird ass flash games where you get to play dentist on Elsa or someshit

Touhou, although I don't think the fanbase would even notice.

I'd rather gas all the 56%ers. There wouldn't be any ironic weebs without el americanas...

There wouldn't be ironic weebs if there weren't any weebs. My route is still the best.


I'd rather no follow the same route as a mutt, sorry.

Why get 343 to get their shit together when you can release a remaster of the old games

i'd start by asking what your favorite franchise is and choosing to delete that. If you didn't tell me, I would just delete fighting games because only black people play that shit.


Every soyboy is obsessed with this shit series

It has started the end of gaming. Fuck that cinematic no gameplay bullshit

You are a mutt to everyone else. Don't think yourself any better than any other weeb.

Binding of Isaac

Spoken like a true amerimutt. It's not quality if it's not made in america(china), right Pedro?

Every Cinematic Experience.

Take it you've never actually played it before eh?

Sonic the Hedgehog

Kill yourself

rip in pieces EA

God of war.

The only part of uncharted that feels like a game is the dynamic swinging. Everything else is a scripted Bandicoot boulder escape at best

I own the collection and 4

Wouldn't do any good. So long as idiots have currency a supply will be made to meet their demand.

So you finished all the games yet you claim to loathe it?

>So you finished all the R&M episodes yet you claim to loathe it?
>So you finished all the new start wars movies yet you claim to loathe it?

I gotta disagree. Its been my favourite series since the beginning. But each their own I guess.
I'm still hanging out for a prequel series based on Sully.

No I've tried all of them and they suck. They came free with my ps4

A game is very different to a movie.
Plus why are you are not talking about sequels youre talking about the entire thing.
Would you wish to cancel all of star wars because the last two sucked?