Who's your favourite gym leader, Sup Forums?

Who's your favourite gym leader, Sup Forums?

Halo guy

Gardenia, she hit all the right buttons



Ghost trainers forever and always, I guess Agatha if we are in gen 1

I know shes elite 4 fuk yu

they really butchered their concepts in the anime didn't they?

I like Fantina.


I think I may have actually said "God DAMN" out loud when I first saw her sprite

The apathetic guy.

How old were you?


Sabrina, now and forever.

Original Sabrina.

What does this facial expression mean?



>alright fine, you can play with my boobs

That's a man right?


Jesus, what the fuck have they done to Blaine?


At least Charizard vs Magmar was hype as fuck.

Giovanni, because we share a name.

They made him the best damn leader in Kanto.

they turned a military man into a scientist, thats what faggot

From those sabrina because a psychic domina makes me thrill.

For the full series, her.
Clair, Fantina, Lenora, Elessa, and Olympia are cool too.

OK, without thinking with my dick, I like Giovanni, Wallace and Volkner.

>all these faggots thinking with their dicks
Fighting a mob boss was the coolest shit for 11 year old me. Earning his respect because you manage to beat him at his best and making him go legit.
Even his name is cool, I just thought it was a title until I met someone who shared the name.
The only guy comparable is Surge.

Opened this thread expecting some /fit/ or gacha memes.
Everything went better than expected.

>Even his name is cool, I just thought it was a title until I met someone who shared the name.
That's interesting. Are you American or nah?

Merilard, met a cute Italian girl who was named Giovanni at the second base my parents were stationed. Hadn't been out of the country yet, so I didn't know much about other nations other than their names and television stereotypes.

>girl who was named Giovanni

I always liked Byron and Candice because of some Diamond/Pearl manga I read still have every volume, shit was cash

My favorites overall though are Drayden, Iris, and Roxie.

>suck 'em if you want

I hope that was her surname.


Giovanna is the female version of Giovanni though. And I always figured Giovanni was a known name here in the states. It's a pretty common name for Italians.


No idea, just knew that's what everyone called her.
She had decent tits at 12. If she was a trap, then I guess I'm a fag.

This is the only true answer. As much as I waifu the other gym leaders, Surge is the only one I can say is the best. Especially with how he handled his defeat in the anime


Good answer

Most italians settled in the New England area. Wouldn't have even been able to identify her as Italian if my mom's side of the family wasn't from New Jersey.

Sabrina is hot.

My nigger, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else who read this. Mitsumi was cute too.

at least post the HGSS designs

Brock is a consistent bro and geology doesn't get many characters/heroes.



I want teenage Misty to assault me!

I don't get it. How is this fucking arousing? What the fuck is wrong with these degenerates.

Pokegirls have no business being so hot, especially since it's a kid's game. What's going on in Nintendo?


Why the fuck did they draw Erika with her eyes open

Ayo fags I'm gonna emulate a pokemon game which game should I go for
Ds gen and backwards

i like them better them being the most recent iterations was my logic. i like all iterations anyway, aside from the anime.


Is this cropped

Retarded or underage?

Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.
Mainline pokemon games are shit

Because they look different people and not the same one with a wig and different clothes on.

ur mom lol

Arr already played that bare, was lookin for mainline for nostalgia
Any chanve you could give me the summary of what's gwarnin w/ the dungeon games? Didn't a new one come out a while back?

Is that some new age ebonics you're speaking? What the fuck


gen 2 ghost dude

Uk fag thought I'd cut the filter for a change
Wouldn't kill ya to loosen up a bit kidda

I barely remember the Gym leaders outside of Kanto, but I do quite like Elesa's BW2 outfit.
Other nice ones outside of Kanto are Skyla and Candice.

Lt Surge>Goivanni>sabrina

dont care for the rest except tv show brcok and misty but they arent gym leaders

That's actually his original design. The scientist design was made late in the game's development.

Koga (pic unrelated)

>not having an affinity for Psychic Pokemon

>What's going on in Nintendo?
It's Sugimori

surge had the best episode. Made me a fan of raichu


Super Mystery Dungeon is the new one. It's pretty good, but there's one difference that will make post game really fucking annoying: random partners will randomly be locked from selection each day, with the exception of your starters.
You should try to emulate it on Citra. It works perfectly now, assuming your PC isn't incredibly shit.

Kasumi, always Kasumi.

I heard HeartGold/SoulSilver are best pokemon games.
Which emulator should I get to play them on my phone? Will it play smoothly? Already played everything up to Emerald

Ahh alright appreciated user, will have to check it out


psychic sex with Sabrina!

>admitting to having watched a video by a TGWTG contributor

>Explorers of Sky
That doesn't save properly on No$GBA. Do Time/Darkness instead.

This. But I have a soft spot for sabrina

idk but Misty is my waifu
Hands off, fags.

no. you're thinking of the battle frontier brain, you racist

My fucking nigger, football head is so underappreciated

Just post that one clickbait advertisement fanart pic already.

Then use one of the other DS emulators. Sky is the definitive version of that generation of PMD.

your waifu's a bit of a slut, mate

This. There's so much potential when it's all in your mind.

Even then I'd also want her to transform me into a doll and play with me physically, too.

From the original 8 it has to go to Sabrina.
Of all time I like Candice. I just like the perky school girl who wears summer clothes in Snowpoint. Good departure from the "ice archetype"

Yes but the comic is a bunch of niggers fucking her

Giovanni, because he uses my favourite pokemon Nidoking


Kasumi/Misty is PURE! She must have been hypnotized or something!

Why do comp players use Nidoking as a special attacker? Isn't Earthquake still stronger than Sheer Force Earth Power?

>check this doujin out of curiosity
>anything that isn't ecchi looks like shit
Such a disappointment

>How is this arousing?
It involves the physical form being reduced to nothing more than a sexual plaything, along with overwhelming pleasure to numb the mind into a similarly simple sex-fueled state. The form is humiliating and debilitating which only serves to increase Erika's power to dominate. It's even explicitly a female Weepinbell just to drive the point home. In this state you'd have no choice but to submit to her in both body and mind, which is the idea.

because if Nidoking gets burned, Earth Power is not effected