Who are my fellow lucky Yakuza fans who got the game free 2 months early?

Who are my fellow lucky Yakuza fans who got the game free 2 months early?

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Thanks to 0 babies I dismissed it as shitposting until it was too late. Fuck you guys.

Here. Enjoying the shit out of it. Been playing it all evening

Someone at SEGA is getting fired for this.

I downloaded the demo when it first appeared on the store just because I wanted to try out a Yakuza game. Then BLAMO. Had the whole game.

No. I missed it. I checked but not even the demo is availble. Have they put the demo back up yet?

is anyone streaming the full game somewhere?

Wait the 35gigs I downloaded is the full game??

Here. Still getting used to the combat but I've been enjoying the game so far. The mascot substory had me in stitches

When you start the game it'll either say DEMO VERSION or SEGA in the bottom right on the main menu. If you see SEGA then you have the full game.


i queued the download of the demo a couple hours after it came out yesterday and will continue the download tonight. I just hope it's the full version since it's still says 35 gigs

>People got Yakuza 6 for free 2 months early
>Didn't even know there was a demo going on before I preordered
>Have to sit and wait for the already completed product to come out while other Anons get to have fun without me

I've never been more jealous of anyone on this site than I am of the lucky few that made it in right now.

Conversely, I've never felt more cucked by a company giving out free games and making everyone else pay.

Fuck you, Sega.

Where's spainanon who DLed it just as it was removed from the store and just it finished today after an all night DL limbo?

>Got Knack 2 for free
>Got Monster Hunter World for free
>Got Kingdom Come Deliverance for 5 cents
>Got Yakuza 6 for free

These last few months have been great.

which one should I buy? Both choices are still available for me at a discount.

The hostess minigame is actually a bit more fun than in the previous games. The only thing I dislike right now is the fact that there's only 52 substories, hopefully they're good though. Only done 5 so far.

I did and gamesharing it, but fuck do I feel really bad now. I can't fucking imagine bad everyone is getting chewed out.

Get the one with the cups and then get an ice mold that lets you make those big cubes of ice so you can feel cool.

Get After Hours on Amazon, Preorder discount bumps price down to $70 instead of $90.

why would a translator be in trouble for a botched demo

Nah that's embellished. Scott is 30% depressed and 70% enraged and wanting to strangle the guy who "human errored" it.

What games does the sega arcade have and do they have online play?

All those games for free?!

How often does this free game shit happen?!

Are you gamesharing it with family, user? I wanted to test something, but I won't get a chance until this weekend at the earliest.

If Sony counted it as a demo, the person you're gamesharing it with should be able to deactivate your account and still have access to the game without issues. You might even be able to gameshare it with multiple people if it counts as a demo.

Clear your notifications, holy shit.

Saki is cute. CUTE!

Missing 6 for free is one thing, but ya gotta ponder those anons stayed quiet in deep depressive shame bc they got Knack 2 for free, but missed the other 3.

I'd imagine everyone working on the localization is a bit pissed because they already had to delay the game (Probably due to some issue with the books or the glasses) and now their demo that they promised as a way to apologize for that had to be taken down on top of it.

This powerful question needs an answer

I would do a local Best Buy pickup, still get 20% off plus I have a $20 voucher on top of that, would bring it down to $51.99

Only problem is last collector's edition I got from Best Buy, (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) the box was smashed a bit on one side and I didn't say anything because I'm non-confrontational and I just wanted to get home and play.

Possibility of losing a job. Not that much people buy/play Yakuza and about half of those people got the full goddamn game for free. Why wouldn't he be in trouble?

Stop this meme.

Gamesharing doesn't exist anymore like Ps3. One of you fags have to deactivate the account on your ps4 to play which is pointless. On PS3 both users can play at the same time.

Usually it only happens once every five or six months, but there's been a lot these last few months. To be fair Monster Hunter was more of a Gamestop error, but still. There was also a game called Deformers and the Batman Telltale first season.

yes I'm sure hundreds of thousands of people got Yakuza 6 for free

I thin Devlleon put it best where the financial reason behind delaying the game is because Ni No Kuni, Far Cry 5, Assassin's Creed and several other games are coming out in March and only God of War is coming out in April and Yakuza stands a better chance playing number two to God of War than 5th or 6th place to March's releases.

I own scotch glasses and ice globes. it's nice

Both PS4 players can play at the same time as well. One person has the main account and plays on it but doesn't activate it as a primary account, while the other person activates the account as a primary one which allows them to play the game on their own account, thus letting both people play at the same time. You can also do a locked phantom, but you can't be online with it.

Dude, we usually have to wait 3 years before the next Yakuza game gets released in the west. We have all been salty. Just you more so now.

>Virtua Fighter 5 FS
>Space Harrier
>Puyo Puyo
>Fantasy Zone
>Super Hang-On
>Out Run

You think hundreds of thousands are going to buy Y6? Really?

I got knack 2 and MHW for free, but how did you get the other 2?

Don't forget darts against the girls. The medium level one gets you the A tier darts which makes things hilariously easy.

>most of these games have initial bad reception
>release full game for a limited time

It's deliberate you fools.

Is there news of the Fist of the North Star yakuza game coming to the west?
Not even a fan of Hokuto no Ken, and by that I mean that I've never watched the anime (apart from some compilations of the show's dub being laughably bad) nor read the manga, but it looks like a nice take on the yakuza formula.

The demo is always 36GB. It's one of those demos where they just block off access after a certain point and buying the game digitally removes the block without having to download more.

My guy I have tried this, unless I'm activated i legit can't access my content if someone else is on it.

Please tell me Fantasy Zone is gone.

Holy shit, that game was a nightmare to get the cp from.

That sucks. I would still go the best buy route with the after hours edition. Ive got 2 ordered.

Aight, Sup Forums. What's gonna be your drink of choice when you sipping them After Hours edition glasses while playing 6? Mine attached.

>half of those people got the full goddamn game for free
I would be surprised if more than a thousand people actually got it. Also check other places, you'll see people who got the full game early saying they're still keeping their pre-orders. And even a lot more people being salty that they didn't get the game early. Everyone who's thinking it's the end of the series in the west is a fucking retard. The fans will still support the game and non-fans weren't even interested in the demo in the first place to get it in the few hours it was available. They were probably more interested in the PSN sale than the demo. This whole fiasco is also pretty good at marketing the Y6.

>Ni No Kuni
Appeals to JRPG fags
>Far Cry 5
No one buys this would have brought Yakuza
>Assassin's Creed
A remaster of the most irrelevant Assassin’s crees game to date that nobody even knows is coming out.

Not him but I'm doing that right now and I'm playing Y6

Are you new to the Yakuza games? You must be if you dont know. Yakuza games and all things related take years to come out in the west. Yakuza 5 being the worst its ever been. Western fans had to wait 4 years for it to come out in English.

No one knows though HNK Ken is as big in EU as it is NA, so there's a 50-50 shot we may get it. Either before or after Kiwami 2 is anyone's guess.

We have no clue right now. We don't even know if Kiwami 2 is coming westward since they're holding off on information until 6 is out in the west, probably even later than that. The localizers (I think localizers) said this would be the "Year of Yakuza" or something like that so we have stuff to look forward to. Go make a Japanese account and download the demo if you want to try it out.

No, it's there. They lowered all the requirements. I don't see how you thought it was a nightmare though, in 0 you only had to get to level 3 or 4 and all you needed to buy was the rocket jet (Or whatever the 1000 engine is) and dual bombs and you were golden. Here you only have to get it to level 2 basically (50,000 points).

For those who didn't vote yet about the "demo":

In terms of accountability and action taken for the mistake, it wouldn't be the translator, but probably someone from the devops/infrastructure team who takes the fall -- if not their manager. If the sales got affected though, maybe there would be cuts across the whole team to stay even. Depends how Sega plan for this sort of thing, probably different from project to project.


>Gamesharing doesn't exist anymore like Ps3
my free ps plus and spending twenty on every new release that me and gameshare partner agree to buying begs to differ.

I guarantee the other guy deactivated it. I've been trying to abuse this for so long.

I know it usually takes long but my impression is that there's been an interest peak for the series since 0, at least in North America.

suntory toki

Should I just buy Kiwami? I'm tired of waiting for a sale for 0

>America only


Well fuck me I wageslaved and had no idea. I'm not bothered about the price, I'm bothered I have to wait.

Where's the option of "Too fucking poor to get the actual game but was just lucky have the game fall into my lap?"

>half of those people got the full goddamn game for free.
I'd estimate that less than 1000 people got access to the full game. Sup Forums was the first place that started reporting it and the demo was only up for another 6 hours after people knew it was the full game plus the entire thing went down when most people would either be at work or in class. I've got access to the full game, but I'm still buying the CE.

It definitely works. You have to be connected to the internet though.

Get a job

You don't have to deactivate. It works differently than on the PS3 but it's still possible to gameshare and play games at the same time.

Any mention of the estimated revenue loss?

>Not getting them both months ago

Get lost fake fan

Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to goonsaloon.pro/intj/ where we don't ban anyone. Jkb7ZWvg

Kiwami directly follows up on 0 and the character development of 0 goes a long way in making the main villain at least a decent one you care about fighting. There's also several substories that are continuations of 0's.

hakushu 12 year

>Sup Forums was the first place that started reporting it
You mean discord

where is option for the people that got free game but wasn't planning on buying it before anyway

fuck you shill. ps3 games are not worth $60

nah they got it from moose posting the little asia cutscene

> $60 for Yakuza 0
Get a job and move out your shitty inflated nation

>Muh next gen graphics

Kill yourself

You'd be surprised how many neckbeards don't have to work during the day.

There is a method to play it on your account you need to own the demo version (doesn't matter if it's the trial version or not) but we need someone to post the US PKG psn link

>the demo was only up for another 6 hours after people knew it was the full game
It was even shorter actually. I just checked the thread from yesterday. Moose posted about getting the trophy at 9PM (my local time). I was the 2nd one discovering that I got the full game as well which was at 10:30PM. At 11PM everyone started going apeshit and panicking. At 1AM the demo was taken down. So 4h if you count from when Moose discovered it.

>US PKG psn link

Wish I was on here then

You're right. Their not worth $60. Literally the cheapest they've ever been.


but it comes with whiskey stones, user

There is a method to download PS4 games on your PC similar on how you can download PT.
You need to connect your PS4 with charles proxy for example begin to download get the link ~


yakuza 5 was like $25 on release in the west

It'd still be a death sentence to release it in March.

I don't think this is fair.

Everyone who got the game should delet it now.

Why? I'm still buying the full game so I don't see any issues with playing it now.

you can get 6 and 0 for $80 ($73) if you have ps plus on psn.

Yeah, but they don't give you no digital avatars of the booze glasses or anything though.

We're just jealous user. I could be playing Yakuza 6 right now but instead I'm sitting here in a Yakuza thread.

Buy 0, it's worth every penny even though my friend said it was dogshit. Best game i've played in years and i'm not even a yakuza fan.
