Valkyria Chronicles 4

>scout rushing is still in
>ranking is still determined by time to complete missions alone
They had two simple things to fix and they fucking blew it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its almost like VC4 is just one big mod built directly on top of VC1.

Almost as if they're throwing this game together quick and dirty to make up for that disastrous spinoff game.

>Still better than 2 and revolution
Im conflicted

That's no accomplishment.

Looks like a bit improved VC1, so it's fine by me. I'm still waiting for that vc3 remake though.

Kai's ass is the only thing the game has going for it

>scout rushing is still in
>ranking is still determined by time to complete missions alone
I fucking love everything about VC except this.
So yeah, I will again play like I want and obtain a lot of shitty ranks.


>something wrong
>call Raita
>bring back abandoned VC2 PS3 protect from 2009
>u know VC1 and shiet

>not liking raita

based Raita.

The ranking thing I don't mind so much as long as there are objectives other than "capture outpost" so that scout rushing isn't always viable. Or if the game gets more punishing toward scouts after the demo missions, which I assume are early in the game.

There is literally nothing wrong with RAITA.


>no marketing material of the valkyria
She's gonna die isn't she

Mascots will die too.

Not like that saved any of the others.


Why should we care about this VC1 re-skin if it's not on PC? Take this sh- nvm, you can stay raitabros

They're bad and evil. Evil characters dies in VC.

currently playing the demo,
I'm glad they brought the CANVAS engine back, I don't mind that it looks just slightly better than VC1.

>that chin

How well does it run?
Expecting 60fps since it's the same engine on more powerful hardware.

What's wrong with it?

> not liking pointy chins

pleb detected.

Wait a minute that brown.

I'm pretty sure it still runs at 30fps

>Can't marry the sniper ass or redhead breasts

No sale, mister SEGA.


that's what it looks like,
it looks like pairings are already set with Claude/Riley and Raz/Kai.

This sucks.


>darcjew scum soils our sniper waifu
it's not fair, bros

I haven't played the demo but I like Raz more than Claude based off that one webm alone.

So why does Riley slap Claude?

Who's the brown one, I need to fap.

Raz 100% dies

Claude apparently did something bad to Riley in the past so she's going to be an asshole to him until it gets resolved then she'll likely just be a tsundere. Watch it not even be Claude's fault for maximum cliche.

I want some Sakura Taisen collabs

hope the game comes on PC since it has sold better than ps3 and ps4

the intro hints at that,
it could also be a false flag

Or Kai dies and he become nuclear.

that too, we see him walking alone in the frozen wasteland.

> twf no MC/Kai scenes.

it's ogre

If these sluts die I'm sending Sega a strongly worded letter.

Vanilla or Chocolate?

It's not like you'll see them again even if they do live if we go by previous VCs.

Scouts should be best

all I need is for raita to be responsible for designs
the rest is a bonus

People that try to act like scout rushing didn't work in 1 and 3 should kys, didn't play 2 but I'm sure it worked there too

Chocolate, but I like Nikola's hair a lot.


Would scout rushing still be overpowered in VC1 if defense orders didn't exist?

If anything I feel like Riley and Raz are going to die or all of them will by the end.



you sicken me

>character designs are still awful

ekcxcuse me


that fucking looks horrible. Literally no animation in that. It's like touching a 2D art.

>not knowing zettai shoujo 3.0


This is the one thing that makes me unsure about if I would enjoy the game. But that said, I didn't have a positive first impression of the protagonist too, and I had with Welkin and Irving.

Source? I know its rinko but theres nothing in the pic to narrow it down

Minerva a cute
(when she's not being mean to you)

it's kinda funny they gaver the oujo laugh too.

* her

>didn't play 2 but I'm sure it worked there too

Scouts were buffed in 3. You try that in 2 and artificial Valkrur will nuke your scouts.

>literally all I wanted was VC3 gameplay on VC1 maps and I would have gladly bought it
>nope, VC1 gameplay on VC1 maps

I'm not paying more than $10 for this.

Either they made Scout's steps shorter or shocktroopers steps longer but they can cover much more distance now.

What the fuck were they thinking? VC3 had the Imca stuff as DLC though so they might do something like that.

The worst thing for me is that the characters look like shit and the graphics are actually worse than the first game.

did you even play the demo?
the game looks good, stop being a faggot.

Posting best girl


I doubt it. The initial plan for VC3 was that both Riela and Imca were heroines, but likely due to time or budget constraints they released the first version of VC3 with just Riela. VC4 seems to be taking pretty much everything from VC1 so it probably has the same idea that the protagonist only has 1 love interest. It's based on your opinion, but I find it sad that VC4 does seem to ignore any improvements that VC2/VC3 brought to the table.

Fairy Brancher? Fuerie Buranshieru?

she looks like femGoblin Slayer


The thing with Scouts was because of how the Ranking system worked, you literally had to use them if you wanted to clear a map in any reasonable amount of time because they could move so much further than every other unit. By the time a Shock Trooper or Lancer got halfway across the map, a Scout could have been back and forth twice already. Orders just made it so you didn't have to think at all and could run through the enemy's fire without caring. But even without them Scouts were still the best way to clear out camps and push the line.

The flaw is more with the Ranking system. Since you're judged on how fast you clear the map and nothing else, there's no reason to take it slow and careful if you want a good score.

Try scout rushing on the mission to take the howitzer and let me know how far your scouts get.

Can someone tell me if reinforcements come in the same turn that you call them (like in VC3) or in the next one?

Riley has history with Claude, and Raz and Kai actually have chemistry. Anyone who actually understood demo wouldn't be complaining.

praise raita

I read some posts saying the scout rush webm was the tutorial and it isn't as viable later on. Can anyone confirm?

No, reinforcements come in the next turn like VC1.

The whole game kinda just feels like VC1 with very slight elements from 2 and 3 thrown in here in there. I'm pretty sure the game is just built over the PS4 remaster of VC1 in the first place.

Next turn.

>Check profile
>It actually says she won't tell why she wears the mask

Obviously there's a limited number of maps, but the first "real" mission will absolutely shred the scouts to pieces of you just try rushing. They still have crazy range, but map design and enemy placement could definitely balance things out. I'm going to be optimistic about it.

Then where is the fucking PC port?

people are too spoiled from the Persona games where they get to keep all the waifus and leave nothing for their bros.

Stick with us

Dual heroines was there since day one, but Riela was always going to be the only choice.
Dual heroines doesn't mean two romances. There's a reason why Riela and Kurt are pushed together throughout the story even when the Imca choice was added afterwards.
Imca was a heroine, but not a love interest.
It was added as fan service thanks to E2.

Even in the artbooks both Kurt and Riela get an ending with their lover mentioned while Imca only gets an orphanage with no lover mentioned..

Do the other classes have greater range now? Is interception VC3 tier dangerous?

just be patient user


Interception damage seems to be higher than VC1 at the very least. But the OP as fuck Orders are still here and for some reason, they're back to costing 1 CP like VC1 instead of being balanced by costing more like in 3.

Why did they bring back shit literally everyone bitched about?

But Ryuuji should totally get Anne.

Support class has some good range, but to be honest the others can't go that far. Grenadiers have absolutely insane firing range. Intercepting fire is pretty good, and machine gun emplacements are basically instant death for getting near their range. Like I said, it'll all come down to map design.



>gotta wait 2 years until it gets ported to PC and then another year until a "Federation Crossfire" mod comes out for VC4 to be how it should

It's made by Sega so you gotta go fast.

They're on the fourth game, user. They don't give a shit about fixing ranks.

But the other sequels weren't all about speed. Now we're back to it.

But VC2 and 3 fixed the ranking system and the order system and rewarded you for fighting enemies instead of scout rushing.